Canadian General Synod meets

Posted on June 5, 2010 
Filed under News

Anglican Network in Canada member, David Jenkins, reports on the ACC General Synod for the National Post –

“The Church is trying to maintain a delicate balance: on the one hand it has been apparent for well over a decade that the intent of the Anglican leadership is to convince Canadian Anglicans that same-sex attraction is God-given and, therefore, active same-sex partnerships are holy and entirely consistent with Christian principles. On the other hand, there are over 60 million Anglicans that don’t agree and want Anglican provinces like Canada and the U.S. booted out of the Anglican club. It looks as if the finesse that will be attempted at this synod is to squash motions that would publically commit the whole Canadian church to the blessing of same sex unions.

Instead, synod will push for the local option: dioceses and churches that want to proceed can do so – the decision will be delegated down. Even the most naive will be able to see through this ruse, of course: get those who work for you to make the tough decisions so you can’t be held accountable…”

– At The National Post.

(The Saturday session began with several minutes of ball throwing activities. Participants were also given tennis balls, elastic bands and other equipment for ‘community-building’ exercises. You can watch the sessions live here.)