Dr. Stephen Chavura on the history of Western civilisation

In his latest Conversations video, John Anderson speaks with historian Dr. Stephen Chavura on the history of Western civilisation, Western thought and the historical roots of freedom, democracy and the rule of law.

Timings from the video on YouTube

00:00 – Intro
2:02 – Why history?
4:16 – Western civilisation
12:01 – Slavery & racism
23:32 – The American Revolution
26:25 – The Enlightenment
28:34 – Nietzsche
33:57 – Created equal
49:24 – Enlightened thinking?
52:15 – Australian history.

Peter Jensen on pure speech

In his editorial in The Global Anglican 135/1, Peter Jensen reflects on the power of words.

Via Ros Clarke comes this excerpt on the Church Society blog:

“Bad doctrine, which is a travesty of the gospel, is doing much harm. But just as harmful is the careless or self-serving language by which other believers are traduced either secretly or publicly.

To repel Satan in his assault on you, is to put on the whole armour of God, especially to buckle on the belt of truth (Eph 6:14). And it is to commit yourself to pure speech:

Not the speech which follows the world in foul language and in blasphemy. So frequent has this become in entertainment, let alone the marketplace, that it is fatally easy to allow our minds to become infested with obscenities and to begin to use them ourselves. …”

Read the excerpt here, Or start a subscription.

Jesus’ Post-Easter Priority

“Is Jesus Smart? We often think of Jesus as loving, kind, and selfless, but have you ever considered him smart? If we are honest, we must conclude that he is. He is the ‘author of life’ (Act 3:15) who came in the flesh! And since he is smart, he wasn’t ‘winging it’ when he met with his disciples in a locked room that first Sunday evening.

As a thoughtful and intelligent person, Jesus would have been very intentional about his first words to them and to us, and we find them in John 20:19-21…”

– Mark Eldredge at The American Anglican Council has a challenge for churches.

Stories from Moore College Mission 2021: learning and partnership

“This year’s Moore College Mission was, thankfully, able to take place face-to-face in partnership with churches, a refreshing contrast to the circumstances of our hurriedly ‘re-imagined’ online mission of 2020 which took place in lockdown in the early throes of the pandemic.

Mission has always been part of the makeup of Moore College…”

– At The Australian Church Record, Ben George shares encouragement from this year’s Moore College Mission.

Martyn Iles, Q and A and what it tells us about Australia today

“The Sydney Morning Herald thought this week’s Q and A was a significant cultural moment – so who are we to disagree?!  They compared it with another one in 2008 where the shibboleth question for our culture, that of homosexuality, came up. It was indeed a revealing programme – telling us a great deal about where Australian culture, politics and religion are at – and where we are heading. …

It was the appearance of Martyn Iles that was too much for some people – even before he had been on the show. …”

– David Robertson writes at AP (the national Journal of the Presbyterian Church of Australia) and gives thanks for Martyn Iles.


Excerpts from the programme may be seen here. Or the whole thing on the Q and A website (9th April 2021).

Romans Crash Course

From Lionel Windsor at Moore College:

“This is a 75 minute video course in Paul’s letter to the Romans designed for small group leaders, children’s leaders, and anyone else who wants to get a handle on this incredibly rich biblical letter.”

Watch here.

Fred Nile to retire from NSW Parliament — names Lyle Shelton as successor

From a Christian Democratic Party Media Release, April 11, 2021:

“Christian Democratic Party Founder, the Reverend Honourable Fred Nile MLC today announced that after 40 years in the NSW Parliament, he will retire this November from the Legislative Council.

Rev Nile has recommended to the CDP’s State Board, and it has unanimously agreed, that Lyle Shelton, former Managing Director of the Australian Christian Lobby, will be his successor subject to the agreement of the CDP’s State Council.…”

Full media release (PDF file).

Cults pursue online converts

“You get an Instagram message from someone you don’t know who seems keen to make Christian friends.

