Speaking of (the Church of England’s General) Synod

From Church Society:

“Halfway through this five-year term of General Synod, Chris Moore and Ros Clarke discuss what’s on the agenda, what it’s like to serve on synod, and why you should consider standing for election next time.”

Listen here – and there are links to papers and the livestream for those who are interested.

Pray for Mothers Union Sydney

Today’s GAFCON Prayer Request:

“The Mothers Union (Sydney) is hosting an event at the Cathedral on February 23: ‘It takes a Village – stronger together in the family of God.’

Pray for a good attendance, online and in-person, and warm fellowship of Word and Spirit.”

See more here.

I think we need to mention the war

“By ‘the war’, I mean world war II, of Basil Fawlty fame. The war during which the Holocaust happened.

Since the 7 October 2023 terrorist attacks on Israel by Hamas, there’s been an alarming upswing in antisemitism in Australia. What is antisemitism? A useful definition is:

a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews. Rhetorical and physical manifestations of antisemitism are directed toward Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or their property, toward Jewish community institutions and religious facilities.

International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance …”

– Theologian and ACL Council member Dr. Lionel Windsor reports on today’s ‘Never Again is Now’ rally in Sydney.


Archbishop Kanishka Raffel’s statement on antisemitism – 13 October 2023.

Hundreds watch as Sydney’s latest ministers make their promises

“On one of the hottest days of February, a congregation of more than 700 gathered to support ordination candidates as they made the final official step to ordained ministry.

Twenty three men and women lined across the Cathedral, and in a first, in the front row was seeing-eye dog Trixie. …”

– Russell Powell provides this encouraging report on today’s ordinations at St. Andrew’s Cathedral in Sydney.

LLF road map to ‘rebuilding trust’ set out at General Synod briefing

Justin Welby Credit: Jacqui J. Sze

“A fresh way forward on Living in Love and Faith (LLF) will be presented to the General Synod later this month, in the hope of ‘rebuilding trust’ lost over the past year. …”

Anglican Mainstream has the link to an article in Church Times.

How to rebuild trust after what has happened?

Photo: Jacqui J. Sze, via The Archbishop of Canterbury’s website.

Pray for the Upcoming Church of England General Synod

Prayer request from GAFCON:

“The General Synod of the Church of England meets February 23-27.

Pray for the orthodox faithful representatives. ‘Let your manner of life be worthy of the gospel of Christ … striving side by side for the faith of the gospel’ (Phil. 1:27 ESV).”

Never Again

“Friends in Christ, last Monday evening, together with Bishop Michael Stead and a number of other church leaders, I attended a meeting hosted at the Great Synagogue, but convened by a group of Christians called ‘Never Again is Now’. They are concerned about antisemitism in Australia.

Antisemitism is the expression of hostility to or prejudice against Jewish people. It’s a form of racism, one that is particularly abhorrent, when we remember the impact of the Holocaust under Nazism in Germany before and during World War Two. …”

– In a recent Cathedral newsletter (and published on the Cathedral website), Dean of Sydney Sandy Grant explains why will he attend the Never Again rally 3-4pm on Sunday 18th February.

He also provides a link to the Never Again is Now website.

‘Stop turning our great cathedrals into nightclubs’ petition signed by thousands

“Over 2,000 individuals have voiced their objection through a petition against a recent silent disco event held at Canterbury Cathedral, an iconic site with deep historical and religious significance. …

Despite the controversy stirred by this event, several other cathedrals, including Hereford, Leeds, St Albans, Coventry, Sheffield, and Manchester, have opted to host similar silent discos in the upcoming weeks and months. Manchester Cathedral, for instance, not only plans a silent disco in May but also a Punk Rock Club night at the end of February. …”

– Report from Premier Christian News.

Photo: Whitsun parade, Manchester Cathedral, 1911. (Not a Punk Rock Club night.)

He Gets (Some Of) Us

“Hello dear reader, been a while but here I am now all agitated about the recent ‘HeGetsUs’ advert that aired during this week’s SuperBowl. It’s already generated considerable discussion in evangelicaldom.

Not sure what I’m talking about? Well watch this…”

David Ould comments on a Super Bowl ad – and then shares an alternative.

Thursday Forums 2024 — at Moore College

From Two Ways Ministries:

“Thursday Forum is the backbone of what we do – hear Phillip Jensen teach the Bible, ask your questions, discuss the implications in small groups with others in the 18-30 age group and pray together. This year we will be digging deep into the book of Romans – so bring your brains, Bibles, questions, and friends!

Location: Marcus Loane Hall, Moore College, Newtown

Time: Thursdays 7-9pm (BYO dinner to eat together from 6pm) …”

Details here.

CEEC expresses ‘profound concern’ at ‘Living in Love, Faith and Reconciliation’ paper

Here’s a media release from the Church of England Evangelical Council:

Monday 12 February 2024, London, UK: CEEC has expressed ‘profound concern’ at one of the papers published ahead of February’s meeting of the General Synod.

The paper entitled ‘Living in Love, Faith and Reconciliation’ (GS2346) is being brought to the Synod by the Bishop of Leicester, Martyn Snow.

In response to the paper, Revd Canon John Dunnett, National Director, said:

“CEEC wholeheartedly welcomes the commitment in this paper to pursue openness, humility, honesty and transparency in the Living in Love and Faith process. At the same time, we are profoundly concerned by the many ambiguities in the Commitments, and that the theological underpinning of the ‘reset’ appears to remain that of ‘adiaphora’.

“Most concerningly of all, the Commitment to ‘exploring the process for clergy and lay ministers to enter same-sex civil marriages’ could drive a coach and horses through Church of England doctrine.

“The title ’Living in Love, Faith and Reconciliation’, will appear to many to contradict the need for differentiation. CEEC remains convinced that the maximum degree of unity possible can only be obtained through a robust structural settlement.”

The Church of England’s General Synod will meet from 23-27 February, in London.

– Source: CEEC.

Mother’s Union Sydney Annual Seminar 2024

Mothers Union Sydney’s Annual Seminar for 2024 is coming up on Friday 23rd February at St. Andrew’s Cathedral and on livestream.

It’s a free event. Topics:

Lovebound: the beauty of church – Tim Clemens

Being church: life in the family of God – Dani Treweek

Raising children: the church as your village – Jocelyn Loane.

See all the details, register to attend or to watch the livestream (and download the livestream seminar booklet) at the Mothers Union website.

How TikTok changes everything for social media and churches – with Hannah Thiem and Liz Fong

From The Pastor’s Heart:

“Social media is changing again. In an increasingly digital age, our collective consciousness is captured by infinite scrolling, short-form videos, and internet personalities. A church’s social media presence has gone from an optional nicety to a key lever for engaging newcomers to church. …”

Food for thought with Hannah Thiem and Liz Fong. And Dominic Steele confesses he deleted his Tik Tok account.

Truth Be Told: Sample chapter and pre-order

From Rachel at Matthias Media:

The book on truth they tried to censor

It became painfully clear during the production of Truth be Told, Lionel Windsor’s new book encouraging Christians to stand out in the world because of their honesty and integrity, just how much it was needed. …”

Read a sample chapter and pre-order the book.

Lionel Windsor spoke about his book late last year.

2024 Prayer Cycle for the Diocese of the Northern Territory

The 2024 Prayer Cycle for the Diocese of the Northern Territory has been released and can be downloaded from their website.

A great resource to help us pray for gospel ministry in the north of Australia.

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