Not Gathering with the Church Hurts You Spiritually

“Some will think this is insensitive, some will think it’s overdue, but I want to make sure it’s said: not physically gathering with the church hurts you spiritually.

So, pandemic-weary Christian, work to gather again with your church, even if your church continues to offer a virtual option.

Likewise, pandemic-weary pastor, gently encourage your pandemic-weary congregation to gather as soon as they can. …”

Timely words from Jonathan Leeman at 9Marks.

Slow start to Archbishop’s election

“There has been a low-key response to the opening of nominations for the election of the next Archbishop of Sydney.

The summons to the Election Synod was issued on January 25. A one-day ordinary Synod in May will be followed by the Election Synod, which would consider those nominated. However, as Southern Cross went to press in late February, there were no names yet announced. …”

– At, Russell Powell shares the latest on the coming Archbishop’s election. A matter for continued prayer.

John Anderson announces he is available for preselection to the Senate

In a video statement on his website, former Deputy Prime Minister of Australia, John Anderson AO, explains why he is offering himself for preselection for The Nationals Senate ticket in NSW.

Help or Harm: The Gospel Coalition Australia’s planned campaign

In the latest edition of The Pastor’s Heart, Dominic Steele speaks with Akos Balogh and Bill Salier from The Gospel Coalition Australia about a social media campaign being launched this week.

These brothers each want to see people saved and Christ glorified. We are thankful for them all. Their discussion might help you think through how to best speak of the Lord Jesus in the public square.

Watch or listen here.

Book Review: Born Again This Way

“Rachel Gilson’s book Born Again This Way is what I wish I’d read about 25 years ago when a Christian friend shared with me that she was same-sex attracted and she didn’t know what to do. Neither did I, and at the time, praying with her was the only thing I could think to do.

Fast forward to 2021 and this conversation is far more common. Today, there are a number of books on the subject of Christians and same-sex attraction. What makes Gilson’s book stand out is the way it combines a careful treatment of the topic with her own deeply personal story. …”

– At Equal but Different, Victoria Colgan commends Born Again This Way by Rachel Gibson.

God, the Bible and Mardi Gras

“The 2021 gay and lesbian Mardi Gras held at the Sydney Cricket Ground was quite a spectacle. It was colourful, loud, celebratory and was reported by various media outlets as being the best celebration yet (as it is every year). And yet, the Scriptures teach us that what they were celebrating was in fact part of God’s judgement. …”

– At The Australian Church Record, Ben George takes us to Romans chapter 1.

But be sure to read the full article.

“… Knowing that we are all in the same boat, all equally rebellious against God, all equally deserving of death, and all equally in need of Jesus who saves, then it is in fact loving and good that Christians reach out to all communities, including the LGBQTI+ community, with the gospel.”

ABC TV News story a reminder to pray for Bathurst

This story from ABC-TV News, broadcast on Sunday 7th March 2021, is a reminder to pray for Bishop Mark Calder, the Diocese of Bathurst, and the many people in that region who don’t yet know the Lord Jesus.

Ministry enrolments at Moore double in 2021

“With great joy, Moore Theological College has seen full-time enrolments for the Bachelor of Divinity and Bachelor of Theology courses double this year.

All up there are more than 95 enrolments for undergraduate students starting in 2021 – an answer to many prayers for more workers for the harvest…”

– Great news from Moore College. Via

Newcastle Synod Presidential Address 2021

Bishop of the Diocese of Newcastle, Dr Peter Stuart, addressed his Synod on Saturday 6th March.

He spoke about the challenges and opportunities facing the Anglican Church in the Hunter and Central Coast regions of NSW.

A good reminder to pray for gospel ministry in that large area.

Read his full address here (PDF file).

There’s a list of Appointments and moves from page 24.

Photo: Diocese of Newcastle.

John Piper’s Magnum Opus on the Providence of God

“Joe Rigney sits down with John Piper about his magisterial new book on Providence, a volume over 700 pages that is a culmination of his life study and work.”

Watch the video and read about it from Justin Taylor at The Gospel Coalition.

Biography of Archbishop Harry Goodhew set to be launched

Dr Stuart Piggin’s biography of the Rt Rev Dr Harry Goodhew AO (Archbishop of Sydney 1993 – 2001) is set to be launched in Sydney on 23rd March and in Wollongong on 1st April 2001.

Download this PDF file for all the details.

Larry Crabb, 1944 – 2021

Christian Counsellor Dr Larry Crabb has been called home.

He was perhaps best known for reminding Christians that their significance and security lie in Christ.

He visited Sydney in the mid 1980s, and his books and videocassettes had a widespread influence at the time.

Photo: Kgamble6, Wikipedia.

Book Review: The Whole Counsel of God by Tim Patrick and Andrew Reid

The Whole Counsel of God: Why and How to Preach the Entire Bible is designed to help you give to the Lord’s people what he wants them to hear—the Bible.

Tim Patrick and Andrew Reid write from both an academic and practical background. As church ministers and professors in Australia and southeast Asia, they want to convince, inform, and train their readers to preach the entire Bible.

The book has already begun to influence my ministry, and I anticipate it will be a much-used resource in the future. …”

– At 9Marks, Shane Walker reviews a very helpful new book.

It’s available from Reformers and The Wandering Bookseller as well as other bookshops.

What will you do when the Culture demands that you Pivot?

In his The Briefing for 2nd March 2021, Albert Mohler again warned Christians to be ready for the inevitable challenge to forsake Christ to appease the culture.

He has now expanded his comments into a must read essay:

Pivoting to Surrender: A Warning for All Christians – 4th March 2021.

“Every Christian and every Christian ministry will come to a reckoning – we must all decide here and now where we stand.

Will we pivot or will we hold fast to faithfulness and the hope of the gospel?”

Discovering the Holiness of God

This 14 minute documentary from Crossway shares something of R.C. Sproul’s conviction of the centrality of the holiness of God.

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