Melbourne Anglicans vote to express ‘sorrow’ over blessing of same-sex marriages
“Melbourne’s Anglican church has formally voted to record its ‘sorrow’ over a regional Victorian diocese’s decision to bless same-sex marriages.
The nod of approval given by the Wangaratta diocese in August has angered the Melbourne church’s governing body…”
– Story from The Guardian.
Here, we understand, is the motion which was passed at the Melbourne Synod:
“Motion 17: Response to Wangaratta Synod
That this Synod expresses its sorrow to the Bishop and Synod of the Diocese of Wangaratta for their approval of a liturgy that could be used to bless persons in same-sex relationships at their recent Synod meeting (August 30-31).”
Further, a motion concerning the consecration of Bishop Jay Behan was also passed:
“Motion 11 Church of Confessing Anglicans Aotearoa / New Zealand
That this Synod:
a) Welcomes the formation of the Church of Confessing Anglicans Aotearoa / New Zealand.
b) Assures the Church of Confessing Anglicans Aotearoa / New Zealand and its bishop, Jay Behan, of our love and prayers.
c) prays for God’s blessing on all Anglicans in New Zealand as they seek to proclaim Christ faithfully to New Zealand.”
Jay Behan consecrated in Christchurch
Jay Behan has been consecrated as the first Bishop of the Diocese of the Church of Confessing Anglicans Aotearoa/New Zealand this morning in Christchurch.
Bishops from across the Tasman and around the world took part in the service.
ACNA Archbishop Foley Beach and Chairman of the GAFCON Primates Council presided, and former Archbishop of Sydney Peter Jensen preached.
The event was live-streamed, and a recording may be seen via the ConfessingAnglicansNZ Facebook page (a Facebook account is not needed). Audio starts about 12 minutes into the recording, just as the service proper begins.

Dr Laurent Mbanda, Primate of Uganda and Vice-Chairman of the GAFCON Primates Council, reads one of the Consecration questions while Archbishop Foley Beach (left) and Bishop Julian Dobbs (right) look on.
“There’s much for us to do. This world is full of darkness and we know the One who is the Light of the World. … We’ve got to preach and proclaim the Lord Jesus Christ.” – Jay Behan speaking after his consecration.
(Images from the live-stream video.)
Marriage motions passed as General Synod support questioned
“If we abandon God’s Word we have nothing to offer the world. That is why this motion is before you tonight,” said the Dean of Sydney Kanishka Raffel as he introduced one of the key motions of the 2019 Synod, one which he said he moved ‘with a heavy heart’.
“My heaviness of heart is because the motion before you addresses not a departure from God’s word in the laws of the land but a departure from God’s word that is being promoted by Bishops and Synods in our Church.” Dean Raffel said. “There is one God and Father of us all, one Lord, one faith, and one baptism – but Bishops and Synods in our church nationally, risk rending the fabric of our fellowship by promoting a theology of marriage that is contrary to Scripture.”
The motion followed the Archbishop’s Presidential Address where he spoke of at least two Dioceses pushing to bless same-sex relationships. A ten-point motion, seconded by Bishop Michael Stead, reaffirmed man/woman marriage as the doctrine of scripture and of the Anglican Church, declared that blessings or affirmations of same-sex marriage are contrary to scripture and called for action where the doctrine was not being upheld.…
– Read the full report by Russell Powell at Anglican Media Sydney.
My words were for the bishops and I stand by them — Archbishop Glenn Davies
“Every year at about this time I am asked, ‘Why don’t you update what you believe – it doesn’t fit with modern Australia.’ The subject lately has been same-sex marriage, but it has been a kaleidoscope of issues over the years.
When representatives of our churches meet at our annual Synod, we do so publicly. Our churches are open to all people in the suburbs of Sydney, the Illawarra and the Blue Mountains, so our governing body is public as well. We do not hide our beliefs, nor are we ashamed of them. People know what we believe and are free to comment on what we do and what we believe. …”
– Archbishop Glenn Davies has written this opinion-piece for The Sydney Morning Herald, regarding reporting of what he said in his Synod Presidential Address on Monday 14th October.
Archbishop Davies was also interviewed on Sydney’s Radio 2GB by Ben Fordham.
Jay Behan’s consecration to be live-streamed
GAFCON advises that Jay Behan’s consecration service will be live-streamed from Christchurch on the Gafcon Facebook page @gafconference. Here’s when to watch it live in your timezone:
Australian Eastern Daylight Time:
7:30am Saturday 19 October.
UK BST: 9:30pm 18 Friday October.
USA ET: 4:30pm Friday 18 October.
USA PT: 1:30pm Friday 18 October.
A Facebook account is not needed to see the live-stream on the Facebook page.
(Photo from Sydney Synod: Anglican Media Sydney.)
The heart of a bishop, as a new Anglican Diocese is born – with New Zealand’s Jay Behan
At this week’s The Pastor’s Heart podcast, Dominic Steele speaks with Jay Behan, to be consecrated on Saturday as the first bishop of the Diocese of the Church of Confessing Anglicans Aotearoa/New Zealand.
Watch above, or at The Pastor’s Heart.
