Sydney Diocese response to the Church of England General Synod’s decision
Anglican Church Diocese of Sydney
Media Statement
UK Synod rejects the clear teaching of the Bible
The Anglican Archbishop of Sydney, Kanishka Raffel, has described the decision of the Church of England General Synod to offer prayers of blessing to couples in same-sex marriages and civil partnerships as a rejection of biblical teaching.
“In adopting these proposals, the UK General Synod has rejected the clear teaching of Scripture that marriage is the union of a man and a woman, and that sexual activity outside the context of marriage is sin.” the Archbishop said.
Archbishop Raffel cited the Global Anglican Fellowship (Gafcon) and the Global South Fellowship, two international groups which he said, “not only represent the vast majority of the world’s Anglicans, but also the historic, universal and apostolic teaching of the bible.”
“Last year, when the 24 diocesan bishops of the Australian General Synod failed to affirm the bible’s teaching on marriage and sexuality, I said that they had left the Australian Anglican Church in a ‘perilous’ state. Today, statements from both Gafcon and the Global South Fellowship of Anglicans have made the same assessment of the impact of the Church of England’s decision on the Anglican Communion. I agree with that assessment.”
“Nevertheless, it is reason for thanksgiving that where some Anglican provinces have departed from Scripture’s teaching in these matters, faithful brothers and sisters have stood for the trustworthiness, goodness and authority of Scripture. This was certainly true in the UK General Synod debate.”
“It is the opposite of loving care for people to deny, distort or downplay the life-giving truth of Scripture on matters of vital importance to understanding ourselves and God’s good plans for our lives, including matters of human sexuality and marriage. We must lament the decision of the Church of England General Synod.”
“God’s people are called to honour all people, and humbly, prayerfully and faithfully to hold out to all, the teaching of Jesus as words of eternal life. With God’s help, we will continue to do so.”
Kanishka Raffel
Archbishop of Sydney
February 10, 2023
Source: Diocese of Sydney.
A Catastrophic Failure of Leadership
Principal of Moore Theological College, Dr. Mark Thompson, responds to the Church of England’s General Synod vote late last night:
Tragically, overnight, the Church of England continued its headlong plunge into irrelevance. A catastrophic failure of leadership, in particular from the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, led to the General Synod agreeing to allow the blessing of same-sex civil unions. The bishops of the Church of England pledged at their consecration to guard and uphold the faith, yet, with their behaviour during this General Synod, despite public displays of empty piety, this is precisely what they did not do. They have shown themselves to be theologically bankrupt, pastorally inept and without both courage and wisdom.
Many faithful members of the General Synod of the Church of England grieve with us today at this outcome. As was said in debate, it is a perverse folly to call on God to bless what he has declared in his word to be sin. This vote will not change that and so it becomes one more sign that the leadership structures of the Church of England are under judgment.
We need to pray for the churches in England. We in this country owe so much to gospel-hearted men and women who came from England to share the news of salvation and life in Jesus with those who had lived here for millennia and those who travelled to these shores in more recent times. There is a wonderful heritage in the Church of England that, for many years, has been squandered by its leaders.
Where things will go from here is difficult to say. We must pray that those leaders still holding fast to the teaching of God’s word will be given extraordinary wisdom as they respond to this heart-breaking turn of events. Britain is crying out to be re-evangelised. The gospel we have to share is such good news, for same-sex attracted people as much as for any others. Our sin, together with the shame and guilt it brings, can be forgiven. A new life of hope and purpose and joy can be ours, if we will come to Jesus. He is the Saviour who reaches out to men and women where they are, in our various forms of brokenness and lostness, but loves us too much to leave us where we are.
Heavenly Father, please guard and guide your people in the United Kingdom. Give them courage and hope at this moment and please do such a work amongst them that we may look back and see the good that came even in the midst of this moment of terrible unfaithfulness. For the glory of Jesus and the extension of his kingdom, Amen.
