Royal Commission ends Anglican phase

“The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse has finished its investigation of the Anglican Church, with a summary hearing in Sydney that revealed some statistics on offences against children.

The commission set aside four days for its hearing into issues such as the structure of the church, training and formation, professional standards and redress. …” has published this report on the Royal Commission.


Anglican leaders promise unity on child protection: royal commissionSydney Morning Herald.

“Not every Anglican diocese has robust child protection measures, with Sydney Archbishop Glenn Davies telling a royal commission the lack of national consistency is ‘extremely disappointing’.”

Bishop of Newcastle Greg Thompson announces resignation

“Anglican Bishop of Newcastle Greg Thompson has resigned after three years of dealing with issues related to clerical abuse and cover ups. …”

– Report from ABC News.

See also: Archbishop Glenn Davies pays tribute to Newcastle Bishop.

“Archbishop Glenn Davies says he learned ‘with great sadness’ of the resignation of Newcastle Bishop Greg Thompson. …”

Launch of Rocky Hill Church

“Sunday, February 26 saw the first public Christian gathering in East Goulburn in more than 40 years. The day saw the launch of Rocky Hill Church under the leadership of the Reverends Brian and Alison Champness. Brian and Ali are part of the growing ‘F5’ Anglican network in Goulburn. 

The network was started by Bishop Stuart Robinson and his wife Jane in 2012.”

– News from The Goulburn Post.

News from the Top End

The latest issue of Top Centre, the newsletter for the Diocese of the Northern Territory, February 2017, is up on their website.

Please be encouraged to use it to inform your prayers.

Anglican Bishop acts over report into sexual abuse claims

“The Anglican Bishop of Tasmania has launched an investigation into the response of former church leader Bishop Philip Newell to complaints of sexual abuse by clergy. …”

– Report from The Mercury.

Melbourne Anglicans grateful that terror plot was foiled

st-pauls-cathedral-melbourneHere’s a media release from The Diocese of Melbourne:

December 23, 2016

Anglicans grateful that terror plot was foiled

Melbourne Anglicans are grateful and relieved that a planned terrorist attack on St Paul’s Cathedral, Federation Square and Flinders Street Station on Christmas Day has been neutralised, the Dean of St Paul’s, Dr Andreas Loewe, said today.  Read more

A Tentmaker for Derby? And other news from the Northwest

nwn-dec-2016“Are you equipped for a tentmaking ministry and keen to see the gospel move forward in the Kimberley region of the North West?

The town of Derby, about a two-and-a-half hour drive north of Broome, is an opportunity waiting for someone to take hold of with both hands. It is the third largest town in the Kimberley, but we haven’t had any significant Anglican ministry there for a good number of years. …”

– Read the details on the last page of the December 2016 edition of Northwest Network (600kb PDF file), from the Diocese of North West Australia. Plenty of food for prayer.

Standing above the Pack

Rick LewersAs I opened my computer this morning this article was on the work list for completion.

Writing is a lot of fun but it is not always easy to come up with material every week. So as the computer sparked into action and another google picture filled my screen I actually had a bit of a laugh along with a thought for what you now read. …”

– Bishop of Armidale, Rick Lewers, shares a Christmas message.

Bishop Geoffrey Smith elected Archbishop of Adelaide

bishop-geoffrey-smithBishop Geoffrey Smith, assistant bishop and Registrar in the Diocese of Brisbane, has been elected the Archbishop of Adelaide, according to reports.

The Diocese of Brisbane has some background information.

Update: This announcement of the news is now on the website of the Diocese of Adelaide.

New ‘progressive’ Assistant Bishop for Brisbane

bp-elect-jeremy-greavesThe Archbishop of Brisbane, Dr Phillip Aspinall, today announced that Archdeacon Jeremy Greaves will be the new Bishop of the Northern Region of the diocese of Brisbane.

Read his full announcement here (PDF file).

David Ould has some background:

“Greaves’ appointment will be viewed by many as controversial, and even provocative.

He gained notoriety for himself when Dean of Darwin Cathedral, as a proponent of ‘progressive Christianity’, most recently being lead organiser of the 2016 ‘Common Dreams’ conference in Brisbane.

He is an outspoken supporter of same-sex marriage but, perhaps even more troubling, he rejects key understandings of Christianity that he will be required to reaffirm at his consecration (having already promised at his ordination to teach them). One particular example will suffice. …”

Read it all here.

(Photo credit: St. Mark’s Buderim.)

‘Pride Mass’ at Branxton, Newcastle Diocese

pride-mass-branxtonIn last week’s “This Week Around the Diocese”, photos of a “Pride Mass” held on Sunday October 23 at Branxton in the Hunter Valley in the Diocese of Newcastle are featured. 

Archdeacon of the Central Coast, Rod Bower, evidently took part in the service.

The uglier side of humanity

Rick Lewers“Tolerance and acceptance is important for a nation’s well-being but tolerance and acceptance is a lot easier when people are respectful. This is particularly important in the current climate of debate on issues of human sexuality and marriage.

Before people misunderstand or misquote me, by tolerance and acceptance I do not mean that I agree with all the sexual choices people make. …”

— Bishop of Armidale Rick Lewers writes on the need for genuine civility.

AFL’s scheduled Good Friday match in 2017 another win for market, not for people

Bp Philip Huggins, MelbourneThe AFL’s decision to schedule a match on Good Friday for the first time in 2017 is another win for the relentless and commodifying logic of the market overwhelming all other considerations, Bishop Philip Huggins, an Assistant Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of Melbourne, said today.”

– Read the full media release from the Diocese of Melbourne.

How Noosa is growing its church attendance

noosaThe Anglican Parish of Noosa is featured in the latest Brisbane Diocese magazine, Focus, as the beginning of a series on growing churches.

Moore College graduate Mark Calder is asked about the growth –

“Any growth here has been due entirely to the grace of God and answered prayer. In his kindness, the Lord has brought new people … We see clear Bible teaching as a key to people growing in their love for God and their understanding of his purposes for the world and in their lives.”

An encouraging article, from page 16 of October/November 2016 edition (PDF file).

Same-sex marriage on Melbourne Synod agenda

Dr Philip FreierHere’s a press release from the Diocese of Melbourne, October 19, 2016:

“Same-sex marriage, legal aid and poverty are among the issues to be discussed at the Melbourne Anglican Synod, which opens at St Paul’s Cathedral tonight.  Read more

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