MAID Canada Or KILL Canada? The Power of Words in Our National Conversation
“I propose that we who are opposed to MAID [Medical assistance in dying] stop using that acronym and start using KILL. Many people would like the government to provide free maid service; no one wants the government to kill them. The acronym KILL stands for ‘Killing Innocent Lives Legally.’ Many people still love Canada, so who can be in favour of KILL Canada?
One moment, how does KILL Canada help? Don’t people already know what MAID stands for?
Let me explain further. …”
– At The Gospel Coalition Canada, George Sinclair, one of the first ministers to join the Anglican Network in Canada, points out what MAID is really all about – and calls Christians to speak the truth.
2024 Synod of the Anglican Diocese of Canada
The 2024 Synod of the Anglican Network in Canada was held November 20-22 in Burlington, Ontario.
The summary published by ANiC reveals that the decision was made to rename the ANiC as The Anglican Diocese of Canada (in the Anglican Church in North America, part of the global Gafcon movement).
The Bible Studies each day were given by Simon Manchester, drawn from the Letter to Titus. Most encouraging.
The Collapse of the Anglican Church of Canada
“New numbers for the Anglican Church of Canada (ACoC) are out, and they show that Canada is the first major province of the Anglican Communion to have collapsed.
This is highly significant, both for Canada and for other Western provinces following its trajectory. …
First, this is not a church ‘in decline’ or ‘close to collapse.’ This is what collapse looks like. Ecclesial collapse includes large falls in attendance and financial woes.”
– A sobering story from The Living Church.
In July 2024, Dr Ian Paul warned the Church of England’s General Synod of what will happen if the C of E continues its redefining of sexual ethics. (Link to his speech.)
Image: Map of dioceses and provinces of the Anglican Church of Canada.
Canada is not only euthanizing Persons but Personhood itself
“In 2016, Canada legalized euthanasia for adults suffering severely and incurably near the end of life.
Four years later, it legalized euthanasia for adults even if death is not “reasonably foreseeable.”
Next year, euthanasia is set to become legal also for adults whose sole medical condition and source of suffering is mental illness. Recommendations have been made to legalize euthanasia for minors whose death is “reasonably foreseeable.”
The organization that regulates physicians in the province of Quebec has suggested that euthanasia should be available for infants with severe disabilities or illnesses that render them unlikely to survive. …”
– Since euthanasia has just been introduced in New South Wales, this is a very relevant article by Brian Bird at Public Discourse.
Link via Anglican Mainstream.
David Short shares his Journey of Faith; Leadership and Surviving a Split in the Anglican Church of Canada
“The tectonic plates of global Anglicanism have shifted and are realigning around the theology of Scripture and the gospel.
The shifting surfaced first in our diocese which was strongly theologically liberal. When the bishop announced he would proceed with the blessing of same sex unions, we walked out of Synod and appealed for alternative episcopal oversight from the Canadian house of bishops. The bishop brought charges against us and we then entered years of processes from the national and international church – all under the hostility and threats of the diocese.
It was our view that we had not left anything, but it was in fact the diocese which had abandoned biblical historical orthodoxy. …”
– David Virtue speaks with David Short, Moore College graduate who continues to serve Christ in Vancouver.
The Good Fight of Faith – Links to a 2022 interview with David and Bronwyn Short by Simon Manchester for Southern Cross magazine – and other relevant pages.
Many other posts on this website.
Image: David during a GAFCON online tribute to J I Packer in 2020.
Euthanasia in Canada. MAiD in hell?
“More people are being euthanised in Canada than anywhere else in the world. In the last official report, for 2022, 10,064 people died through what Canadians call ‘medical assistance in dying’ (MAiD). …”
– Michael Cook writes at Mercator. Link via Anglican Mainstream.
Diocese of the Arctic: in the Anglican Church of Canada but not of it
“The Diocese of the Arctic is unusual.
First, its bishop, David Parsons, is a member of a species all but extinct in the Anglican Church of Canada: he is a Christian bishop.
Second, the diocese is in communion with ANiC and is open to licensing its priests.
Third, the diocese does not support the recently adopted liturgies for Gender Transition and Affirmation or any of the other LGBT+ claptrap that obsesses other ACoC clergy.
Fourth, the diocese sees itself as the Anglican Church of Canada and the rest of the organisation as – something else. By implication, not a church.
Lastly, Parsons thinks, ‘that the great and terrible day of the Lord is coming, and many bishops are going to have a stark wake up as they stand before God and are asked why they have not stood against the doctrines of demons and devils. My fear is, that day will not be a day of repentance but just justice and judgment because the day of grace will be over.’…”
– David Jenkins writes at Anglican Samizdat, referring to an interview with Bishop David Parsons published this week at VirtueOnline.
