‘FCANZ recognises WHCC as authentically Anglican’

fca-nz-boardHere’s an update from The Fellowship of Confessing Anglicans NZ, who have now posted the media release we previously reported.

While the update on the FCANZ website doesn’t add to the headline, here’s some background on West Hamilton Community Church (WHCC).

Fellowship of Confessing Anglicans New Zealand launched with two conferences

NZ SRTM derived“Nearly 500 Anglicans from around New Zealand, including the Vicars of many larger churches, have met together this week at two conferences in Auckland and Christchurch to launch the Fellowship of Confessing Anglicans NZ (FCANZ). FCANZ is a local expression of the Gafcon movement, and a message of support was read out at the conferences from Most Rev Dr Eliud Wabukala, Chair of the Gafcon Primates.

Video greetings were also received from Most Rev Foley Beach (Primate of ACNA) and the Rt Rev Richard Condie (Bishop of Tasmania and Chair of FCA Australia).

Rev Canon Vaughan Roberts (St Ebbe’s, Oxford) gave 4 talks on True Gospel, True Sex, True Love and True Unity, and was joined by Rev Canon David Short (Vancouver), Dr Peter Adam (Melbourne), Rev. Dr. Sarah Harris (Auckland) and others.

The formation of FCANZ has been in response to the passing of Motion 30 in 2014 and the subsequent release of the ‘A Way Forward’ Report, due to be presented to the General Synod of the Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia next month. The report proposes the blessing of same-sex civil marriages thereby rendering them as “rightly-ordered” relationships opening up the possibility for those in them to be accepted as candidates for ordination.

Rev Jay Behan, Chair of FCANZ, said ‘This week has been a hugely significant moment for orthodox Anglicans in New Zealand. FCANZ is committed to promoting faithfulness and providing fellowship, and orthodox Anglicans now know that through the FCANZ there is a place for all orthodox Anglicans in New Zealand, whether they are inside or outside the current Anglican structures.

We continue to pray that General Synod will pull back from making a decision which will tear the fabric of the communion, undermining the allegiance to General Synod for many Anglicans in New Zealand.’

– Media release from FCANZ, via Anglican Mainstream.

Anglican Church of NZ report proposes rites for blessing same-sex marriages

New Zealand“The long-awaited report of the Way Forward Working Group has been released.

Today’s publication comes almost 18 months since the 13-member group began its work – and it proposes two new liturgies to be considered by May’s General Synod.

These liturgies have been designed to allow for the blessing of couples who have been married in a civil ceremony … [and] also create a pathway for the people in such relationships to become ordained.

Civil marriages between a man and a woman have long been recognised in law in both New Zealand and in those Pacific Island nations. In New Zealand’s case, of course, an amendment to marriage law came into effect in August 2013 – which allows same-sex couples to legally marry…”

– Report from Anglican Taonga.


Once were Anglicans (July 2014)

Statement from the Bishops of the Anglican Church of Southern Africa:

“The bishops again discussed and worked over their draft Pastoral Guidelines in response to Civil Unions within the wider contexts of Marriage and Human Sexuality in readiness for decision at Provincial Synod. These reaffirm our assurance that all baptised‚ believing and faithful persons‚ regardless of sexual orientation‚ are full members of the Body of Christ. However‚ they they do not change our current policy‚ which is that the Province ‘cannot advise the legitimising or blessing of same sex unions nor ordaining those involved in same gender unions’ (Resolution 1:10 of the Lambeth Conference of 1998).”

West Hamilton Parish and the wilderness

The Rev Michael Hewat“One of our harshest critics here, a former Diocesan Manager, opined in the Waikato Times that we have consigned ourselves to the religious wilderness.

I can’t help thinking that’s not a bad place to be…”

– The Rev. Michael Hewat, Pastor of West Hamilton Community Church, writes about his experience of being forced out of the Anglican Church of NZ. (PDF file)

Published back in March on the Latimer Fellowship website.

Related posts.

‘GAFCON in talks with New Zealand parish’

The Rev Michael Hewat“The Fellowship of Confessing Anglicans is in talks to offer alternative episcopal oversight to a breakaway New Zealand congregation, The Church of England Newspaper has learned…

A spokesman for the GAFCON secretariat in Sydney confirmed there had been “initial contact” with the parish leaders…”

– story from Anglican Ink. Please continue to pray for West Hamilton Community Church (as it is now called) and the Pastor, Michael Hewat. (Photo: Affirm.)

Once were Anglicans

The Rev Michael Hewat“‘If anyone else thinks they have reason for confidence in their Anglican heritage, I have more.

Baptised an Anglican at three months, confirmed at 11 years, my parents are Anglicans, both sets of grandparents were Anglicans, my father is an Anglican priest, I attended Anglican schools. An Anglican of Anglicans, I studied theology for five years, have served as a curate and vicar for the past twenty, have sat on two General Synods. As to zeal… no one has ever questioned that.’…

Last Friday my licence from the Bishop to serve as vicar of the West Hamilton Parish was withdrawn. It was withdrawn because I had withdrawn my submission to the authority of General Synod. …

In deciding to withdraw my submission to the authority of General Synod I have asserted that the Bible is the Church’s supreme authority.”

