Expository Preaching Trust Activities 2025

The Expository Preaching Trust has published some details of its planned activities for 2025, including events at Armidale Anglican Cathedral as well as meetings at Sutherland, Abbotsford, Wahroonga, and Drummoyne.

Much encouragement for preachers.

See all the details at their website.

Are the Church of England’s bishops running scared from gay wedding celebrations?

“Are the Church of England’s bishops running scared from the problems caused by the prospect of gay wedding celebrations in parish churches across the country?

That would appear to be the political reality behind the House of Bishops’ decision at its meeting on January 20 to delay the introduction of stand-alone services of same-sex blessing. …

What has changed since that gung-ho General Synod vote in February 2023 when 34 bishops voted for the introduction of services of same-sex blessing, called Prayers of Love and Faith (PLF), with only four voting against and two abstaining?”

– At Christian Today, Julian Mann surmises what might be behind the delay in going ahead with same sex weddings in the Church of England.

‘Religious groups split on changes to hate-speech laws’

“A proposal to criminalise hate speech in NSW has split religious organisations, with Australia’s peak Jewish body welcoming it as long overdue, but the Anglican and Catholic churches warning it could have unintended consequences of criminalising expressions of doctrine. …

Michael Stead, the Anglican Bishop of South Sydney, said his church was ‘deeply outraged and appalled’ by the spate of attacks against the Jewish community, but cautioned against the ‘unintended consequences‘ of such a law.”

– Report from The Sydney Morning Herald.

Image of Bishop Michael Stead courtesy of The Pastor’s Heart.

Mothers Union Sydney annual seminar 2025

Mothers Union Sydney has details of their 2025 Annual Seminar coming up on Friday 28th February.

Speakers and topics:
Shining Like Stars – Anna Brotherson
Living in a Secular Age – Steve McAlpine
Equipping Our Children – Al James and Beth Braga

It’s free, but registration is required. Read about it and register here.

Nominating the next Archbishop of Canterbury

“Dear members of the General Synod,

As you will expect, the process for the appointment of the next Archbishop of Canterbury is underway and I wanted to write to share the outline framework of the emerging plans surrounding this. It is a significant responsibility, and all those involved are committed to ensuring this important process is carried out with the utmost integrity and care. …”

– Stephen Knott, The Archbishops’ Secretary for Appointments, has written to members of the Church of England’s General Synod to outline the process of nominating the next Archbishop of Canterbury. From the Church of England website.

William Taylor: ‘Give yourself wholly to the work of the Lord’

From The Pastor’s Heart:

“What is the work of the Lord? What is in vain if the resurrection is not true? What truly lasts and what does gospel work looks like in our daily lives?

The debate over eschatology and one’s view of the new heavens and new earth.   Will there be a Sydney Harbour Bridge in the new creation?

And in the meantime, what should be our priorities?

William Taylor is the rector of St Helen’s Church in London, where he is engaged in ministry to city workers.

He has written the book ‘Revolutionary Work’ to address these issues.”

Watch or listen here.

A reminder to pray for those in authority

As we think of Australian leaders responding to anti-Semitism, or the new Administration in the USA, it’s good to remember these words from 1 Timothy 2:1-4:

“First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way.

This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Saviour, who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.” – ESV.

Related: Dr Albert Mohler shares his take on the events of the Inauguration early today Australian time. (Link corrected.)

Action on anti-semitism

“Archbishop Kanishka Raffel and the Bishop of South Sydney, Michael Stead, have held consultations with Jewish and other faith leaders, as well as Government, as anti-semitism reaches a new level.

Firebombing of cars, graffiti hate attacks on homes and synagogues in Sydney’s east, and now the arson attack on a preschool in Maroubra, have created fear in Jewish communities. …”

Story from Russell Powell at SydneyAnglicans.net.

Image: The burnt-out Maroubra childcare centre (photo by Judy Adamson)

“100 Ministry Stories from Moore College” — Chenny Thie

“Chenny Thie serves with CMS in Japan, sharing the gospel with university students in Tokyo. Moore College equipped her to confidently handle God’s Word, enabling her to teach students how to read and understand the Bible for themselves and share it with others. She treasures the fellowship and shared learning she experienced at Moore, which continues to shape her ministry today.”