Do pray for Bishop Parsons and others who steadfastly hold to the truth of God’s word.
Canada Euthanized 10,000 People in 2021. Has Death Lost Its Sting?
“In the past five years, the number of patients dying with physician assistance in Canada has grown tenfold, from around 1,000 in 2016 to more than 10,000 in 2021—3.3 percent of all deaths in Canada that year, according to official government reporting. …”
– Published last month, this Christianity Today article shows how quickly things are changing in Canada, and the pressures facing doctors.
(link via Tim Challies.)
Assisted suicide is spiralling out of control in Canada
“Canada is widely seen as one of the world’s most progressive nations in the world, ‘leading the way’ (depending on where you stand) on a variety of social issues. But in recent months, Canada has been garnering some less than savoury international attention because of the dark side of one of its recent progressive accomplishments …
3.3 per cent of all deaths in Canada in 2021 were assisted deaths. This has matched and surpassed the rates in places like Belgium and the Netherlands, despite it being available in Canada for less than a decade.”
– The National Post (Canada).
Link via Image via St. Helen’s Bishopsgate.
Why is Canada euthanising the poor?
“Since last year, Canadian law, in all its majesty, has allowed both the rich as well as the poor to kill themselves if they are too poor to continue living with dignity. In fact, the ever-generous Canadian state will even pay for their deaths. What it will not do is spend money to allow them to live instead of killing themselves.
As with most slippery slopes, it all began with a strongly worded denial that it exists. …
Even before Bill C-7 was enacted, reports of abuse were rife. A man with a neurodegenerative disease testified to Parliament that nurses and a medical ethicist at a hospital tried to coerce him into killing himself by threatening to bankrupt him with extra costs or by kicking him out of the hospital, and by withholding water from him for 20 days.”
– Yuan Yi Zhu in Oxford writes in The Spectator (UK online edition) about the situation in Canada – which will get worse when changes come in 2023..
“In Canada, death is cheap”
“Canada refers to ‘euthanasia’ and ‘assisted suicide’ by the friendlier-sounding term of ‘medical assistance in dying’ (MAID). The MAID programme was first introduced to end the suffering of terminally ill people, but its mission creep is now undeniable.
Denise (not her real name), a 31-year-old Toronto woman who uses a wheelchair, is nearing final approval for a medically assisted death. She only applied after her many attempts to move from her apartment, which she says worsens her severe sensitivities to household chemicals, all failed. …”
– Heartbreaking story from Spiked. See also this video report from CTV News.
Anglican Church of Canada trial liturgy for ‘Journeys of Gender Affirmation and Transition’
“The Anglican Church of Canada has developed a trial liturgy for ‘Journeys of Gender Affirmation and Transition’, to be used to bless the ‘gender transition process’. …”
– The Anglican Samizdat draws attention – and provides a copy of the trial liturgy.
Anglican Network in Canada to open ‘Packer College’
“Next September the Anglican Network in Canada plans to launch its own theological college in St John’s, Nfld, to be called Packer College after world-renowned theologian J.I. Packer.
Dr. Packer, author of the Christian classic, Knowing God, was a member of ANiC who died in 2020. His widow Kit gave permission for his name to be used with ‘much joy’ and ‘hearty approval,’ said Diocesan Bishop Charlie Masters when he made the announcement in his opening charge to the ANiC Synod held online on Nov. 17.”
Photo: J I Packer at Regents College Library.
See also Bishop Charlie Masters’ Synod charge, 17 November 2021.
‘The Anglican Church of Canada extinction event’
“Recent attendance statistics from the Anglican Church of Canada predict that it will cease to exist by 2040. …
The new Primate, Linda Nicholls, sees this as a ‘wake-up call’ and asks, ‘what might need to be tried’ to reverse the decline? I would be tempted to suggest ‘Christianity’ if I thought it would fall on any but deaf ears. …”
– In Canada, The Anglican Samizdat comments on responses to the Anglican Church of Canada’s attendance forecast. It’s no laughing matter.
Anglican Church of Canada ‘gone by 2040’
“In 2018 General Synod was able to collect a complete and mostly reliable set of data for from the dioceses for the first time since 2001. The data is for the year 2017 and it shows that the decline observed in earlier data has continued.
Projections from our data indicate that there will be no members, attenders or givers in the Anglican Church of Canada by approximately 2040.”
– Anglican Samizdat highlights a sobering report just presented to the Anglican Church of Canada’s House of Bishops.
Also from the Anglican Church of Canada:
Get your pet blessed this Sunday in Vancouver – Vancouver Courier.
“Annual Blessing of the Animals ceremony welcomes creatures of all types to Shaughnessy church.” [This is the Anglican Church of Canada congregation now using the building vacated by St. John’s Vancouver.]