Gafcon Press Release in response to Church of England General Synod Vote
Archbishop Foley Beach, Chairman of the GAFCON Primates’ Council, has strong words about the leadership of the Church of England:
“It is time for the Primate of All England to step down from his role as ‘first among equals’ in leading the Anglican Communion. It is now time for the Primates of the Anglican Communion to choose for themselves their “first among equals” rather than having a secular government of only one nation appoint our leader. We are no longer colonies of Great Britain.”
Full statement below:
10 February 2023
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
Greetings in the Name of God our Father and His Son our Lord Jesus Christ!
Blessings to you as you behold the beauty of the Lord and his immense truth and grace on display through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The Apostle Paul so eloquently writes, ‘For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile. For in the gospel the righteousness of God is revealed—a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written: “The righteous will live by faith.”’ (Rom 1:16-17).
The decision taken today by the General Synod of the Church of England and the explanations given are clear indications that the Church of England is moving a step at a time to fully accept the practice of homosexuality as part of the life and practice of the English Church. To some of us who have been hoping that the Church would remain with her distinctive identity from those who don’t believe the teaching of Scripture, this hope is diminishing.
We have lived through this with other Western Anglican Provinces that continually wavered on the ‘faith once delivered’ (Jude 3) and now outright deny the doctrine of biblical anthropology regarding gender identity and moral behavior. Those in the secular press and culture will argue that these are matters of justice, but God’s justice can never contradict God’s righteousness, and we know these changes attack the very core of biblical authority. Have the Scriptures been clear on human sexuality through the centuries? Yes, they have. The majority of Anglicans around the world have concluded the same. And yet, now, the Church of England has authorized the blessing of sin and declared that sin is no longer sin.
From Lambeth Conference 1998 (and its overwhelming endorsement of Resolution I:10), following the Kuala Lumpur Statement in 1997, to Dar Es Salaam in 2007, to the Jerusalem Declaration at GAFCON 2008, to the Nairobi Communique at GAFCON II 2013, and the Letter to the Churches at GAFCON III 2018, we have remained resolute in speaking both the truth of Christian witness on matters of practice and ethics and calling the Anglican Communion Establishment to repent and return to the teaching of Scripture and the historical teaching of the Church.
This decision by the Church of England raises questions regarding the relationship of Anglican Provinces around the world with the Church of England and the continued role of the Archbishop of Canterbury. The Gafcon provinces and other Global South provinces are already in impaired Communion with The Episcopal Church, the Anglican Church of Canada, the Episcopal Church of Brazil, The Scottish Episcopal Church, The Anglican Church of Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia, and the Church in Wales. We shall now have to make a decision about the Church of England.
The Archbishop of Canterbury has abrogated his fiduciary responsibility and violated his consecration vows to “banish and drive away from the Church all erroneous and strange doctrine contrary to God’s Word” with his advocating this change in the Church of England. He is shredding the last remaining fragile fabric of the Anglican Communion. It is time for the Primate of All England to step down from his role as “first among equals” in leading the Anglican Communion. It is now time for the Primates of the Anglican Communion to choose for themselves their “first among equals” rather than having a secular government of only one nation appoint our leader. We are no longer colonies of Great Britain.
In 2017 the Gafcon Primates (representing more than 60 Million Anglicans worldwide) authorized the creation of a new mission into England because unbiblical practices had already been occurring in many dioceses of the Church of England. Many faithful Anglicans could no longer serve under bishops who had departed from the teaching of Scripture. We consecrated the Rev. Andy Lines to be its first Missionary Bishop, and have since constituted the Anglican Network in Europe. Last year the GAFCON Primates consecrated the Rev. Lee McMunn, the Rev. Tim Davies and the Rev. Ian Ferguson, to assist in the growing work in the United Kingdom. The Rev. Stuart Bell will be consecrated in March. We believe the Lord is raising up a biblical alternative for the Christian faithful in Great Britain.
Many in the Church of England have made faithful and courageous speeches upholding biblical teaching. We thank God for them and acknowledge their faithfulness to the Gospel, and our ongoing fellowship with and support for them. For those who are feeling alone and vulnerable during this time, please be assured of the fervent prayers of your brothers and sisters around the world. You are not alone. And you do not have to endure this alone. The Lord will guide you as you honor him and seek to follow His will.
