30th Anniversary of the terror attack on St James Church, Cape Town

Posted on July 24, 2023 
Filed under South Africa

Anglican Mainstream has posted these excerpts from an interview with the Rev Ross Anderson.

See also:

From ten years ago, this article by David Mansfield, at SydneyAnglicans.net –

“Rev. Ross Anderson, the Associate Rector of St James’ at the time, was leading the service as the attack occurred. He witnessed this indescribable carnage unfolding before him as he stood at the podium. He orchestrated the events that followed the attack to help the panicked congregation exit the building, help the elderly and small children avoid being crushed or trampled, triage immediate support for the casualties and keep exits clear for the arrival of the first response medical teams. Ross testifies to the Lord’s gracious help in enabling him to do this while he was dealing with his own emotions in the crisis.”

Images from the memorial service at St. James’ Kenilworth in 2013.