Can we learn from history? — Bishop Colenso and the Lambeth Conference

Bishop John ColensoOnce upon the time there was a bishop—an Anglican bishop—who decided that you couldn’t trust the Bible. He claimed that the Bible was not clear about human sexuality and he rejected the Christian doctrine of marriage between one man and one woman. He wrote that the Bible was not historically trustworthy, and that we ought to prefer our own powers of reason and conscience to know God…”

– Top article from Phil Ashey at the American Anglican Council.

Related: Kevin Kallsen of Anglican TV interviews Canon Phil Ashey.
Great background to the new role of the American Anglican Council in helping the development of churches in the ACNA and further afield.

GAFCON Statement on Proposed Primates’ Meeting 2017

gafcon-logo-00Just released:

“In the last week, there has been news of a potential Primates’ Meeting scheduled to begin October 2, 2017. Consequently, we have received a number of inquiries, both from the media and our membership, asking the question of whether or not the Gafcon Primates will attend.

For all who had hoped that attendance at the January 2016 Primates’ Gathering might restore godly order to the Communion, the results were clearly discouraging. Gafcon is fully committed to guarding the unchanging truth of the Gospel, and restoring the Bible to the heart of the Anglican Communion. In due course, the Gafcon Primates will take counsel and together make a decision about the wisdom of attending future meetings.

The next meeting of the Gafcon Primates’ Council is in April of 2017. We give thanks for the courage that is being shown by our members across the globe, as they share God’s Word both ‘in season and out of season’. Please continue to pray for the continued growth of this reformation movement.”

Canterbury is only as helpful as he is faithful

Canon Phil AsheySo the Archbishop of Canterbury has called for yet another meeting of the Primates of the Anglican Communion for October, 2017. As if this meeting could cure the wound that has been made even more incurable by his own personal failure to uphold the recommendations of the meeting he called in January of this year—failures that I documented several weeks ago in “At this point, why should we care about the Anglican Communion?”.

When I last wrote about this, I emphasised the Archbishop’s failure to defend the special role of Bishops to guard the doctrine, discipline and order of the Church…”

– The American Anglican Council’s Canon Phil Ashey points out that the way forward is not through Canterbury.

A Roman Catholic canon for Belfast Cathedral

edward-odonnellSt Anne’s Cathedral, Belfast, has appointed the Very Rev Edward O’Donnell, Parish Priest of St Brigid’s, Belfast, as an Ecumenical Canon.

This is the first time in the history of St Anne’s that a Roman Catholic Priest will serve on the Cathedral Chapter…”

St. Anne’s Cathedral, BelfastChurch of Ireland.

Pastoral Letter from GAFCON Chairman Archbishop Okoh, July 2016

abp-nicholas-okoh-nigeriaArchbishop Nicholas Okoh, Metropolitan and Primate of All Nigeria and Chairman of the GAFCON Primates Council has released his July Pastoral Letter.

Read it here at the GAFCON website.

Archbishop Jackson Ole Sapit welcomed by GAFCON Primates

Archbishop Jackson Ole SapitFollowing his enthronement as the sixth Archbishop of Kenya on Sunday 3rd July in All Saints’ Cathedral, Nairobi, the Most Rev Jackson Ole Sapit met with the GAFCON Primates who had travelled from as far away as South America to be present for this day of prayer, preaching and colourful celebration…”

– from GAFCON.

President Kenyatta congratulates new Anglican Church of Kenya Archbishop

Archbishop-Elect Jackson Ole SapitPresident Uhuru Kenyatta has congratulated the newly enthroned Anglican Church of Kenya Archbishop, the Most Reverend Dr Jackson Nasoore Ole Sapit.

Speaking at the enthronement service at All Saints Cathedral in Nairobi, President Kenyatta wished Archbishop Sapit success in his duties as Head of the Anglican Church in Kenya and assured him of his support…”

– from Capital News. (Earlier photo from the Anglican Church of Kenya.)

A leading Anglican theologian exposes the ‘Third Way’ myth

Charles RavenMyths are not necessarily old. A new myth is being invented by Anglican church leaders who claim to be orthodox and even evangelical.

They tell us that differences between Christians about the acceptability of same-sex relationships are secondary issues and the Church should therefore follow a ‘Third Way’…”

– Canon Charles Raven (pictured), Membership Development Secretary for GAFCON, highlights this commentary by Dr Martin Davie.

ACNA Provincial Council 2016

Canon Phil Ashey sends this video report from the ACNA Provincial Council, currently meeting in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina.

GAFCON UK offers Scottish churches alternative episcopal oversight

scottish-episcopal-church-general-synodAs the Scottish Episcopal Church moves towards allowing same-sex marriage, the GAFCON UK Panel of Bishops has offered alternative episcopal oversight to those churches which many need it.