In April the Gafcon Primates will be hosting over 1,100 participants in GAFCON IV in Kigali, Rwanda. In collaboration with the Global South Fellowship of Anglicans (GSFA), we shall have more to say and do about these matters. Please come, and we’ll make room at the table for you.
On behalf of the Gafcon Primates, I am
Yours in Christ,
The Most Rev. Dr. Foley Beach
Chair of the Gafcon Primates Council
A lamentable departure
Here is a Press Release from Bishop Andy Lines and his colleagues:
It is with great sadness and heaviness of heart we note the lamentable decision of the General Synod of the Church of England to depart the teaching of the one, holy, catholic and apostolic church throughout history and across the world by accepting the House of Bishops’ proposals arising from the Living in Love and Faith process.
We grieve with those who have been dismayed and heartbroken by this betrayal in the abandonment of the sufficiency and supremacy of scripture which has until now been the bedrock and rule of the Church of England. We honour those who have courageously contended for orthodoxy and those who continue to hold out the biblical life-giving teaching of the Lord Jesus Christ. We especially feel the pain of those who continue to make costly stands for godliness and have been abandoned by those who were meant to shepherd and protect them.
Whilst individuals will need time to prayerfully process the implications of this apostasy and to seek the Lord’s leading for their own positions and ministry, they should know ‘they are not alone and they have a home’ within the global Gafcon family; that continuing a faithful Anglican is possible and remains a good and godly expression of the gospel; and further, that the Gafcon Primates’ Council have made provision for them of faithful (alternative) episcopal oversight through the Anglican Network in Europe.
“Time will tell if this is a lampstand removing moment.”
Bishop Andy Lines (presiding Bishop of ANiE) Lee McMunn (Bishop of AMiE)
Tim Davies (Bishop of AMiE)
Ian Ferguson (Bishop of ACE)
Stuart Bell (Bishop-elect of ACE)
Global South Fellowship of Anglican Churches responds to C of E General Synod vote
“The role of the Archbishop of Canterbury in leading the House of Bishops to make the recommendations that undergird the Motion, together with his statements, alongside the Archbishop of York, and the Bishop of London leading up to the General Synod, cause the GSFA to question his fitness to lead what is still a largely orthodox world-wide Communion.”
Here is the full statement released shortly after the Church of England General Synod vote:
The Global South Fellowship of Anglican Churches (GSFA) deeply regrets the decision of the Church of England’s General Synod today, supporting the House of Bishops’ proposals to ‘bless’ Same Sex Unions – which goes against the overwhelming mind of the Anglican Communion.
Whatever the legal advice that the CofE’s Doctrine of Marriage has not changed, we hold the well-established view that Anglican liturgy expresses its doctrine. Furthermore, with the adoption of the Motion, the ‘public perception’ and reality at parish level shall be that the Church no longer sees the Union of one man to one woman for life as the only way intended and blessed by God, for the flourishing of marriage, family, communities, and national life.
The Church cannot ‘bless’ in God’s name the union of same sex partnered individuals, much less sexual relationships between same-sex persons which in God’s Word He declares to be sinful.
The role of the Archbishop of Canterbury in leading the House of Bishops to make the recommendations that undergird the Motion, together with his statements, alongside the Archbishop of York, and the Bishop of London leading up to the General Synod, cause the GSFA to question his fitness to lead what is still a largely orthodox world-wide Communion.
In view of these developments, the GSFA will be taking decisive steps towards re-setting the Anglican Communion (as outlined in our ‘Communique’ following the 2022 Lambeth Conference). Orthodox Provinces in GSFA are not leaving the Anglican Communion, but with great sadness must recognise that the Church of England has now joined those Provinces with which communion is impaired. The historical Church which spawned the global Communion, and which for centuries was accorded ‘first among equals’ status, has now triggered a widespread loss of confidence in her leadership of the Communion.
Next Monday the Global South Primates shall meet to consider more fully the decision by the General Synod and shall release a more detailed response in due course. Whilst the GSFA is giving its full attention to developments in CofE, it is also in much prayer and practical concern for the earthquake tragedy in Turkey & Syria. We invite the General Synod to join us in prayer and practical action.
