Apple’s Mother Nature Ad: It’s Protestant Paganism

Posted on September 24, 2023 
Filed under Culture wars

“You can imagine the pitch: Mother Nature visits Apple HQ to conduct a performance review. In the writers’ room at Saturday Night Live it would gain instant traction: It’s Gaia in the boardroom as a take-no-prisoners businesswoman.

The idea definitely has potential. It’s what comedy does so well—combining unlikely ideas and enjoying the clash. It’s ancient meets modern, the spiritual meets the corporate. It should work.

But when Apple tried to pull it off last week at the launch of their new iPhone 15, it went down like a lead balloon. …

Many were struck by the out-and-out paganism of the video.”

– At The Gospel Coalition, Glen Scrivener in the UK gives his take on the Apple ad, He notes that it’s not ancient paganism. The gospel has made ancient paganism impossible.

See also his video on the topic from Speak Life.