This letter from GAFCON UK has been released by The Scottish Anglican Network:

“We are saddened and appalled that the Scottish Episcopal Church will next week debate amending its Canon C31, so as to adopt a wholly unbiblical approach to human sexual relationships. To so amend the canon would sever the church from the teaching of Christ and His Apostles, and also the considered and expressed conviction of the vast majority of the bishops of the Anglican Communion at Lambeth 1998, which was reinforced by the Anglican Primates Gathering only months ago.

We stand with you and pray for you as you resist this unhelpful and dangerous innovation. Should the church decide to follow the revisionist approach, disobey the clear teaching of Scripture, and thus cause a break with orthodox Christian teaching, the Gafcon UK Panel of Bishops offers to provide alternative episcopal oversight, and thereby your recognition as faithful Anglicans by the worldwide Gafcon movement, which represents the majority of Anglicans worldwide.

We remind the Scottish Episcopal Church of the cautionary words of Jude that unbiblical standards in sexual ethics “….deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Chr ist”. This is an issue over which the Scottish Episcopal Church is dividing the church, and we will stand united with faithful Anglicans in Scotland seeking to uphold the plain doctrinal and moral teaching of the Holy Scriptures.

Warmly in Christ,

The Rt Rev John Ellison, The Rt Rev Michael Nazir-Ali, The Rt Rev Wallace Benn, and The Rt Rev Ken Barham, on behalf of the Panel of Bishops, Gafcon UK

The Rev Paul Perkin, The Rev Michael Ovey, on behalf of the Exec Committee, Gafcon UK

The Rev Canon Andy Lines, Mr. Dan Leafe on behalf of the Anglican Mission in England.”

Dominic Steele interviews Peter Jensen at the Nexus16 Conference in Sydney

nexus-16-video-0Dominic Steele conducted an on-the-spot interview with Peter Jensen at the Nexus16 Conference at Annandale on May 23.

If you didn’t see it as part of the live stream, you can watch the segment here, via the GAFCON website.

Appointment of American Bishop ‘leads to split with Nigerian Diocese’

bishop-susan-goff-virginia-420“It has come to the attention of Reform, that the Bishop of Liverpool, The Right Reverend Paul Bayes, has appointed Bishop Susan Goff as an Honorary Assistant Bishop in the Diocese of Liverpool.

Susan Goff is a Suffragan Bishop in the Diocese of Virginia in The Episcopal Church. In July 2016, she voted in favour of changing the definition and purpose of marriage according to in Canons of The Episcopal Church…”

– Here’s a media statement from Reform in the UK.

Photo: The Diocese of Virginia.

Related: Diocese of Liverpool Global Links.

Greetings for new Kenyan Primate

Archbishop-Elect Jackson Ole SapitThe GAFCON website has posted these messages of greeting to the new Kenyan Primate The Rt. Rev. Jackson Ole Sapit, who was elected last week:

Archbishop Peter Jensen – on behalf of GAFCON.

Archbishop Stanley Ntagali – Primate of Uganda.

Archbishop Foley Beach – on behalf of ACNA.

Andy Lines – on behalf of Crosslinks, also gives thanks for the ministry of Archbishop Eliud Wabukala on his coming retirement.

Primate of Uganda welcomes new Kenyan Primate

abp-stanley-ntagaliArchbishop of Uganda, Stanley Ntagali, has sent this message to the newly-elected Archbishop of Kenya:

The Rt. Rev. Jackson Ole Sapit
Anglican Church of Kenya

Dear Archbishop-elect Jackson,

Greetings from the Church of Uganda in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ!

On behalf of the House of Bishops of the Church of Uganda, the clergy, and laity of the Province, we extend our hearty congratulations to you on your election as the next Archbishop of the Anglican Church of Kenya.

We have been praying for the election and believe that God’s will has been done. Your colleagues have recognized God’s apostolic calling and anointing on you, and we believe His grace will be sufficient for the big ministry ahead of you. We shall warmly welcome you to the GAFCON Primates Council and look forward to walking together as neighbours in East Africa in the cause of Christ, His Gospel, and the expansion of His Kingdom into every corner of our region and into every heart. 

We thank Archbishop Eliud for his steadfast leadership of the Anglican Church of Kenya and the global GAFCON community. He has been single-minded in proclaiming and contending for the “faith once for all delivered to the saints” (Jude 3). We believe the future is very bright for the Anglican Church of Kenya and we thank God for your election to serve as Archbishop and shall pray for you as you prepare to receive the baton being passed to you.

Your brother, in Christ,

The Most Rev. Stanley Ntagali

– via GAFCON.

Bishop Jackson Ole Sapit elected Archbishop of Kenya

Archbishop-Elect Jackson Ole Sapit“Reverend Jackson ole Sapit of Kericho Diocese elected the new Anglican Church of Kenya Archbishop…”

– News from The Standard, Kenya.

See also: Bishop Jackson Ole Sapit of Kericho elected ACK headDaily Nation.

The Anglican Church of Kenya has this profile. (PDF) Photo: Church of Kenya.

Update: Announcement from the Anglican Church of Kenya.

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