A whirlwind interview with Rico Tice: on Chappo, the church and the gospel we preach

At The Australian Church Record, Micky Mantle (Rector of North Sydney) interviews evangelist Rico Tice.

Among other things, Micky asks Rico about the influence John Chapman had on him:

“Yeah, Chappo’s humanity. He was such a laugh. Chappo was so wonderfully himself.

Also, when he spoke to people, the tone was always one of such love. I suddenly saw someone I could – you know, he just was always for you, Chappo. And he believed in the Holy Spirit, and he taught the truth. And you just felt that tremendous sense of his personal warmth, and the humour.

And the ability to rebuke. So of course, one day driving back from Newcastle [UK] – I’d gone up to a church with him to hear him preach – and he said to me…”

Read the full interview to see what Chappo said, and what influence that had.

Image: Rico Tice preaching at an Insurance Service at DSt. Helen’s Bishopsgate in 2022.

Meet the late starter taking up Chappo’s flag

“In Christian terms, Dave Jensen could be considered a late starter. When the figures tell us that 78 per cent of Christians turn to faith in the years up to age 19, conversion in his late twenties has made him a determined spreader of the good news.  …”

– At SydneyAnglicans.net, Russell Powell writes of Dave Jensen’s new role.


What is a Christian? — book by Dave Jensen.


Remembering Chappo with affection and thanksgiving

Ten years ago today, on 16 November 2012, John Chapman (‘Chappo’) was called home.

Not many are blessed with the gifts of evangelism and preaching that Chappo had – but all Christians are blessed to have the same saving message to share.

Here are a few reminders of Chappo, and we pray that they will serve to draw our hearts to Jesus:

Phillip Jensen interview with John Chapman – Part 1 and Part 2.

John Chapman: Encouragement for Evangelism – 7 minute cassette tape to encourage Christian students at Sydney University to believe and act on the gospel, prior to the SUEU Mission in June 1977. Right-click the link above to download, or listen below.


Phillip Jensen on Chappo, March 2013. – The Briefing, Matthias Media.

The preaching of John Chapman – Simon Manchester, The Briefing.

John Chapman – a personal reflection from Mark Thompson.

John Charles Chapman (Chappo) – by David Cook.

Chappo’s contribution to the Anglican Diocese of Armidale – Tim Stevens.

Dick Lucas gives thanks for Chappo.

1980 Photo: AFES.

The Class of Chappo — A night to mark the 10th anniversary of Chappo’s departure to be with Christ

Tuesday 22 November 2022. 7:30pm

A night to mark the 10th anniversary of Chappo’s departure to be with Christ.

The evening will include:

Details and booking from Moore College.

Illustration from a Department of Evangelism videocassette cover, 1986.

Chappo – Jesus claims to be the only way to God

Forty years ago, in July 1979, John Chapman spoke at a one-off evangelistic meeting for the Sydney University Evangelical Union. His topic was “Jesus Claims to be the Only Way to God”.

John had a heavy cold, but that didn’t stop him preaching Christ with his characteristic clarity and humour.

Hear his 40 minute talk here (9.7MB mp3 file). The audio quality is poor, but this recording will bring back many memories of a dear brother.

It’s also a great talk to pass on – and there are many road-tested illustrations which you could use yourself! (1980 Photo: AFES.)

The Chappo Collection

“Introducing a new book on the much loved and respected Bible teacher and evangelist, John Chapman.

This book by David Mansfield is a collection of stories by and about John Chapman.

It gives an insight into a man who loved and proclaimed the gospel throughout his life, and whose ministry greatly impacted many people. The book contains many personal insights by those who know him, great gospel illustrations and excerpts from his sermons amongst other things. …

Proceeds from the sale of the book will be used to support Bible and leadership training in Africa, through GWC and other centres of training.”

– Order The Chappo Collection from Anglican Aid at this link.

David Mansfield writes about the book, which was launched at St. Andrew’s Cathedral last week, at SydneyAnglicans.net.

And Simon Manchester writes,

“Sometimes it is the spontaneous wisdom of a Christian leader which goes beyond a biography to arrest our minds and hearts with great truths… David Mansfield has served us well by collecting much of Chappo’s wisdom and wit so readers will be (almost) in his happy and helpful company again.”

