Bishop of Rochester and Bishop of Ebbsfleet speak about the House of Bishops meeting and press statement

Posted on October 15, 2023 
Filed under Church of England, Culture wars

Two Bishops in the Church of England have issued their own statements in addition to the joint statement of dissenting bishops of 12 October 2023.

Statement from Bishop Jonathan Gibbs, Bishop of Rochester:

“I have always prayed that God would surprise us and open avenues that we have never conceived, in ways that would honour and affirm people with a wide diversity of views on these hugely important and sensitive issues, while remaining faithful to our inheritance of faith.

It is therefore with great sadness and reluctance that I have felt compelled to join with others in indicating that I cannot endorse the decisions taken at the meeting of the House of Bishops on Monday 9 October, or the press statement issued afterwards, which I believe does not adequately reflect the decisions made or the depth of disagreement within the House. …”

Read his full statement.

See also this statement from Bishop Rob Munro, Bishop of Ebbsfleet:

“The press release does not make clear the depth of disagreement within the House about these proposals. …

I am deeply concerned that the approach that is being proposed will ultimately harm our unity, sanctity, catholicity and apostolicity as a Church, and seriously impact our mission. I believe it is necessary, in commitment to my consecration vows- to uphold God’s Word, to teach the doctrine of Christ and refute error- to publicly raise these concerns, that I have been expressing in the House.

When the fuller details of the proposals are published, I hope to address specific concerns in more detail. I continue to be supportive of the approach of the CEEC and encourage you to keep in step with their collective response.”

Read his full statement – via

Image: Bishop Jonathan Gibbs (left) and Bishop Rob Munro.