Britain’s new National Death Service?

“If Labour MP Kim Leadbeater’s Terminally ill Adults (End of Life) bill ends up on the statute book, it could well be that the principal (perhaps only) achievement of Sir Keir Starmer’s government in Britain will have been the introduction of a National Death Service.

It will also signal the assisted suicide of Britain as a moral society. Indeed, Friday’s Commons debate on the issue revealed that Leadbeater herself clearly doesn’t understand what she has done because she doesn’t understand the moral distinction between killing and dying. Nor do some other MPs. …”

– British journalist and author Melanie Phillips takes a closer look at what MPs actually voted for on Friday in the House of Commons.

(Image from an interview at John Anderson has spoken with Melanie Phillips on a number of occasions.)

You can be certain — Luke 1:1-4

Bishop Mark Calder begins his Advent/Christmas series for the Diocese of Bathurst: You can be certain

December 01 ADVENT 1 Why? Luke 1:1-4
December 08 ADVENT 2 John the Baptist prepared the way. Luke 1:5-25
December 15 ADVENT 3 Jesus was miraculously conceived. Luke 1:26-38
December 22 ADVENT 4 God’s eternal promises were being fulfilled. Luke 1:39-56
December 25 CHRISTMAS A Saviour was born – Messiah and Lord! Luke 2:1-21.

Watch the first talk at this link.

Encouragement for church members, and great to share.

Nexus 25 registration open

The Nexus25 conference is coming up on Monday 17th March at Village Church Annandale:

Nexus25 is about how we can reach our city with the life-giving gospel of our Lord Jesus.

Our conviction as a Nexus network is that the death and resurrection of Jesus, and his imminent return, means that our lives and churches must be driven by the urgent proclamation of our Saviour and Lord. And yet if we’re honest with ourselves, this conviction often wanes and does not flow into concerted, effective action in our churches.  We believe that God is not done with Sydney. Christ still has many people in this city—people who have not yet heard and believed the gospel of Christ—and we long to see them saved and gathered around his throne.

Together under God, let’s think about what we need to do in our churches as we strive to reach this city for Christ.

Dave Jensen and Phil Colgan are going to help us think about how we can help everyone in our churches be on board with the mission that drives us.  What are the convictions we need to sharpen in ourselves and encourage in others if we are going to be evangelistically effective? Are there things holding our churches back?  Are there better ways to do things that flow more truly from our convictions?  Those are the sorts of questions we’re going to consider.

Of course, along with this, we’re going to do what we always do at Nexus – come together for encouragement, fellowship and prayer, to spur one another on to persevere in the noble task of serving God’s people as pastors, teachers and evangelists.”

Learn more, and register, at the Nexus25 website.

Advent account a salutary reminder in self-centred times

“The Prayer Book Bible readings and Collect for Advent Sunday are a powerful reminder that the Jewish Messiah who was crucified in Roman Judea will one day return to the judge the world.

The reading from Matthew’s Gospel stresses the humility of Jesus when he entered Jerusalem on a donkey in fulfilment of the Old Testament prophecy in Zechariah 9:9…”

– Julian Mann writes at The Conservative Woman.

Advent Devotionals from Prayermate

If you use the free Prayermate app, there are a number of Advent devotionals you may find helpful.

Some are paid, some are free. See the current list – as well as links to download Prayermate – here.

2024 Synod of the Anglican Diocese of Canada

The 2024 Synod of the Anglican Network in Canada was held November 20-22 in Burlington, Ontario.

The summary published by ANiC reveals that the decision was made to rename the ANiC as The Anglican Diocese of Canada (in the Anglican Church in North America, part of the global Gafcon movement).

The Bible Studies each day were given by Simon Manchester, drawn from the Letter to Titus. Most encouraging.

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