ACNA’s New Archbishop: Passionate for Evangelism

Posted on July 7, 2024 
Filed under ACNA, People

“Elected June 22 at a conclave of ACNA bishops, Wood assumes leadership of a small but growing denomination (the ACNA reported 12 percent growth in attendance in 2023).

‘I did not come here with any expectation that this would be a possibility and was as surprised as anyone as the vote unfolded,’ Wood said. The new archbishop, raised in a charismatic and evangelical church, was not among the names publicly rumored ahead of the conclave as a potential successor to Archbishop Foley Beach, who is stepping down after 10 years of leadership. …”

– At The Living Church, Jeff Walton introduces Steve Wood, newly elected Archbishop of the Anglican Church in North America. (Link via Anglican Mainstream.)

Photo: ACNA.

See also:

Get to Know Archbishop Steve Wood – ACNA.