– Moore College’s “100 Ministry Stories” continues with Chenny Thie, serving in Japan.

James Boardman commissioned at Kelso

From the Diocese of Bathurst Facebook page:

“In the presence of Diocesan and other clergy, along with representatives of BCA partner churches, the Rev’d James Boardman was commissioned as Priest-in-Charge of the parish of Kelso yesterday. Charly and the children were warmly welcomed and took part in the service. We are so thankful for the support of BCA, without which, James could not serve full-time.”

Food for your prayers.

Related: Bush Church Aid.

Bishop of Chelmsford front-runner for Archbishop of Canterbury after Dover rules herself out

“Dr Guli Francis-Dehqani, the Iranian-born Bishop of Chelmsford, is now emerging as the front-runner to be the next Archbishop of Canterbury after the Bishop of Dover, Rose Hudson-Wilkin, ruled herself out in a television interview last week. …”

Julian Mann writes at Anglican Mainstream.

Photo from the Diocese of Chelmsford, where you can also read the Christmas 2024 sermon from Bishop Francis-Dehqani:

“we must be willing to see through the eyes of the child who was born in that stable, whose mother had sung of the proud being scattered, the mighty being cast down and the lowly lifted high, and who grew into the man who eschewed worldly power and success not only by siding with those who are victims of poverty, exploitation and abuse but by first becoming a victim himself through death on the cross, experiencing every kind of injustice and horror. Seeing through his eyes means seeing through the eyes of victims, those who are powerless and marginalised, strangers, outsiders, and yes, those who have experienced abuse at the hands of the church.…”

How to Choose a New Church

“The start of the year is often a time when Christians move to new places and so need to find a new church. Is that you? If so, for what it’s worth, here are my tips on how to go about it.

What should you look for in a church? At least three characteristics. …”

– Des Smith, at Trinity Church Lockleys in Adelaide, has some advice you may find helpful. At The Gospel Coalition Australia.

Photo: Christ Church Cathedral, Darwin.

Why I Left the Church of Rome

“I grew up in a devout Roman Catholic family and attended private Catholic schools for both my primary (St John’s Riverstone) and secondary education (Oakhill College, Castle Hill) both in the Western Suburbs of Sydney, NSW. While nothing is perfect, I really enjoyed my upbringing and even aspired to becoming a De La Salle brother, which is kind of like a ‘teaching monk’.

All that changed though when I received a sporting scholarship to the United States to play tennis on the college circuit. In the providence of God, I ended up in a Missouri Synod Lutheran University in Southern California, formerly called ‘Christ College Irvine’ but is now Concordia University. My world was about to be turned upside down. …”

– At AP, Presbyterian minister Mark Powell shares the wonderful news he heard, and how it changed his life.

New Year, New Habits?

“We are creatures of habit. Our bodies thrive on routine—we get hungry at roughly the same times, we generally like routines, and we naturally form habits. This is by God’s design. Neuroscience confirms that repetition ingrains behaviours, creating neural pathways that make actions automatic.

While we wait for our eternal home in the new creation, we want to harness our natural habit-forming tendency—for good. …”

– At The Australian Church Record, Bronwyn Windsor writes to encourage us to consider what sort of people we should be.

Does the ideal Archbishop of Canterbury exist in the current Church of England?

“A letter in the Church Times from a frontline parish minister deserves to be at the top of the agenda for the Crown Nominations Commission (CNC) as it decides who should be the next Archbishop of Canterbury.

The Rev James Dudley-Smith’s list of personal and spiritual qualifications for the ideal candidate in the January 10 edition of the paper are worth citing in full …

James serves as Rector of St John’s Church in Yeovil, Somerset, and is the son of the celebrated evangelical hymn writer, Timothy Dudley-Smith (1926-2024), a former Bishop of Thetford in Norfolk.”

Julian Mann writes at Christian Today.

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