Archbishop Akinola kidnapped, later rescued — reports

Archbishop Peter Akinola“A former Primate of the Church of Nigeria, Anglican Communion, Archbishop Peter Jasper Akinola, was kidnapped yesterday in Abeokuta, the Ogun State capital.

… Akinola was waylaid at about 3pm by gunmen … and driven away in his Sport Utility Vehicle (SUV) along with his daughter and driver.

However, their ordeal was short-lived as the trio was rescued by officers and men of the Ogun State Police Command at about 8pm. …”

– from This Day Live, Nigeria. More from PM News.

Update:My ordeal in the hands of kidnappers

Kirsty Birkett on The Pilling Report

Dr Kirsty BirkettDr Kirsty Birkett, at Oak Hill College in London, takes a look at The Pilling Report’s approach to Scripture –

1. Submitting to scripture?

“The majority of those writing the Pilling report felt unable to articulate what scripture actually says on the issue of homosexual activity.”

2. What if scripture really is unclear?

“‘But we do not all believe that the evidence of scripture points to only one set of ethical conclusions. In short, Christians who share an equal commitment to scripture do not agree on the implications of scripture for same sex relationships’ (The Pilling Report, 235).

This is one of many statements that the Pilling Report makes to the effect that it was impossible for the group to come to one mind on the meaning of scripture as regards homosexual relationships.”

Mike Ovey on The Pilling Report

Dr Mike OveyPrincipal of Oak Hill College, Dr Mike Ovey, has now posted eight responses to the Pilling Report (“the Report of the House of Bishops Working Group on Human Sexuality’).

1. God’s work versus God’s will?

“ultimately in practice, it prefers our judgment of what we think good to God’s judgment expressed in the scriptures of what is good.”

2. Does sincerity grant a veto?

“This creates the bizarre situation of an explicit submission to the authority of scripture, while not in fact applying what scripture says, either against same-sex marriages, or in favour.”

3. Groundhog Day: ‘scripture’s lack of clarity’

“As we have seen, judgments about the obscurity of scripture have been made before, notably in Roman Catholic responses to the Reformation.”

4. How common is the common ground?

“Like an iceberg, the most significant parts of the Pilling Report lie beneath the surface.”

5. Pursuing proven failure?

“They have talked at length, listened at length and have had both clerical and expert help in all their deliberations. They have listened both to each other and to a wide range of witnesses. But this process has not enabled them to reach a collective conclusion as to whether or not same-sex sexual relations in the context of a faithful long-term commitment are right or wrong.”

6. Common grace and stolen fruit

“After noting that the tradition of the church for 2,000 years and indeed worldwide at the moment is against recognition of same-sex marriages and relationships, the report nevertheless goes on to speak in laudatory terms about the same-sex couples who have testified before it.”

7. Suspecting the suspicious

“If we want a biblical precedent for a hermeneutics of suspicion where the hermeneutics of suspicion is wrongly placed, then we need look no further than Genesis 3:1ff.”

8. ‘We never make mistakes’?

“Churches can get things wrong. One of the more disturbing moments in the Thirty-Nine Articles comes in Article 19 which deals with the doctrine of the church.”

Christmas messages 2013

Bishop of Tasmania John HarrowerAs we spot Christmas messages, we’ll post them here. So far…

From around Australia —

John Harrower, Bishop of Tasmania.

Philip Freier, Archbishop of Melbourne.

John Parkes, Bishop of Wangaratta.

Ian Lambert, Anglican Bishop to the Australian Defence Force.

Stuart Robinson, Bishop of Canberra and Goulburn.

Peter Stuart, Bishop Administrator of Newcastle.

Bill Ray, Bishop of North Queensland.

And from further afield –

Charlie Masters, Bishop of the Anglican Network in Canada.

Global South Statement in response to the Pilling Report

Global South response to Pilling Report“The Global South considers forward movement on the Pilling Report’s recommendations as equal to what the North American churches did ten years ago which caused much confusion in the Communion.

This reminds us of Eli the High Priest who turned a blind eye to the wrongdoings of his sons which led to a period of spiritual dryness when the Spirit of God departed from the midst of His people (Ichabod).”

–  Archbishop Dr. Mouneer Hanna Anis, Chairman of the Global South of the Anglican Communion, and Archbishop Ian Ernest, Hon. General Secretary, have issued this Statement – read it via Anglican Mainstream (PDF file).

The Church of England facing ‘officially sanctioned apostasy’?

The Rev Andrew SymesThe Rev. Andrew Symes, Executive Secretary of Anglican Mainstream, works through The Pilling Report (PDF) to see the huge impact if its recommendations were to be adopted in The Church of England.

From his conclusions:

“This is why we are faced with officially sanctioned apostasy in our own church. It has finally happened. What do we do? The first thing to say is that the report has not yet been endorsed by the house of Bishops. We must pray for them and lobby them as politely but intensively as we can before their meeting to discuss the document.”

– Be sure to take the time to read his analysis in full here.

Anglican Mainstream also has a comprehensive list of links to reactions to the Report.

