There’s no need for an epic moment every Sunday

“If you measured church life only from the tweets of some pastors, you’d assume church services are awesome for every other congregation but your own. Phrases like, ‘Killer praise band,’ ’Home run sermon,‘ and ‘Amazing stage design’ fill Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram feeds on Sunday afternoons.

Meanwhile, at your church, the lapel mic stopped working halfway through the sermon, the Scripture verses on the screen were in the wrong version, and the date for the church picnic was incorrect in the bulletin. …”

– Maybe your church isn’t an epic church. Here are three reasons it doesn’t need to be. (Link via Gary Ware.)

Five things I learnt in Birth class about welcoming people to church

“Everyone else looked right at home. I probably did too, but in reality, I was terrified. …”

– At The Gospel Coalition Australia, Dave Chiswell shares wisdom you can use this Sunday.

(Photo: GAFCON media.)

Anglicare opens new community pantries in St George and Sutherland Shire

“Anglicare has opened three new Mobile Community Pantries in St George and Sutherland Shire.

Stocked with household pantry items, Anglicare Sydney’s Mobile Community Pantry… will be arriving at Rockdale, San Souci and Southerland Anglican churches.”

– story from The St. George and Sutherland Shire Leader.

Expecting to repent

“It is a humbling experience to be faced with your sin –many of us don’t cope well with it.

We may respond with defensiveness, bewilderment, and denial. …“

– Food for sober reflection, from James Chen at

Also see: A Soul-Refreshed Life (David Brainerd) – Reformation21.

Moore College Open Events coming up — Sept 2018

Moore College has an Open Night on Monday 3rd September, at the start of its Open Week.

Considering finding out about Moore College? This is your opportunity!

Or perhaps there is someone you could encourage to think in that direction.

See the College website for details.

‘My Body, My Choice’

“What do we worship?

If aliens from another planet were to conduct a research expedition to earth, tasked with answering this question, what would they come up with?

They might ask people, but I doubt the answers would match up with what the aliens saw all around them. Various gods would be offered up as objects of worship. Some would say, “I’m spiritual, just not religious.” Others would claim to worship nothing.

But the evidence speaks louder than words. …”

– What does “My body, my choice!” say about us? Martyn Iles from the Australian Christian Lobby takes a biblical perspective.

Trinity Western University changes ‘community covenant’ — report

“Trinity Western University has announced it will change a ‘community covenant’ that prohibits students from participating in any sexual intimacy outside of heterosexual marriage. …”

– Trinity Western has reportedly changed its policy.

Earlier stories:

Supreme Court of Canada strikes a blow against religious freedom.

Trinity Western University loses before Supreme Court of Canada – Law and Religion Australia.

See also:

So Trinity Western University Blinked After All – Stephen McAlpine.

Four ways Christians can support our farmers

“Take a drive into the country and you’ll see rolling hills of red dirt and crispy yellow grass. The drought is crippling farmers and rural economies, and it doesn’t look like relief is coming any time soon.

‘The short version is that it’s pretty tough,’ says Rev Ted Brush, the Bush Church Aid’s NSW & ACT Regional Officer. Since stepping into the role in January, Mr Brush has seen the toll that the drought is taking on towns.…”

– Story from

See also:

Bush Church Aid

Archbishop of Sydney calls for Prayer for the Drought.

Euthanasia Bill Defeated in the Senate

“The push to allow territories the right to legalise euthanasia has foundered in the Senate, with a majority of the chamber voting against the proposal before it reached the committee stage.

The proposal appeared doomed when senators Brian Burston and Peter Georgiou reversed their position on the legislation, switching from yes votes to no votes. …”

– Story from The Guardian.

See also: Euthanasia Defeat In Senate Calls For Congratulations – Australian Christian Lobby:

“We know from international experiences that euthanasia is a slippery slope which leads to cases like in Belgium recently where a nine-year-old with a brain tumour and an eleven-year-old with cystic fibrosis were euthanaised.

“The inherent value of every life must continue to be maintained.  Australia must not become the kind of society where some lives where considered worthier of life than others.” – Martyn Iles.

(Image: St. Helen’s Bishopsgate.)

The confidence and hope of our calling

He who calls you is faithful; he will surely do it. (1 Thess 5:24)

“These few simple words sum up some of the essential fundamentals of Christianity. They tell us three things about God: that he has called us, that he is faithful, that he will do. …”

– Biblical encouragement from The Rev. Alan Stubbs, via The Australian Church Record.

Passing it on

“Earlier this year I was driving my youngest son home from a school event. Not long into the trip he asked me, ‘Dad, how did you become a Christian?’

Naturally that was a question that I was more than happy to answer, and we had a wonderful ride as I shared my story with him and as he probed me with further questions. It was a precious father-son moment.

However, I must confess that I was also a bit taken aback by the question.…”

– At, David Mears shares a great reminder about passing on the saving gospel to our children.

Spirit-inspired Christian Living — Phillip Jensen

“What does the Spirit want Christians to do? What does the Spirit enable Christians to do?

There are two common errors in answering these common questions:

at one extreme, the humanistic Christians have no place for the Spirit, but lay burdens of morality upon us;

at another extreme, the mystical Christians expect the Spirit to magically solve all our problems.

But what do the Spirit-inspired Scriptures tell us to expect about the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives?”

At Moore College’s Centre for Christian Living, Phillip Jensen is speaking about “Spirit-inspired Christian Living” on Monday 20th August, from 7:30pm.

Booking details here.

The Burden for Missions Begins at Home

Encouragement from Mark Dever in this brief 9Marks video.

Watch here.

#Metoo for unborn girls?

“Today at Church we celebrated the birth of a little girl. The parents gave thanks to God for her, and we as a congregation prayed for them. It was a joyous occasion, because life is so precious and wonderful, and every new life is beautiful.

As I was preparing for the infant dedication service earlier this morning, I came across this upsetting article in today’s The Age …”

Murray Campbell in Melbourne asks, “Is there a correlation between a society that leaves Christianity behind, and a society that dehumanises others?”

Being salty in a secular world: An interview with Os Guinness

When Os Guinness was in Sydney recently, Steve Tong spoke with him for The Australian Church Record.

Os spoke about the need to connect evangelism and apologetics, and the responsibility of Christians to engage with our world by holding out the light of the gospel.

Read it at The Australian Church Record.

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