Ryan Ferguson recites from Psalms

Ryan Ferguson recites from PsalmsBack in May, we linked to the video of Ryan Ferguson giving memorised dramatic recitation of Hebrews 9 and 10 using the ESV.

At this year’s WorshipGod08 Conference, run by Sovereign Grace Ministries, he recited Psalm 22, Psalm 25 and Psalm 145. The video files have been posted on YouTube. (Hat tip Challies.com)

In addition, audio files of the talks and seminars from the conference are available here.

Memorising Scripture – An Interview

Ryan Ferguson“The name Ryan Ferguson may be familiar to some of the readers of this site. Ryan has appeared at a couple of conferences where he has recited long passages of Scripture. I first saw him at WorshipGod ‘06 where he dramatically recited all of Hebrews 9 and 10 (though he had memorized the entire book).

I recently got ahold of Ryan and asked if he would answer a few questions about memorizing Scripture. I trust this brief interview will serve to encourage you either to begin memorizing passages from the Bible or to press on in your conviction that you ought to.…”

Tim Challies interviews Ryan Ferguson. (See also these earlier posts.)

The word of God in Hebrews 9-10

Ryan FergusonBack in August 2006 at the WorshipGod06 Conference (hosted by Sovereign Grace Ministries), Ryan Ferguson gave a memorised dramatic recitation of Hebrews 9 and 10 using the ESV.

This powerful 11 minute recitation (via Google Video) is a great blessing to all who want to understand Hebrews better.