Amazing Grace — 250th anniversary on New Year’s Day 2023

Posted on December 21, 2022 
Filed under History, Resources

We may all be thinking about Christmas, but New Year’s Day is close behind.

On 1st January 2023, it will be exactly 250 years since the first singing of John Newton’s hymn Amazing Grace.

Learn more about the hymn and the anniversary, and download the original words, at The John Newton Project.

The above video, made for the 240th anniversary, gives some helpful background. (We’re thankful to The John Newton Project’s Marylynn Rouse for all her research!)

“This brief video shows how John Newton was inspired to write the hymn Amazing Grace for New Year’s Day, Friday 1 January 1773.

John Newton wrote his hymn to accompany his sermon on 1 Chronicles 17:16,17. He drew inspiration from the life of King David in looking back to the past, looking around at the present, and looking forward to the future.

Note Newton’s own words for the 6 verses – towards the end of the video.”

What new hymn might you write for New Year’s Day 2023?