Editor’s Note:
The GSFA is a worldwide fellowship of orthodox Anglican Provinces and Dioceses. Presently, 25 Provinces belong to, or are associated with the Fellowship. See
This copy via Anglican Mainstream.
Church of England General Synod votes to move forward with the House of Bishops’ proposals
Just before adjourning for lunch on Thursday, the Church of England’s General Synod voted to move forward with the House of Bishops’ proposals for the blessing of same-sex relationships.
The vote was –
Screenshot: The livestream as the vote result was announced. (We note that the rainbow flag graphic which appeared briefly at 3:17:47 has been blurred out in the archived version on YouTube.
Update: Archbishop of Canterbury apologises for LGBT flag livestream appearance at Synod. )
Hard to believe the Anglican Communion would survive — Vaughan Roberts
In his words to the Church of England General Synod on Wednesday afternoon UK time, Vaughan Roberts warned the chamber of the massive implications of following the lead of the House of Bishops in blessing same-sex marriages (among other relationships).
Watch his address from 25 minutes, 53 seconds into the video.
(Please note that the links will take you to the correct spot in the video if viewed on a desktop / laptop computer, but on the mobile browsers we tested, they default to the start of the video. In that case, just scrub to the correct time.)
Other notable speeches in favour of amendments includes those by Dr Ian Paul – from 4 hours, 18 minutes, 20 seconds – he asks the bishops to show the theological and Scriptural basis for their recommendations –
And many of our readers will be heartened by the impassioned plea from Ben John. He was appealing to the Synod to decline to welcome the House of Bishops’ proposals for the blessing of same-sex relationships.
See it from 4 hours, 38 minutes and 50 seconds –
This was after his concerns had been been dismissed earlier by the Bishop of York.
His father, evangelist J. John, reflects on that incident at Christian Today. –
“Ben was speaking at General Synod, doing no more than justifying the historic position of the Church of England and, indeed, of the majority of churches within the Anglican Communion and asking the question, ‘What measures are in place if bishops fail to believe, teach or uphold doctrine?’ Now, I should say that I’m not concerned about defending Ben; he is perfectly capable of standing up for himself, and that is a good and pertinent question.
The question was met with a response from no less than the Archbishop of York, Stephen Cottrell, who, I remind you, is the second most senior cleric in the Church of England. Normally, the speech of senior Anglican clerics overflows with bland politeness, seeks to reassure questioners that their views are being heard and offers some measure of a reasoned answer. Today, all this was forgotten and what we got instead, with remarkable frankness, were the archbishop’s own views. There was no answer to the question posed, although the superior and frankly condescending tone adopted clearly implied that the rank of archbishop put you above accountability on doctrinal matters.”
Here’s what was being debated:
The debates on the House of Bishops’ proposals will continue on Thursday (night, Australian time).
Do pray for all the members of General Synod who seek to hold the Church of England to the revealed truth of the Bible.
C of E General Synod: The argument of the Bishop of London
Martin Davie looks at the approach taken by the Bishop of London (an approach which is very popular among members of the House of Bishops, it seems) –
“If you read carefully the transcript of the Bishop of London’s presentation to the General Synod yesterday on the House of Bishops’ response to Living in Love and Faith you will find that that the heart of her argument for what the House of Bishops is proposing lies in the following passage in her speech:
‘Our call is and always will be to seek the face of Christ – yes, in each other, but above all in searching the Scriptures, examining the Church’s tradition, and exercising our reason as we strive to make sense of how truth is to be lived out with grace in our 21st century context.‘…”
And compare the bishop’s approach with that of the Letter of Jude. (See also St. Helen’s Bishopsgate’s sermon series on that letter.)
You can see the Bishop of London’s complete address to the General Synod on Monday 06 February 2023 here. (The link should take you to the 2 hour 16 minute point.)
(Image from the Church of England livestream.)