Video of Archbishop Glenn Davies’ 2019 Presidential Address
Courtesy of Anglican Media Sydney, watch the full 2019 Presidential Address to Sydney Synod by Archbishop Glenn Davies. Delivered on Monday 14th October. Watch it all. Link to Vimeo. Full text here (PDF file).
Archbishop Davies received a standing ovation from the Synod at the conclusion of his address (as well as sustained applause, at 26:20, after his remarks about bishops who abandon the plain teaching of Scripture).
See also: My words were for the bishops and I stand by them.
ACL Synod Dinner Address 2019
Jay Behan Bishop-elect of the Diocese of the Church of Confessing Anglicans Aotearoa/New Zealand, spoke to a packed gathering at the Anglican Church League’s Synod Dinner in Sydney on Monday 14th October.
Jay will be consecrated on Saturday in Christchurch.
Synod members will look forward to next year’s ACL Synod Dinner.
The Cultural Left bares its teeth
“A moral, political, and cultural earthquake tremored last Thursday night as CNN’s Equality Town Hall featured the leading contenders for the Democratic Nomination for President of the United States. The rhetoric of the candidates finally bared the teeth of a Democratic Party sold out to the most radical proposals of the LGBTQ movement.
Indeed, a particular exchange between CNN anchor Don Lemon and former Congressman Beto O’Rourke revealed to what extent contenders for the Democratic Nomination will go to deconstruct religious liberty in the name of the newly declared sexual liberties. …”
– Albert Mohler writes about the latest moves against religious freedom in the USA.
Australian Christians need to be aware of this changing culture.
He also speaks about it at The Briefing podcast for 14 October 2019.
Guarding the faith in a changing world – Archbishop Glenn Davies
“Archbishop Glenn Davies has spoken of the challenges to Christian faith within the Anglican Church in his final Presidential Address to the 2019 Synod of the Diocese of Sydney.
Taking his inspiration from the Pastoral Epistles, which he said had been a regular source of comfort throughout his ministry, Dr Davies said ‘The first priority of the Archbishop of Sydney is to be a guardian of ‘the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints’ (Jude 3). This is true of all those who hold office as a bishop in the church of God.’…”
– Russell Powell has the story on Archbishop Glenn Davies’ Presidential Address.
Read the full text here (PDF file). Well worth reading in full.
or watch the address, courtesy of Anglican Media Sydney.
Diocese of Perth updates “Faithfulness in Service”
“At its annual synod, meeting this last weekend, the Diocese of Perth has approved changes to Faithfulness in Service (the Anglican Church of Australia’s national code of conduct) that remove the expectation for clergy and church workers to refrain from sex outside marriage.
The amended text provided to synod, showing the effect of the change, was as follows…”
Moore College Spring Carnival, Saturday 26 October
“A day to come along and check out the College, get an insight into Moore’s in-depth theological training, tour our new building, plus have all your questions answered by faculty and students. A presentation overviewing the College is followed by a tour of the new building with lunch to follow. Meals are our shout, but RSVP is essential for catering purposes.”
Perth Anglican Diocese declares climate emergency
“The Anglican Diocese of Perth has formally declared a climate emergency, despite nasty comments from one speaker about teenage climate activist Greta Thunberg.
High profile Anglican leader Father Chris Bedding made the announcement on his Facebook page today, saying the Perth Diocese was one of many communities around the world to acknowledge the urgent need to address climate change. …”
– Story from PerthNow, in reference to reports of a motion apparently passed at the Perth Synod.
Of greater importance:
Global Warning – Colin Buchanan. (Available for purchase at his website.)
The Seventh Global South Conference held in Cairo, Egypt
“The 7th Global South Conference opened on the 8th of October 2019 with an Eucharist Service followed by a welcome dinner at the All Saints Cathedral, Cairo.
Slightly more than a hundred delegates and observers from 19 Provinces and other parts of the Communion were present for this 4-day Conference. …
Bishop Rennis Ponniah, who chairs the Study Group on Enhancing Ecclesial Responsibility, presented the proposal for an enhanced ecclesial structure to guide the work of Global South. …
A new Steering Committee was appointed:
Chairman: Archbishop Justin Badi (Sudan)
Vice-Chair: Archbishop Tito Zavala (Chile)
Secretary: Archbishop Samuel Manhkin (Bangladesh)
Treasurer: Archbishop Foley Beach (ACNA)
Archbishop Stephen Than Myint Oo (Myanmar)
Archbishop Masimango Katanda Zacharie (Congo)
Archbishop James Richard Wong Yin Song. …”
– From Global South Anglican.
See also:
The Global South Fellowship of Anglican Churches (GSA) Covenantal Structure. (PDF file)
“This Proposal on Enhancing Ecclesial Responsibility of Global South Churches sets out a clear basis and a coherent structure for constituting The Global South Fellowship of Anglican Churches (GSA).”
American Anglican Council Canon Phil Ashey’s hopes for the Anglican Communion. – Youtube.
Photo credit: Revd Canon Andrew Gross.
The Stingy Religious?
“According to a highly publicised 2015 paper in Current Biology, children who have been brought up religiously are less generous than their religion-free peers.
The good news, if you can call it that, is that only in the last couple of months and some four years after the event, it’s now reported in Psychology Today that the paper has been formally retracted …”
– At The Gospel Coalition Australia, Gordon Cheng points us to the Bible’s teaching on generosity.