Chappo’s legacy lives on with Preaching Clinics

chappo-telling-the-gospels-truth-video-cover-1986John Chapman was a much loved and great evangelist and preacher not only in Sydney but around the world. He was also a champion of engaging expository preaching and the need to train preachers well. He regularly used to say ‘There is nothing in the world like good preaching. Mind you, there is nothing in the world like the opposite either!’ …

The Chapman Preaching Clinics are part of an integrated program to help preachers keep improving from the day they commence preaching until the end of their ministry.” News from Moore College.

(Illustration from a Department of Evangelism videocassette cover, 1986.)

Chappo’s contribution to the Anglican Diocese of Armidale

John Chapman“This weekend (8/11/2014) the good people of the Anglican Diocese of Armidale are celebrating their centenary.

Before 1914, the Armidale Diocese existed as the Diocese of Grafton and Armidale, which covered a huge amount of New South Wales from 1867 till 1914. Over the past 100 years the Diocese has undergone massive change, and as part of my 4th year program at Moore Theological College I had the opportunity to do a large research project on the diocese.

Specifically, I wanted to look into Chappo’s time in the diocese as I had hardly heard anything about his work there. What I found was deeply encouraging for my life and ministry. As the Armidale Diocese celebrates this weekend, feel free to get acquainted with our brothers and sisters of the north…”

– Tim Stevens writes on someone close to the heart of many in Australia and around the world.

Chappo’s 20%

John Chapman (in 1980 at Sydney University, AFES photo)“When I first started preaching I was given a series of videos by the Australian evangelist John Chapman (now in glory) on how to prepare a sermon. Anyone who has heard Chappo will know that he was a great communicator of the gospel and that a central strength of his preaching was his tremendous clarity and simplicity. …”

– At the Proclamation Trust, Jonathan Griffiths shares some advice from Chappo.

Chappo’s splendiferous life

John Chapman“As I reflect on Chappo’s life, a year after his death, my mind floods with so many splendiferous memories.”

– At SydneyAnglicans.net, David Mansfield remembers Chappo.

Chappo’s preaching

Simon Manchester“From the day that Jesus saved John, there was no-one more impressive or wonderful for John than Jesus. Did he ever get tired of telling people about Jesus in the gospels, or of stringing together the things Jesus did so you could see his greatness?”

– Another reminder that remembering John Chapman means pointing to Jesus. Simon Manchester writes in The Briefing. (Photo: St Thomas’ North Sydney.)

St. Helen’s Thanksgiving service for Chappo

John ChapmanThe video from the Thanksgiving service for John Chapman, held at St. Helen’s Bishopsgate in London a week ago (1st March 2013), is now available on Vimeo.

Participants include William Taylor, Dick Lucas, Richard Bewes and Hugh Palmer.

Dick Lucas remembered the first time he met Chappo – and Hugh Palmer preached from Romans 1.

The video runs for 51 minutes and is most edifying.

In a little while – thanking God for Chappo

The Briefing“My generation missed Chappo. I think I heard him preach once, maybe twice. By the time I went through Moore Theological College he was no longer the one giving sermon feedback. Others were the regular evangelists up at the Katoomba conventions when I attended them.

I heard a number of his jokes — even I knew of his encouragement of younger Christians with words along the lines of ‘Don’t worry, the first 40 years are the hardest’ — but I heard most of these stories from others who knew him better, or had heard him more often.”

– Coinciding with the day of a special Thanksgiving service in London, Sam Freeney explains why The Briefing (March/April 2013) will carry some special appreciations of our dear brother John Chapman.

Memorial service for Chappo at St Helen’s March 1st

John Chapman (Matthias Media photo)If you are within striking distance of St. Helen’s Bishopsgate

“There’s a UK based memorial service for John Chapman (Chappo) coming up soon. It’s St Helen’s Bishopsgate on Friday 1 March at 3pm and is a good opportunity for those who have been grateful to God for this man of God to acknowledge that together.”

– so writes Adrian Reynolds at the Proclamation Trust.

Chappo Memorial Service video

While the Memorial Service for John Chapman has now concluded, you can see the recorded video stream here.

Thanks to Ken Sandell and Audio Advice for making this available.

Order of Service (PDF).

Update: Russell Powell has a report at SydneyAnglicans.net.

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