– The Rev. Michael Hewat, until now the Vicar of West Hamilton Anglican Churchexplains his departure from the Anglican Church – in the Waikato Times.

Related: Update following meeting with Bishop Helen-Ann, 11 July 2014 (PDF at West Hamilton Parish).

“In view of the overwhelming majority supporting Vestry’s and my refusal to submit to the authority of General Synod, Kimberley and I will offer ourselves as pastors to all who wish to remain with us – either here or on another site.”

(and other documents here.)

Church sex ‘obsession’

Please pray for Michael and the congregation in this uncertain time – and give thanks for their obedience to the revealed word of God.

Update, 25 July 2014: “Church defectors forming new flock in funeral home.

Former manager of the Diocese of Waikato Russell Armitage said Michael and Kimberley Hewat’s decision was ‘almost incomprehensible’ and took them down a ‘no-exit route into the religious wilderness’. [Oh yes – just like Hebrews 13:13 – ed.]

(Photo: Affirm.)

Celebrating one giant leap for the gospel

Launching Marsden's MissionSt. John’s Cathedral at Parramatta is celebrating 200 years since Samuel Marsden’s first Mission to New Zealand at their 10:00am service on Sunday 20th July. David Pettett will be the guest speaker. (PDF flyer.)

As well, the book Launching Marsden’s Mission, edited by Peter Bolt and David Pettett, will be launched.

(Contributors include Greg Anderson, Peter Bolt, Malcolm Falloon, Michael Gladwin, Meredith Lake, Simon Manchester, Malcolm Prentis, David Pettett and Craig Schwarze.)

‘Anglicans mad only if they ignore Bible’

NZ SRTM derived“Amid the swirl of opinion around the Anglican General Synod’s decision to commit to finding a way to bless gay couples, the epithets for orthodox Anglicans have mounted: anti-gay, homophobic, wrong, immoral, betrayers of Jesus, unloving, judgmental, intolerant, bigoted, ostracising, unjust and hypocritical. Doubtless an incomplete list, but enough to paint a nasty picture…”

– In this opinion-piece for the New Zealand Herald, Michael Hewat (Vicar of the West Hamilton) argues that the NZ Anglican General Synod has failed ‘the LGBT community’.

Related: Same-Gender blessings: NZ General Synod votes. (May 14 2014)

ChristChurch Cathedral to be ‘deconstructed’

Christchurch Cathedral before“An order preventing deconstruction of ChristChurch Cathedral has just been lifted by the High Court…”

– Report from The NZ Herald. (Photo: The Cathedral before the earthquake.)

NZ Vicar leaves Anglican Church over same-sex blessings

Charlie HughesCharlie Hughes, the Vicar of St Michael’s Henderson, in West Auckland, has left the Anglican Church over its decision to move to bless same-sex relationships.

“Two-thirds of St Michael’s board had also resigned as had half the staff…”, according to this report from the New Zealand Herald(Photo: St Michael’s Henderson.)

Same-Gender blessings: NZ General Synod votes

New ZealandThe Anglican Church of New Zealand claims it upholds “the traditional doctrine of marriage”… by moving to bless same-gender relationships —

“General Synod today passed a resolution that will create a pathway towards the blessing of same-gender relationships – while upholding the traditional doctrine of marriage.

It will appoint a working group to report to the 2016 General Synod on “a process and structure” that would allow those clergy who wish to bless same-gender relationships – using a yet-to-be developed liturgy – to do so. …

Synod has therefore upheld the traditional doctrine of marriage – but also moved to find ways to respond to committed relationships between two people, regardless of gender. In effect, it has also established a four-year timeline for change to take effect…”

from Anglican Taonga.

See also The Archbishops’ Pastoral Letter:

“the Anglican Church in Aotearoa New Zealand and Polynesia is both affirming the traditional doctrine of marriage, exploring the recognition of those presently in life-long monogamous same-gender relationships, and seeking a process and structure to enable the possibility of a rite for blessing life-long monogamous same-gender relationships for those who wish to offer this rite.

We also are apologising unreservedly to the LGBT community where the church has not acted in a loving way.”


New Zealand: Ma Whea? debate to continue into third day

Anglican Taonga“General Synod continues wrestling with the questions about same-sex ordination and blessing. But there are signs that the debate is drawing to a conclusion.

A nine-person working party is working on a draft proposal, which will be brought before the whole synod to consider tomorrow, with a vote to follow. …”

– Report on the New Zealand General Synod’s deliberations from Anglican Taonga.

Oz and NZ News 11 May 2014

Anglican News May 2014Here are a few items from around Australia and New Zealand…

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