The Church of England faces a huge week
“One thing worse than Sam Smith’s performance at the Grammys is the revisionist Bishops in the Church of England who are this week gaslighting both the sheep under their care and deceiving the general public.
Presumably, Sam Smith thinks that dressing up in a satan costume and performing a song called ‘unholy’ is making some kind of loud and shocking creative statement. Perhaps someone could tell him, he’s doing nothing more than copying a longish line of musicians. It is all rather boorish, except that mimicking the very personification of evil isn’t a particularly bright idea.
Over in old England land, ecclesiastical leaders have taken up that ancient inquisition of the Devil, by suggesting, ‘Did God really say?”…”
– Murray Campbell in Melbourne summarises what’s happening in the Church of England and argues it has lessons for Australian churches.
All Souls Langham Place Letter to the Bishop of London
Anglican Ink has published a letter from the PCC of All Souls’ Langham Place to the Bishop of London, Sarah Mullaly.
Here is the text.
“Friday 3rd February 2023
Dear Bishop Sarah,
We are writing to you as the PCC of All Souls, Langham Place to express our concern and sadness at the response that has been presented by the House of Bishops as the outcome of Living in Love and Faith.
Both the response and the draft prayers abandon confidence in the goodness and authority of God’s Word and in doing so they move the Church of England away from her historic formularies, which are foundational to our life together in London, England and as part of the global Anglican Communion. While the response states that there is to be no change in the Biblical doctrine of marriage, in practice they are that.
At a very practical level these materials undermine the Biblical call to discipleship: a call to put aside one’s self in a desire to live in response to all that our Lord Jesus has done for us. This is particularly true for many in our church family who have chosen to abstain from sex outside marriage, regardless of their sexuality. We are deeply saddened that these prayers devalue the difficult road they have travelled by communicating that sex outside of marriage is not sinful but actually something they can receive a blessing for. This is wrong.
We particularly grieve for those members of our congregation and the wider Church who are same sex attracted and whose Biblical convictions mean they are single and abstinent against a culture that encourages them to be otherwise. Their daily battle of faithfulness is intense yet their voice is absent from the Bishops’ response to Living in Love and Faith. This is incredibly sad.
We share in the Bishops’ apology expressed in the pastoral letter for homophobia in the Church and acknowledge that we have not loved LGBTQI+ individuals always in the ways that we should have.
Church has too often been a place where people feel unable even to say they are same sex attracted or struggling with their gender identity and we need to work harder so that is no longer the case. But church has also been a place where people find freedom through finding their identity in Christ, joy in knowing unconditional love and peace in the forgiveness of Jesus. All of us are fallen and sinful and we all are called to repent before the Lord Jesus. As drafted, the prayers of Love and Faith now teach every sexually active unmarried couple that repentance is not needed. If believed, this denies people the joy of stepping away from those things God has called sinful into new life in him. We cannot participate in such a departure from Biblical Christianity.
These proposals leave us in a very difficult position with regard to episcopal oversight. This is a further point of particular sadness – we have greatly valued your ministry to us, your support and your commitment to mutual flourishing. We would like to be clear that we will continue to maintain the strong partnership we have with the Diocesan Safeguarding Team.
In considering our position, we are also mindful of our partnership with the global Anglican church and also with smaller orthodox churches within the London diocese and across England and our desire to stand with them in upholding historic Anglican theology.
We ask that you encourage the London bishops to clarify their personal position shortly by stating whether they intend to endorse or otherwise use the Prayers of Love and Faith. We presume that your proposing of the motion at General Synod is an endorsement of the prayers and signals your intention to authorise them for use within the diocese – please correct us if that assumption is wrong. Clarity on this will help our PCC discussions over the coming months as we seek to work out what this means for our relationship with the London diocese.
Given the current proposals, the PCC voted this week to pause all Common Fund payments until we know the outcome of General Synod and have taken the time necessary to work through the implications of any decisions coming from it. Please know that this decision was not taken lightly or with any joy but is a reflection of the degree of concern we have with the response and draft text that have been presented by the House of Bishops.
We will of course continue to pray for you and for the Church of England as a whole.
Your sincerely,
The All Souls Langham Place PCC.”
