At Lambeth we need your prayers

Posted on July 27, 2008 
Filed under News

Rev Todd WetzelThe Rev. Todd Wetzel, of Anglicans United and Latimer Press reports from Canterbury –

To inform your prayers, here are four things we believe need serious prayer:

  1. Spiritual warfare is real and it is intense. Please pray for spiritual protection over Canterbury, Kent University and especially over the orthodox bishops, that they might be bold and courageous in spite of mounting opposition.
  2. The drain on one’s emotions is real. We are in an intense environment and it sucks the life out of you. Even when not much appears to be happening, you feel tired.
  3. The intellect is on overload. This is a rich environment of thought and an environment beset by controversy. So far, no matter how hard the wheels spin, no solutions have been found. The sense of frustration at least at the leadership level, is very real. Patience is wearing thin.
  4. Physically, at least for those from the west, we’ve all done more walking than ever required to do at home. While this is healthy, it does wear on the body. The cobblestone streets, though charming, make walking semi-perilous.

– from Anglicans United.