ACC report on Canadian Lutherans

Posted on July 20, 2011 
Filed under Anglican Communion

“More than 500 members of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (ELCIC) gathered in Saskatoon, Sask., July 14 to 17, for its 13th biennial National Convention. Meeting under the theme ‘Covenant People: In Mission for Others,’ delegates passed a variety of motions, including several relating to human sexuality and structural renewal.

The Anglican Church of Canada, full communion partner of the ELCIC, supported the meeting. The Primate, Archbishop Fred Hiltz, addressed convention and presided at closing worship. …

Delegates … passed three motions … an Affirmation Concerning the Unity of the Church; a policy statement allowing ministers to preside at or bless legal marriages, including those between same-sex couples, according to the laws of the province; and a policy paving the way for the ordination and installation of gay and lesbian pastors.”

–  The Anglican Church in Canada reports on the National Convention of partner denomination, ELCIC. (Photo: Trina Gallop / ELCIC Communications.)