Dr Peter Jones on The Arrival of the Post-Secular Age

Reformers Bookshop in Stanmore is hosting an event with Dr. Peter Jones, Executive Director of TruthXChange in Los Angeles, on Monday 21st October at 7:00pm.

Details here.

Dr. Jones is also speaking at the Australian Christian Lobby’s “Not Ashamed” 2019 National Conference in Sydney on Saturday 19th October. See the short video of Dr Jones on this page.

Religious discrimination bill so flawed it cannot be supported, Anglicans say

“The flaws in the Coalition’s religious discrimination bill are ‘so serious’ it cannot be supported in its current form, the Sydney Anglican diocese has warned. …

In a separate submission, the Freedom for Faith group has claimed the bill fails a commitment by the prime minister, Scott Morrison, ‘that the law would not take faith groups backwards in terms of protection of religious freedom’. …”

– Story from The Guardian.

Crowd Madness and The New Religion of The West

“ ‘There are 2 gunman at the university – tell your friends on campus’.

The text arrives from a friend, who knows I’m often on campus. But I can’t believe it: surely this is spam?

So I ring my friend to confirm. Yes, the text is legit: A collegue of his has a contact at the university.There really are gunmen at Southern Cross University in Lismore.

I well up with anxiety. My head starts racing. Is this really happening?…

But the herd mentality isn’t limited to stressful rumours about active shooters (as bad as they are). Any idea can lead to herd mentality, as it spreads among a population.”

– At The Gospel Coalition Australia, Akos Balogh draws some helpful ideas for Christians from a new book about western culture.

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