GAFCON prayer bulletins available

GAFCON“A series of prayer bulletins is being issued in the weeks leading up to the October conference. This allows provinces, churches, organisations and individuals to read about the preparations and to uphold GAFCON in prayer.”

– Downloadable from the GAFCON website.

Kidnappers release Archbishop Kattey

Most Rev Ignatius Ogboru Kattey“After spending about nine days in the kidnappers den, the Archbishop of the Ecclesiastical Province of the Niger Delta, (Anglican Communion), Most Reverend Ignatius Kattey, was finally released by his captors on Saturday. Sources said Archbishop Kattey walked home alone after he regained his freedom from the unknown gunmen who abducted him last week Friday. …”

– Report from The Osun Defender, Nigeria.

Back to basics for Anglican Church

NZ SRTM derived“A Hamilton vicar wants to take the Anglican Church back to basics and get leaders preaching from the same song sheet.

Vicar of West Hamilton Anglican Parish, the Rev Michael Hewat, is ‘concerned’ at the fact some church leaders say they do not believe in the resurrection and the virgin birth. …

‘The fact is that if the church is not preaching the Gospel then people are not going to come along,’ Mr Hewat said. He hopes to take the church back to basics today with a day-long seminar Restoring Confidence in the Gospel.”

– Report from the Waikato Times.

St. Aidan’s Windsor, Ontario loses appeal; request prayer

St. Aidan’s, Windsor, OntarioCanon Tom Carman, rector of St Aidan’s in Windsor, Ontario (an Anglican Network in Canada parish), reports:

“In its decision, the Court of Appeal, upheld the conclusions of the trial court judge, Justice Little, on both the matter of St Aidan’s property and the St Aidan’s bequeathment and finance fund. In addition, the Diocese of Huron was awarded partial costs in the amount of $100,000. …”

– More at Anglican Essentials Canada blog.

Bad news and Good news in the Church of England

The Rev Andrew Symes“First, the bad news. There are more examples of heresy in the hierarchy…”

– Andrew Symes of Anglican Mainstream writes for the American Anglican Council’s International Update.

Canberra & Goulburn Synod 2013

Canberra Goulburn Synod 2013The Synod of the Diocese of Canberra and Goulburn was held this weekend.

Nigerian Archbishop of Niger Delta Province kidnapped — report

Most Rev Ignatius Ogboru Kattey“Most Rev Ignatius Ogboru Kattey, the Dean, ArchBishop and Bishop of Niger Delta North Anglican Communion of Nigeria, was last night kidnapped by yet to be identified gunmen in Port Harcourt, capital of Rivers State. …”

PM News Nigeria.

Auckland Synod says no to ‘gay marriage’

Diocese of Auckland“Auckland Anglicans have said no to gay marriage – despite church heads being in favour of it. A motion to press the issue has failed at this weekend’s conference, despite both Auckland bishops and a majority of clergy being in favour.”

– Report from FarmingShow (yes, that’s right). Image: Diocese of Auckland.

Diocese of Fort Worth: Living with litigation

Bishop Jack Leo Iker, Fort WorthBishop Jack Iker of Fort Worth reflects on the lengthy legal battle imposed on his diocese.

“Living with litigation has become a way of life for us as members of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth. For the past 4 ½ years, we have been under the cloud of a lawsuit brought against us by The Episcopal Church and its local supporters, seeking to deprive us of our buildings and assets. Read more

New Bishop of Waikato

Rev Dr Helen-Ann Hartley. Photo: Stephen Barker via Anglican TaongaThe Rev Dr Helen-Ann Hartley has been elected as the 7th Bishop of Waikato in New Zealand. She will become the third woman bishop in the Anglican Church of Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia

Photo: Stephen Barker / Anglican Taonga.

Getting to know Archbishop Glenn Davies — Anglican TV interview

Kevin Kallsen interviews Glenn DaviesKevin Kallsen at Anglican TV introduces the new Archbishop of Sydney to the wider Anglican world in this 14 minute interview.

What is the Problem?

Canon Phil Ashey, American Anglican Council“Justin Welby, the Archbishop of Canterbury and symbolic head of the Anglican Communion, has issued his most serious and straightforward diagnosis of the crisis within the Anglican Communion.”

– The American Anglican Council’s Canon Phil Ashey thinks the Archbishop of Canterbury has made a serious misdiagnosis. Related: Tearing the Fabric. (PDF.)

Barnabas Fund urges prayer for Syria and Egypt this weekend

Barnabas Fund“This Sunday (1 September), we are urging churches and individuals to hold a time of prayer for Syria and Egypt’s Christians.”

– Details from Barnabas Fund.

And you can find a prayer for ‘the Forgotten Church in Syria’ here. (h/t Carl Trueman.)

“Archbishops past and present urge caution on Syria intervention”

ACNS“Both Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby and his predecessor George Carey have warned of the consequences of military action in Syria. …”

– Report and photo from The Anglican Communion News Service.

“Archbishop urges Christians to ‘repent’ over ‘wicked’ attitude to homosexuality”

Archbishop Welby. Photo: Archbishop of Canterbury's website“The Most Rev Justin Welby told an audience of traditional born-again Christians that they must ‘repent’ over the way gay and lesbian people have been treated in the past …”

– Report from The Telegraph.

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