Can we talk about Same-Sex Marriage?

Posted on August 29, 2016 
Filed under Resources

can-we-talk-about-same-sex-marriage“Can we talk about Same-Sex Marriage?” is the topic for the next Centre for Christian Living event at Moore College.

“There is a time to keep silence, and a time to speak, says the Bible (Eccl 3:7). What time is it, then, when the subject of same-sex marriage comes up around the watercooler? Should Christians speak up on the topic—in our personal conversations, and in the public square? And if we do, how can we talk in a way that is loving, gracious and truthful?”

When: 7:30pm — 9:30pm, Wednesday 19th October.

Where: Moore College, 15 King Street, Newtown.

Speakers: Michael Kellahan and Tony Payne.

Book through the Centre for Christian Living.