You receive a Facebook request to ‘like’ a group that looks Christian and posts Bible verses; people you know have ‘liked’ it, so you do the same. …

Seems harmless, right? It might be so, of course, but…”

– Here’s a very interesting article from Judy Adamson at SydneyAnglicans.net.

PM and Premier join in prayer for the Royal Family

“It was to have been a normal Sunday at St Andrew’s Cathedral, but then news broke, late on Friday night, of the death of His Royal Highness, the Duke of Edinburgh.

The service was expanded, not as a memorial service, but as an opportunity to pray for the Royal Family and express sympathy, love and respect on the Duke’s passing…”

– At SydneyAnglicans.net, Russell Powell reports on this morning’s service at the Cathedral.

Photo: Bianca De Marchi, NCA Newswire via SydneyAnglicans.net

Positive persuasive evangelistic campaigns

From Dominic Steele at The Pastor’s Heart:

“What makes an effective evangelistic campaign? What messages will engage non Christian audiences with the truth of the gospel? This week we speak with three key evangelists about the best way to reach the lost.

We discuss positive evangelism, maximising mission opportunities, integrating online and offline campaigns, and ideas for a large scale campaign.”

Watch or listen here.

Mourning Prince Philip (updated)

From SydneyAnglicans.net

The Commonwealth is in mourning after the death of His Royal Highness, the Duke of Edinburgh.

“The passing of His Royal Highness, the Duke of Edinburgh is an immense sadness and our thoughts immediately turn to Her Majesty, the Queen and the Royal Family in their grief,” said Bishop Peter Hayward, the Administrator of Sydney Diocese, in a statement soon after the news was announced.

“A marriage of over 70 years standing and a life of service to the Commonwealth through war and peace, is a testament to Prince Philip’s loving care and strong sense of duty. We are praying for Her Majesty, the Queen and her family, that they may know the comfort of Christ at this difficult time. He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. Ps 91:1

An official memorial service is not likely until funeral arrangements have been finalised in London. However, the Governor-General, the Prime Minster and the Premier will be attending St Andrew’s Cathedral in Sydney tomorrow morning, taking the opportunity to pray for Her Majesty, the Queen, and the Royal family.

Photo: The condolence book and portrait standing in the Cathedral.

The service will be livestreamed from the cathedral and will be led by the Dean of Sydney, Kanishka Raffel and Bishop Hayward will preach.


The Dean of Sydney, Kanishka Raffel, has written these prayers which you may wish to use in church tomorrow. (PDF file via SydneyAnglicans.net)

The ‘Wrong Man’ to accuse of a hate incident

From Christian Concern in the UK:

Former police officer Harry Miller writes about his important legal case against the police for recording non-crime hate incidents. Harry explains why the police picked ‘the wrong man’ when they found him guilty without trial of a non-crime hate incident.

“Since October 2020, The College of Policing has authorised the police to record the details of school children accused of wrong-speak. Questioning gender ideology, supporting a traditional position on marriage, criticising the hijab, laughing at the wrong Charlie Hebdo cartoon, or even preaching the gospel during lunch is now subject to rubber stamping by the Thought Police…”

Read it all here.

Evangelists in No Man’s Land: On Not Losing the Gospel in the Culture Wars

Ah, the culture wars. Never was so much owed by so many to so few. For every keyboard warrior who wastes a good half day on Facebook or Twitter, there are a thousand regular people who just want to get on with life.

And yet, as Christians it can be hard to work out if we should be getting involved. Should we be taking sides, or can we just sit on the sidelines and remain neutral? …”

– At The Gospel Coalition Australia, Tom Habib writes to encourage Christians to not lost sight of what’s most important.

Continued prayers urged for Nominees for Archbishop of Sydney

The election Synod to elect the next Archbishop of Sydney begins on Tuesday 4th May 2021. Read more

Church Society response to the 31:8 Lessons Learned Review

Church Society in the UK has released this Open letter to their members concerning Church Society’s response to the recent 31:8 Lessons Learned Review (concerning Jonathan Fletcher).

See also: Glen Scrivener speaks with Lee Furney, one of 27 victims who spoke to the independent review.

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