Archbishop Wabukala — with 2 months to GAFCON 2013

Archbishop Eliud Wabukala, Chairman of the FCA Primates Council“As I write, we are now only two months away from GAFCON 2013. There is much still to do, but over the past month great strides have been made and I am confident that this will be another wonderful and historic occasion.”

– Archbishop Eliud Wabukala, Chairman of the GAFCON Primates’ Council, gives an update on preparations for GAFCON 2013.

Cardboard Cathedral opens in Christchurch

Cardboard Cathedral“Christchurch has officially opened a transitional cathedral made from cardboard in Latimer Square, replacing the neo-Gothic structure destroyed in a 2011 earthquake that killed 185 people in New Zealand’s second largest city.”

– report from ABC News.
Image from

Egypt — a call for prayer

Egypt“As I write these words, our St. Saviour’s Anglican Church in Suez is under heavy attack …

Please pray that the situation will calm down, for wisdom and tact for the police and the army, for the safety of all churches and congregations, and that all in Egypt would be safe.”

– A call for prayer from Archbishop Mouneer Anis.

Update from the ACNS.

Ugandan primate calls for GAFCON support

Archbishop Stanley Ntagali “The primate of the Church of Uganda, the Most Rev. Stanley Ntagali has likened GAFCON/FCA (Fellowship of Confessing Anglicans) to the East African Revival and called for believers to back the Nairobi conference to be held in October. …”

– from the GAFCON website.

The GAFCON Chairman on Nairobi 2013

Archbishop Eliud WabakulaIn this video, on the GAFCON website, the Chairman of GAFCON, Archbishop Eliud Wabakula, discusses the upcoming GAFCON 2013 in Nairobi. He speaks about why he believes its a significant gathering – and about the history behind the conference location.

Appeals Court returns Recife church property to diocese

Diocese of Recife, Brazil“The Pernambuco Court of Appeal … has stayed a lower court decision giving ownership of church properties in the state to the minority faction loyal to the national Anglican Episcopal Church of Brazil (IEAB). The effect of last week’s decision is to return custody of the church properties to the Diocese of Recife and its bishop, the Rt. Rev. Miguel Uchôa, while the court conducts a de novo review of the dispute.”

– Story from George Conger at Anglican Ink. (Earlier stories on Recife here.)

First GAFCON 2013 prayer bulletin available

GAFCON Prayer Bulletin“A series of prayer bulletins is being issued in the weeks leading up to the October conference.

This allows provinces, churches, organisations and individuals to read about the preparations and to uphold GAFCON in prayer.”

– Download the first one from this page.

July pastoral message from Archbishop Eliud Wabukala

Archbishop Eliud Wabukala, Chairman of the FCA Primates CouncilA Pastoral Message from Archbishop Eliud Wabukala, Chairman of the Fellowship of Confessing Anglicans –

“Here in Nairobi we are preparing with great anticipation for our second Global Anglican Future Conference, GAFCON 2013, and this is the first of what I intend to be monthly pastoral messages as we move forward together in the unfolding purposes of God.

I am confident that this great gathering of over 1,300 delegates will touch the lives of you all, whether or not you are able to be present, and will be a decisive moment in a movement which will shape the future of the Anglican Communion for generations to come.”

Read it all at the GAFCON website.

Expanded vision for Oak Hill

Graham BeynonOak Hill College in London has appointed its first Director of Free Church Training, to better equip those preparing to serve in the Free Church.

Graham Beynon explains his new role in this video on the Oak Hill website.

Call for prayer for Egypt

Archbishop Mouneer Anis“The situation in Egypt is very serious. I do not know where this situation will take us. I feel that Egypt is at the verge of violent demonstrations, another revolution, or civil war. We do not know what is going to happen, but we know that we are at the edge of something drastic.”

– Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of Egypt with North Africa, Dr. Mouneer Hanna Anis, appeals for prayers for Egypt and the people of Egypt ahead of demonstrations expected this weekend.

A vision for 21st century Anglicans — Church Society Conference audio

Dr Peter AdamChurch Society held a half-day conference on 1st June – the topic: Reformed Foundations, Reforming Future: A vision for 21st century Anglicans.

Audio files are now available – direct links to mp3 files.

