The Bible in the hands of the Sovereign

“At the Coronation of the Boy-King, Edward VI, in 1547, three swords were placed in his hands, one each to represent his right to the realms of England, Ireland, and France.

But to the great surprise of the prelates and statesmen in the Abbey, Edward declared that there was another sword which had been overlooked; and in answer to their astonished inquiries, he said that this was the Word of God. …

On the eleventh birthday of the Princess Elizabeth in 1937, the personal gift of the Queen to her daughter was a beautiful Morocco bound copy of the Bible. …”

The Australian Church Record has republished this piece from their archives – The Royal Law – by the Rev. Canon M. L. Loane, M.A., Vice-Principal of Moore College, May 28, 1953.


Click the photo for a larger version: Archbishop Marcus Loane escorts Queen Elizabeth II and the Duke of Edinburgh outside St. Andrew’s Cathedral in October 1973. Acting Dean of the Cathedral, Canon Stuart Barton Babbage, is following behind. The Queen was in Sydney to open the Sydney Opera House. With special thanks to Ramon Williams, Worldwide Photos.

Special Edition of The Briefing in Honor of Queen Elizabeth II

Dr Albert Mohler has produced a special edition of his The Briefing broadcast to honour Queen Elizabeth II.

Sydney’s One Special Evangelist John Chapman — The Pastor’s Heart

Prior to the launch of Baden Stace’s book, “Sydney’s One Special Evangelist: John C. Chapman and the Shaping of Anglican Evangelicalism and Australian Religious Life 1968-2001”, Dominic Steele speaks with Baden about Chappo.

“Baden’s new work showcases the impact of John Chapman, but also gives a window into issues facing evangelicals in Sydney in the later part of the twentieth century, controversies about preaching, the place of evangelism in church life, social justice, and what role each of us plays in the evangelistic process.”

Most encouraging and informative. A ‘must watch’ episode.


Invitation to the book launch on 14 September 2022.

Order the book.

Chappo: “Do you really believe the gospel can convert your friends?”

The Making Of The Western Mind — John Anderson speaks with Tom Holland

“John joins Tom Holland in his London home to discuss Christianity’s role in shaping Western civilisation.

Holland prompts us to reflect on the intricate moral web our society still upholds today and consider the intertwined history of the Western imagination and Christianity.”

A fascinating interview.


Review: War on the West, by Douglas Murray – at John

Elegant Orthodoxy: The Thirty-nine Articles of Religion

“A new visitor to our parish recently told me, ‘I read your Thirty-nine Articles, and I was underwhelmed. It just seems like a basic Christian statement of faith.’

A basic Christian statement of faith. Exactly.

The Anglican Church’s Thirty-nine Articles of Religion aren’t comprehensive. They don’t answer every theological or ecclesiastical question a follower of Jesus might have. But there’s an elegance in the Articles’ brevity and simplicity that both roots us in the historic church and is timely today. …”

– At the Gospel Coalition, D. J. Marotta, Rector of Redeemer Anglican Church in Richmond, Virginia, introduces the Thirty-nine Articles to a wider audience.

The Myth of the Via Media, and other Canterbury Tales

“Sometimes it is called fudge … And I say, hey, I like fudge, it’s a lot better than killing each other.”

So said Archbishop of York, Stephen Cottrell, on the topic of Anglican identity, in an interview during the recent Lambeth Conference a fortnight ago. Personally, I too like fudge. Perhaps as much as Archbishop Cottrell. However, I am not as convinced that ‘fudge’ is a desirable description of authentic Anglicanism.

And I trust, most of you will agree with me that ‘fudge’ is not what we wish Australasian Anglicanism to taste like; that Anglican ‘fudge’ does not supply sufficient sustenance for us Australasian Anglicans, as we seek to proclaim the glories of Christ to the nations, and as we seek to strengthen the spiritual lives of the men, women, and children within our parishes. Milk it may very well contain, but something more meaty is needed to sustain Anglican identity.

The Australian Church Record has published the text of Dr Mark Earngey’s seminar at the GAFCON Australia Conference in Canberra last week.

He says, “I want to take you through two major misunderstandings: that of the so-called Anglican via media and that of the so-called Anglican three-legged-stool.”

It will repay careful reading!

Mark is Head of Church History at Moore College.

Happy 142nd birthday, Australian Church Record!

“On the first of July, 1880 the ACR began. Its name back then was ‘The Church of England Record’.

Its very first article explains its object and purpose – and it’s remarkable that (1880s language conventions notwithstanding) it’s still the ‘vibe’ of the ACR, 142 years on. Note the references to ritualism, liberalism, mission, children’s and youth ministry, godliness of life, personal evangelism, etc. …”

–  And you thought the Anglican Church League (founded c. 1909) was old.

Read about the ACR’s Object and Purpose as it was in 1880.


ACL Centenary Dinner Address, September 2009.

A celebration of uncommon leadership — Archbishop Kanishka Raffel’s sermon for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee

“Princess Elizabeth was 25 years old and on tour in Kenya on her way to Australia, when she learnt the tragic news of the early death of her father, King George VI.

King George had acceded to the throne only after the unprecedented abdication of his brother King Edward VIII.

It had shaken the nation, and its impact on her father, the royal family and the kingdom is undoubtedly part of the background to Her Majesty’s unswerving devotion to her role.

Her uncle’s reign was the shortest of any British monarch. Her Majesty’s eclipsed that of her great-great-grandmother, Queen Victoria, more than six years ago. …”

Archbishop Kanishka Raffel preached at a special service at St. Andrew’s Cathedral Sydney today on the Occasion of the Platinum Jubilee of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.


