Fighting the euthanasia debate and what if we lose?

From The Pastor’s Heart:

“What are the consequences if euthanasia is legalised?  And how do we fight the issue?

Legislation is before the Queensland Parliament and is about to come to the parliament in the UK and in New South Wales to allow euthanasia.

And laws permitting euthanasia have already been passed in Victoria, Western Australia, Tasmania and New Zealand… there’s a bit of a sense that even if the conservatives succeed in holding out this time…  at some stage it feels like it will happen.

Euthanasia is illegal in most of the United States, although significantly it is legal in the more progressive Washington, D.C. and seven states.

Andrew Errington is Senior Minister of Newtown Erskineville Angican Church.

Megan Best is a palliative care doctor and  associate professor with the Institute for Ethics and Society at the University of Notre Dame.”

A very important optic.

Watch or listen here.

When you can’t gather

“Over the past few months, churches have rejoiced at the sweetness of returning to worship in person. The turbulence of 2020, with Zoom meetings replacing handholds, has highlighted the importance of in-person worship and fellowship to the Christian walk. In Collin Hansen’s words, “the hands and feet and ears and eyes need to be assembled for this body to work for the good of all.”

And yet not all disciples who worship can gather. …”

This article by Kathryn Butler at The Gospel Coalition has application for Australian Christians, even though our circumstances are a little different at the moment.

Moore College Open Night – tonight on livestream

“Our Moore College Open Events are held throughout the year and give prospective students an opportunity to interact with the Moore community and have questions answered.

If the Lord has laid it on your heart to serve him in any capacity, why not consider coming along?

We would love to help you think through how you can be best equipped to glorify God, proclaim Jesus and reach the lost.

This year, our August Open Night will be a Livestreamed event due to Covid restrictions.

Monday 30 August 2021, 7.30pm…”

Details here.

After the betrayal of democracy in Afghanistan, will other countries in the region ever trust the West again?

“I was born and brought up in neighbouring Pakistan and ministered up and down the land during the first civil war in Afghanistan, when five million Afghans took refuge in Pakistan. I was involved in the Church’s efforts to relieve their sufferings and to provide educational and medical facilities for them.

As Bishop of Raiwind, though, I warned both Pakistan and the West that the arming and training of extremist groups, from within Pakistan and Afghanistan and from the wider world, to fight the Soviet presence in Afghanistan would lead to the emergence of groups like the Taliban and would internationalise extremist Islamism. …”

Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali published this opinion piece last weekend.


The dangers facing Afghan Christians inside their country and escaping from it – Barnabas Fund.

Weddings back on!

“After weeks of lobbying, the NSW Government has announced that restrictions on weddings have been eased.

Archbishop Kanishka Raffel and the chairman of the Diocese COVID Taskforce, Bishop Gary Koo, have been making the case to the government for a relaxation of restrictions. …”

– Some good news via

Pandemic Preaching — and life under the sun

“A friend in Malaysia, a University worker in Melbourne, a Pastor here in Sydney, independently, beginning to preach through Ecclesiastes.

I thought that 2021 would be the year of recovery and so Acts would be a good choice to preach, but I was wrong, 2021 has turned out to be an even more severe version of lockdown limitation than 2020.

In lockdown, people have more time to think about the big issues of life, Ecclesiastes is therefore a good choice for pandemic preaching because it gives attention to these issues. …”

More encouragement for preachers from David Cook.

Barnabas Fund launches Afghanistan Crisis Appeal

Barnabas Fund’s Patrick Sookhdeo has issued a very strong call to pray for and to provide desperately-needed help for Christians in Afghanistan.

Do take the time to watch his short video, pray, and help if you are able.

COVID Comfort from the Bishop of Bathurst

Bishop of Bathurst Mark Calder recorded this brief message of exhortation today.

Spiritual Conflict…?

“In his Screwtape Letters C.S. Lewis says that there are two equal and opposite errors that people fall into regarding the dark powers. One mistake is to disbelieve in their existence, the other is to believe in them to excess.

In Ephesians 6:10-12, Paul the Apostle writes: Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his power… For our struggle is not against enemies of blood and flesh, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers of this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places…”

John Mason has posted his latest “Word on Wednesday” at Anglican Connection in the USA. John reminds us that “spiritually speaking, God’s people live in enemy occupied territory”.

Present Distresses and Wedding Dresses

“The seventh chapter of Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians is full of all sorts of brain-stretching moments. Sitting right up near the top of its ‘vexing verses list’ surely has to be vv.26-27 –

I think that in view of the present distress, it is good for a person to remain as he is. Are you bound to wife? Do not seek to be free. Are you free from a wife? Do not seek a wife.

A copious amount of ink (and pixels) have been spilt over these verses, not the least about what this so-called ‘present distress’ could possibly be and how on earth it relates to marriage. And yes, here I come to spill more of the same! But before I do, let me give you some important context. …”

– At The Australian Church Record, Dani Treweek begins a two-part series on what 1 Corinthians 7 teaches us in light of the current Covid restrictions on weddings.

Smuggling Christ into popular culture — with Greg Sheridan

“Australia (or the west) is simultaneously post Christian, Christian and pre Christian according to Greg Sheridan, one of the most respected and influential analysts of domestic and international politics.

How can Christian writers and artists, or even non Christian writers and artists who think Christianity has something important and worthwhile to say, speak into the confused and hostile culture of today?

Greg started at The Australian newspaper in 1984. And has been its foreign editor since 1992.

Greg has just published: ‘Christians: The urgent case for Jesus in our world’, following on from his 2018 book ‘God is good for you: A defence of Christianity in troubled times.’…”

This week’s episode of The Pastor’s Heart.

Archbishop Kanishka Raffel on TEN’s The Project

Archbishop Kanishka Raffel was a guest on Network TEN’s The Project this evening, speaking about refugees from Afghanistan.

Watch here (Twitter).


Christian leaders urge Morrison to take more Afghan refugees – Sydney Morning Herald, 22 August 2021.

Sunday morning encouragement

With thanks to Rob Smith and St. Andrew’s Cathedral Sydney.

CMS Summer School NSW & ACT 2022 registrations open

CMS NSW & ACT has opened registrations for the 2022 Summer School.

There are options for online and in-person (hopefully!) attendance.

“This coming January we long to be singing God’s praises together in Katoomba with you and over one thousand other brothers and sisters – with many more connecting online. And that is what we are praying will be possible.”

How to grow your church in daily Bible reading

At The Pastor’s Heart, Dominic Steele shares a Ministry Tip to help us encourage the reading of God’s word in our local churches.

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