And some essential background:

The Anglican Debacle: Roots and Patterns – Mark Thompson (from The Sydney Lambeth Decision Briefing – 16 March 2008)

The Limits of Fellowship – Phillip Jensen (from The Sydney Lambeth Decision Briefing – 16 March 2008)

Are we stronger than He? (PDF) – David Short (January 2005)

Some questions for the new Archbishop of Canterbury – by Mark Thompson (09 November 2012)

‘Tearing the Fabric’ — 2012 edition – American Anglican Council (PDF)

Bishop Charlie Masters’ Advent letter

Bishop Charlie Masters“Advent, this year beginning conveniently on December 1st, is the first and best argument for observing the Church Year. Surely there is no other reality or central teaching of the Bible, more forgotten or functionally dismissed, by even serious Christians, than the doctrine of the return of Christ.

Thankfully, Romans 13, the first Epistle for the First Sunday of Advent, almost like an alarm clock interrupts the peaceful repose which is our lives and begins the church year with these words; ‘And do this, understanding the present time: the hour has already come for you to wake up from your slumber, because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed.’ (Romans 13:11). …”

– Charlie Masters, Bishop of the Anglican Network in Canada sends his Advent greetings via the Anglican Essentials Canada blog.

Goodbye St. Hilda’s

St. Hilda's Oakville demolitionAnglican Samizdat reports on the sale and demolition of the former St. Hilda’s Anglican Church building in Oakville, Ontario. The congregation lost it to the Diocese of Niagara in 2012 after leaving the Anglican Church of Canada. via Anglican Eessentials Canada blog.

Related: Earlier ACL posts.
Bishop Charlie Masters at GAFCON 2013.

New Westminister nominees list is out

michael_ingham_3The names of those nominated for the position of Bishop of New Westminster, in the Anglican Church of Canada, have now been released. Anglican Essentials Canada Blog have helpfully added links to the CVs and videos of the candidates. Lots of talk of diversity.

The Synod begins 30th November, to replace Michael Ingham, pictured, who retired in August. Bishop Ingham famously declared that J I Packer and David Short had abandoned Christian ministry.

Another Reflection on GAFCON 2

Andrew Atherstone“GAFCON was likened to ‘a taste of heaven’, with believers from many nations, races, colours and languages worshipping the one Lord together. The daily pattern was praise and prayer, a morning Bible exposition from the book of Ephesians, followed by plenary lectures and seminars.…”

– Andrew Atherstone gives his perspective on GAFCON 2013.

Church Society report on GAFCON

GAFCON crowd“Last week I had the privilege to attend the Global Anglican Futures Conference in Nairobi, Kenya. My experience of this conference of over 1300 bishops, clergy, and laity from around the Anglican world was moving, positive, and optimistic. …”

– Church Society Director Lee Gatiss shares his experience of GAFCON 2013 in Nairobi. GAFCON Media photo of the Bishops’ photo by Andrew Gross, ACNA.

GAFCON Final Day highlights

GAFCON final dayThis video of GAFCON Final Day (Saturday) highlights has now been posted.

It includes the reading of The Nairobi Commitment.

San Joaquin Diocese mourns retired Bishop John-David Schofield

Bishop John-David Schofield“It is with a heavy heart but a joyful spirit that I must share with you the passing of our beloved brother, the Rt. Rev. John-David Schofield. Bishop Schofield died peacefully at home sometime last night sitting in his favorite green chair and was found this morning by friends.”

from current Bishop Eric Menees. (Bishop Schofield led his diocese as they broke from ECUSA in 2007.)

Story: Fresno Bee. Related posts on our website.

Nairobi Communique and Commitment

GAFCON 2013: Nairobi CommuniqueThe GAFCON 2013: Nairobi Communique has been released. It’s an important document.

Here’s the Conclusion –

“We are conscious of many pressures on faithful gospel witness within the church, but equally conscious of the great need the world has to hear the gospel. The need for the GFCA is greater now than when we first met in Jerusalem in 2008.

We believe the Holy Spirit is challenging us and the rest of the Anglican Communion to remain faithful to our biblical heritage; to support those who suffer as a result of obedience to Christ; to deepen the spiritual life of our churches; and to respond to anti-Christian pressures with a renewed determination to spread the gospel.

The seriousness with which we take our mission and our fellowship will be reflected in the way individual churches make the GAFCON vision their own, and in how we resource the work the GFCA seeks to initiate.

We invite all faithful Anglicans to join the GFCA.”

Delegates celebrate the adoption of the Communique and Commitment on the final day of GAFCON 2013 Photographer: Russell Powell, GAFCON

Read the Nairobi Communique and Commitment on the GAFCON website – or download it as a PDF document.

See also the highlights video for Friday.

And see the GAFCON Nairobi Photo Album.

(Photo: Delegates celebrate the adoption of the Communique and Commitment on the final day of GAFCON 2013. Photographer: Russell Powell.)

Phil Ashey reports from GAFCON

Canon Phil AsheyIn his latest “Anglican Perspective”, the American Anglican Council’s Canon Phil Ashey speaks with great hope about the future of GAFCON and its part in the Great Commission.

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