Spate of kidnappings in Nigeria

“Insecurity has continued to spread across the states with rampant killings, banditry and kidnapping.

Eight people were killed and no fewer than 32 were abducted in various incidents.

In Kaduna, bandits killed eight and abducted 25, including four women members of the Anglican Church. …”

The Nation on the latest kidnappings in Nigeria.

Unprecedented times?

“About 10 years ago I was in the north of Nigeria, in a region dominated by the Islamic group, Boko Haram.

I was locked away in a church compound guarded by the army, training a group of local evangelists. Just down the road a bomb was set off outside another church.

These local Christians knew that by trying to share the gospel with their Muslim neighbours, they faced the very real threat of death.

Yet on my last day there they prayed for me, and for Christians in Australia.

They prayed that God would make us ready to face opposition because, they reasoned, we had never had to face any real opposition in the past and they were not at all sure that we would persevere in the faith now the tide was turning against us. It was a great and insightful prayer. …”

– At The Australian Church Record, Moore College Vice-Principal Simon Gillham helps put things in much-needed perspective.

NSW Parliamentary report supports religious discrimination law

“The recently released NSW Parliamentary Report of the Joint Select Committee on the Anti-Discrimination Amendment (Religious Freedoms and Equality) Bill 2020 (handed down on 31 March 2021) has recommended that the NSW government introduce amendments to make it unlawful in NSW to discriminate on irrelevant grounds relating to religious belief or activity.

The proposals supported by the Committee are a good idea and I think their recommendations (with a couple of minor reservations noted below) should be implemented. …”

— Assoc. Professor Neil Foster has the latest on NSW proposals.

Joint Primate Statement from Abp. Foley Beach & Abp. Henry Ndukuba

Here’s a Joint Statement from Archbishop Foley Beach (Primate of the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA) and Archbishop Henry Ndukuba (Primate of the Church of Nigeria (CoN) reaffirming their commitment to Lambeth 1998 Resolution 1.10.

Don’t neglect to Show Up

“Folks attending the membership class at our church are often surprised at the emphasis we place on attending our Lord’s Day gathering. However gifted someone might be at talking to teenagers or working on the website, we insist their presence at corporate worship is a far more essential and significant way to serve the flock. This priority isn’t just a particular quirk of our church; it should be a biblical priority for every church. …”

Timely encouragement from Mike Gilbart-Smith at 9Marks.

When the Bible turns into Instagram

“Our daughter is in middle school, and recently she deleted the Bible app from her phone. I was glad.

She didn’t make this decision because she no longer wants to read the Bible. (In fact, she’s more engaged in Bible study now than before.) And she didn’t delete the app out of frustration with how poorly it works. …”

– At The Gospel Coalition, Trevin Wax has some thoughtful comments on how and where you read the Bible.

This Easter is truly a time of celebration

“This Easter is truly a time of celebration.

Despite the ever-present threat of another virus hotspot, we sense that things are slowly returning to normal.

On our doorstep, outside St Andrew’s Cathedral, the city has come back to life and we can invite the city back in to celebrate with us.

What is so special about Easter Day?

The resurrection of Jesus from the dead is the pivot of history.

In pandemic-weary Sydney you may baulk at that.

You are not the first. …”

The Daily Telegraph has published this Easter message from Dean of Sydney, Kanishka Raffel.

See it all here.

Image: St. Andrew’s Cathedral video.

It’s too soon to declare COVID defeated, but today is Victory Day anyway

“The Easter Show is back! So, we in Sydney are celebrating like it is 2019 – with some signs of normality. Have we won against COVID? It is too soon to declare victory.

But for Christians like me, we declare victory every Easter. In the Bible’s words, ‘Death has been swallowed up in victory … Thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.‘

To set it in context, the Easter narrative is the culmination of God’s rescue plan for Planet Earth. Jesus, the perfect son of God, enters our imperfect world to repair our broken relationship with God. …”

– Bishop Michael Stead writes this op-ed in today’s Sydney Morning Herald.

Image: The Pastor’s Heart video.

30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World

In 2021, Ramadan is from April 13 to May 12.

“Join thousands of Christians worldwide using 30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World to pray for our Muslims neighbours.

The 30 Days event coincides with the Islamic month of Ramadan, one of Islam’s most important months of fasting and prayer.

You’ll be inspired, encouraged and informed each day as you journey through the stories of different regions in the world, and discover how to pray for the Muslims living there.”

Details here.

Peter Jensen speaks with John Anderson

In his latest Conversations videos, John Anderson speaks with former Archbishop of Sydney Dr. Peter Jensen.

This wide-ranging and deeply personal interview is well worth your time – and is also worth sending to your friends, believers or otherwise.

Delighting in the Triune God from the Book of Revelation

Melvin Tinker is contributing this month’s Lift up your hearts devotions for GAFCON.

(And do check out his book That Hideous Strength: A Deeper Look at How the West was Lost.)


Andrew Bolt interviews Bishop Paul Barnett on the Evidence for Jesus

Sky News host Andrew Bolt speaks with Author Paul Barnett about what sort of historical evidence supports the biblical claims about the life and events surrounding Jesus Christ.

Watch and share.

Andrew Bolt’s interest was roused by “A Short Book About Jesus: The man from heaven” by Paul Barnett published by CEP in 2015.

Archbishop Glenn Davies’ Easter Message 2021

Just before his retirement last week as Archbishop of Sydney, Dr. Glenn Davies recorded this 79 second Easter message.

Great to share! Include it in your church service or video for this weekend! (The 38MB mp4 file can be downloaded here for use in church services.)

Here’s the full text, courtesy of

Easter the perfect lockdown that broke the chains of death, church says – SMH

“One church has characterised the death and resurrection of Christ celebrated at Easter as the perfect three-day lockdown that broke the chains of death. …”

This Sydney Morning Herald story highlights the Easter ‘sign’ at All Saints Nowra.

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