Guest speaker was Peter Adam. His topic was Trusting our Saviour and Reforming the Church Today. Very encouraging talk.

“It is fatal to trust Christ for the invisible Church, and not to trust him for the visible Church… God has already appointed his Messiah – we need not apply for the job.”

Church Society Director Lee Gatiss also spoke, on
‘Confessional’ Anglicanism and the 39 Articles.

Interview with Archbishop Henry Luke Orombi

Archbishop Henry Luke Orombi“We in Africa, and in Uganda in particular, looked to the West for the gospel – because they brought the gospel to us.

And when the gospel was opened to us, we looked at what God is saying to us through the Scriptures. We embraced it, we loved it, we proclaimed it.

Eventually, the West began to put aside the Bible. They picked up human wisdom and understanding. …”

– In an interview with Lee DeYoung, recently retired Church of Uganda Archbishop Henry Luke Orombi recounts what happened to the Anglican Communion. Terrific interview.

ACL Statement of Appreciation for Archbishop Peter Jensen

Archbishop Peter JensenThe Council of the Anglican Church League has today communicated its deep appreciation to Archbishop Peter Jensen, who concludes his ministry as Archbishop next month.

The Appreciation below has been signed by ACL President Gav Poole on behalf of the League.

Peter and Christine will be publicly farewelled at a special gathering at St. Andrew’s Cathedral tonight.

Thursday, 13th June 2013

IN APPRECIATION – The Most Reverend Dr. Peter Jensen, Archbishop of Sydney and Metropolitan of NSW.

The President, Executive and Council of the Anglican Church League (ACL) wish to take this opportunity to formally express their deep appreciation for the leadership, support and encouragement exercised by Archbishop Peter Jensen.

Archbishop Jensen has been a member of the ACL for more than forty years and a long standing Vice President. His public commitment to the evangelical values and principles of the League has been unwavering.

As Principal of Moore Theological College he taught and mentored two generations of clergy, ensuring that evangelical, systematic and expository preaching would remain the character of Sydney Anglican pulpits.

As Archbishop of Sydney, Peter Jensen has represented the evangelical character and convictions of our diocese with intelligence, humility, strength, humour and diligence on both the national and international stage.

Archbishop Jensen is an eminent teacher and theologian but, above all, he is loved for his deep pastoral concern for the clergy under his care and the wider diocesan family. Within Sydney and far beyond, Archbishop Jensen is warmly regarded for his deep compassion and warm personal and pastoral concern.

Archbishop Jensen has ever been a champion for the gospel which proclaims the sacrificial atoning death of Christ and his bodily resurrection. His passion to see the lost become found and discover new life in Christ has been an inspiration. He is a mission-minded man.

His kind and genuinely open disposition, while maintaining a godly resistance to moral and ethical compromise, continues as a model for all Christians who find themselves in dialogue with others. The revealed Word of God has always been his steadfast guide. His personal love for Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour is evident to all.

The goal of the ACL is to ensure, as far as possible, that the evangelical character of the Sydney diocese does not wane or fade over time. Archbishop Jensen has been a marvellous partner and formidable ally in this cause.

It is with a very deep sense of thanksgiving to God that the ACL takes this opportunity to express our appreciation for, and our debt of gratitude to, Archbishop Jensen as he approaches his retirement.

– ends.

Can the new St. John’s Shaughnessy really tell you anything about God?

St John's ShaughnessyFrom their website

“St. John’s Shaughnessy is a small but flourishing congregation, living our calling as Christians by faithfully walking the Anglican path. Our road is less travelled.

We do not claim absolute knowledge of the Divine. We really welcome everyone and are enriched by the dynamic tension of differing beliefs. We embrace doubt. Pray hopefully. And celebrate diversity.”

This is the new Diocese of New Westminister congregation using the building vacated by St. John’s Vancouver. (h/t Anglican Essentials Canada blog.)


Archbishop Peter JensenArchbishop Peter Jensen on GAFCON 2013 –

‘God is establishing new churches creating new believers and transforming lives. Our hope for the future is in him. Our aim is to move forward confidently, to plan and experience in fellowship a future for Anglicans in which his Word is honoured and our witness is clear. We are looking forward with great expectation to seeing God at work as we meet in Nairobi.’

– from the latest news release on GAFCON 2013, which is coming up in October.

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