Image: All Souls Langham Place.
Church Society Podcast: This week at General Synod
The latest Church Society podcast:
“General Synod is meeting from 6th – 9th February 2023 to discuss, amongst other things, the bishops’ proposals for blessing same-sex relationships and covenanted friendships in church.
In this episode of the podcast, Ros Clarke explains to Lee Gatiss what will be happening on each day of the Synod and how you can pray for those who will be participating.”
– A bit of background to this week’s Church of England General Synod.
British Muslims express ‘Deep Concern’ over Church of England ‘Gay Blessing’ proposals – and ‘Identity Politics’ in Church Schools
“Muslim leaders have expressed their “deep concern” that their convictions that marriage can only be between one man and one woman, and over ‘identity politics’ in CofE schools were not sought by Church of England bishops ahead of next week’s General Synod crunch debate on ‘gay blessings’ in the ‘Established church’.
The leader of the oldest representative group of British Muslims has written to the Archbishop of Canterbury expressing frustration that the proposals have not been discussed with leaders of the other main faiths in Britain – despite many joint meetings of faith leaders on other topics at Lambeth Palace these past six years – when the church has been considering changes to marriage and sexual ethics via the Living in Love & Faith (LLF) project. …”
– News via Anglican Mainstream.
MPs plan to put pressure on the C of E after Welby’s disestablishment remarks
“Lambeth Palace has expressed dismay at reports that the Archbishop of Canterbury told MPs that he would rather see the Church of England disestablished than split the Anglican Communion over the issue of same-sex marriage.
Archbishop Welby made the remarks in a private meeting with parliamentarians on Monday. …”
– Full story at The Church Times.
A Call to Pray for the Church of England General Synod
Please pray for the crucial Church of England’s General Synod meeting Monday to Thursday (6th – 9th February) this week.
A key issue facing the Synod will be the blessing of same-sex unions.
A pre-synod statement issued by the Church of England House of Bishops, while claiming to leave the Church’s doctrine of marriage intact, has recommended a decisive move towards the blessing of same-sex unions.
This is of serious concern for all those seeking to follow the teaching of Scripture.
Please pray:
- for the faithful members of the English General Synod, that they might be clear, compassionate and courageous.
- that the measure will be defeated.
- that a clear signal that the Church of England will follow the teaching of Scripture on these matters will be made.
- for the evangelical leaders within the Synod that they might commend the gospel as they contend for its truth.
Related news on the Church of England is available here on our website.
See also:
Sessions will be streamed live here.
For your own further edification, or if you are discussing these issues with friends or fellow believers, you may be helped by several chapters in our book The Line in the Sand – available for free download.
This book was produced last year by the Anglican Church League in partnership with the Australian Church Record.
Our aims were:
- to assist the Australian General Synod in its own deliberations about a service purporting to bless same-sex unions,
- to encourage Anglicans to hold fast to the historic Christian teaching about marriage
- and to hold out the pure gospel of God’s grace in Christ to all people.
Of particular relevance are the following chapters:
- “Family ties: Marriage, Sex and Belonging in the New Testament”, by Dr Claire Smith
- “Homosexuality in the Bible”, by The Rt Rev Dr Michael Stead
- “Three Pastoral Principles”, by The Most Rev Kanishka Raffel
- “View from the Church of England”, by The Rev Andrew Symes
To download the book and to hear or read the author interviews, please visit this link.
Top image: Church of England General Synod.
Faithful [C of E general] synod member reported by bishop for ‘hate crime’
“A faithful member of the Church of England’s General Synod was reported by his bishop to the police for allegedly causing ‘offence’ over promoting a Biblical view of sex and gender.
The Bishop of Coventry capitulated to pressure from LGBT campaigners by reporting lay member of Synod, Sam Margrave, to the police for an alleged ‘hate crime’ after Mr Margrave campaigned online against Queer Theory and the sexualisation and grooming of children.
It is believed to be the first time that such action has been taken against a general synod member for activity on their Twitter account. …”
– Story from Christian Concern in the UK.
Photo: Christian Concern.