Queen Elizabeth shakes hands with Bishop Jack Dain outside St. Andrew’s Cathedral, Sydney, on 13 March 1977. Archbishop Sir Marcus Loane is at the Queen’s side, and Bishop John Reid is at centre. At right, Dean of the Cathedral, Lance Shilton, stands with Prince Philip. Photo courtesy Ramon Williams.

The anatomy of an Anglican service

From The Australian Church Record:

“Today we begin a new series of five articles on the elements that make up an Anglican service.

These pieces by the Moore College student orientation team were developed in 2022 to help new students understand the theological logic behind the Anglican services – based on the Book of Common Prayer – that are followed in Moore College chapel.

We’re sharing these because they help to demonstrate how and why Anglicans do what we do in church, for the encouragement and building up of the saints to maturity in Jesus Christ. We hope that you find them beneficial!”

Published so far –

More to come at The Australian Church Record.

Portrait of Thomas Cranmer by Gerlach Flicke.

Albert Mohler on the Ukraine crisis

In his The Briefing for Monday 28th February 2022, Albert Mohler tackles what’s happening in Ukraine.

He provides an interesting and disturbing analysis, emphasising the importance of a Christian worldview.

Listen here.

Archbishop Janani Luwum — martyr for Christ — remembered

Forty-five years ago today, Archbishop Janani Luwum, Anglican Archbishop of Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi and Boga-Zaire, was assassinated, apparently on the orders of Ugandan President Idi Amin.

The event was a turning point – both for Uganda and for the Church.

Read about Archbishop Luwum at the Church of Uganda website and give thanks for his courage in the face of death as well as for the resulting preaching of the gospel.

Photo of Archbishop Luwum with President Idi Amin (right) via this article at Taarifa Rwanda

“The Archbishop was separated from his bishops. As he was taken away Archbishop Luwum turned to his brother bishops and said: ‘Do not be afraid. I see God’s hand in this.’

The next morning it was announced that Archbishop Luwum had been killed in a car crash.

His body was placed in a sealed coffin and sent to his native village for burial there.

However, the villagers opened the coffin and discovered the bullet holes.”

The story of the Bible in Australasia, 1788-1850

Dr Meredith Lake, author of The Bible in Australia: a cultural history, is speaking on “The story of the Bible in Australasia, 1788-1850” on Wednesday 6th April at Moore College.

Details here.

The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee

Today marks 70 years since Queen Elizabeth II acceeded to the throne, on the death of her father King George VI.

Her Majesty has gone on to reign longer than any other British Monarch in history, and to become a beloved figure around the world – one who is unashamed to speak of the Lord Jesus.

Whatever your view of the British Monarchy, do be encouraged to pray for her, and to give thanks for her long, stable reign. As the Apostle Paul exhorts us,

“First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way.

This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Saviour, who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.

For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all, which is the testimony given at the proper time.” – 1 Timothy 2:1-6.


Queen Elizabeth shakes hands with Bishop Jack Dain outside St. Andrew’s Cathedral, Sydney, on 13 March 1977. Archbishop Sir Marcus Loane is at the Queen’s side, and Bishop John Reid is at centre. At right, Dean of the Cathedral, Lance Shilton, stands with Prince Philip. Photo courtesy Ramon Williams.

In his biography of Archbishop Loane, “From Strength to Strength”, ACL Emeritus Vice-President Allan M. Blanch writes, on page 317,

At a special cathedral service on 13 March, the Archbishop preached from Revelation 21 about the City of God. He referred to Augustine of North Africa who, in the fifth century, ‘with the destroyers rapidly approaching the city … gave himself to contemplation of the City of God’.

Loane spoke of the citizens of that heavenly city: ‘They will suffer neither from poverty nor misery, from pain nor vice, from sorrow nor crying … There will be no room for a permissive society, or an alternate culture, or a wealthy elite, or a down-trodden minority; there will be no place for political intrigue, or public wrangling, or partisan interests, or power struggles’.

He concluded by saying, ‘Therefore let us pray that the Silver Jubilee of an earthly reign will enlarge our vision of all that lies beyond the frontiers of earth and time, and will strengthen our resolve to live our lives for the glory of Jesus Himself who reigns as King of kings and Lord of lords for ever and ever. Amen.’ [Emphasis added.]

St. Andrew’s Cathedral in Sydney is marking the anniversary at its services today.

Richard Johnson to the inhabitants of New South Wales

In 1792, Chaplain to the Colony, the Rev. Richard Johnson, penned an evangelistic booklet which was thus addressed –

“To the British and other European Inhabitants of NEW SOUTH WALES and NORFOLK ISLAND.

My Beloved, I do not think it necessary to make an apology for putting this Address into your hands; or to enter into a long detail of the reasons which induced me to write it.

One reason may suffice. I find I cannot express my regard for you, so often, or so fully, as I wish, in any other way.

On our first arrival in this distant part of the world, and for some time afterwards, our numbers were comparatively small; and while they resided nearly upon one spot, I could not only preach to them on the Lord’s day, but also converse with them, and admonish them, more privately.

But since that period, we have gradually increased in number every year…

Read it all here (PDF file).

(Photo: Richard Johnson’s Address – copy held by Moore College.)

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The Story behind Amazing Grace

Marylynn Rouse from The John Newton Project was interviewed on Premier Christian Radio’s Sunday Night Live for 16 January 2022.

Most encouraging.

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