GAFCON Chairman’s Pastoral Letter, August 2016

abp-nicholas-okoh-nigeriaMy dear people of God,

I have just returned from a very encouraging visit to the United States where I met with my brother Archbishop Foley Beach and I rejoice to see how the Anglican Church in North America is growing strong and standing firm.

As the steep decline of The Episcopal Church (TEC) of the United States and the Anglican Church of Canada continues, despite the hope of its leaders that reshaping it in the image of secular culture would attract, we give thanks for the Anglican Church of North America and remember the promise of our Lord Jesus Christ ‘I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it’ (Matthew16:18).

GAFCON recognises that the Church is not ours. It belongs to Jesus and it is Jesus who builds the Church through his word. …”

– Read all of Archbishop Nicholas Okoh’s pastoral letter for August 2016 at the GAFCON website.

Marriage debate ‘taints’ outcome, says Anglican Archbishop

Archbishop Glenn Davies“The leader of the nation’s largest Anglican diocese has warned that the political debate on same-sex marriage is ‘so tainted’ its resolution is beyond the ‘capabilities of the current parliament’.

Anglican Archbishop of Sydney Glenn Davies said the issue went to a change that would ‘affect the foundations of our society’. All Australians needed to be consulted and the arguments against marriage equality given a fair public hearing, he said. …”

– Full story from The Australian. (Paywalled.) Photo: Moore College.

Is denying same sex marriage unconstitutional?

Assoc Prof Neil Foster“An article in The Conversation on 30 August 2016,  “Marriage ‘inequality’ is a threat to religious freedom – and it is probably unconstitutional” by academic Dr Luke Beck, Lecturer in Constitutional Law at Western Sydney University, suggests that, far from proposals to redefine marriage to include same sex couples being a threat to religious freedom, the current law (which does not recognize such relationships) is itself in breach of free exercise of religion principles.

Dr Beck, it has to be said, is one of Australia’s foremost legal experts on s 116 of the Constitution (I regularly cite his many articles on the topic to my students in the “Law and Religion” course I teach.) So it is with some hesitation that I have to say I disagree with his view on this issue. But disagree I do.”

– Neil Foster at Law and Religion Australia lays out the reasons he is not convinced.

Statement from the Task Force of GAFCON UK in response to John Bingham’s article in the Daily Telegraph 29/8/2016

Peter SanlonGAFCON UK warmly commends the initiative of Rev Dr Peter Sanlon and others from a number of parishes in the Home Counties to set up a ‘shadow synod’ as stated in John Bingham’s article ‘Parishes begin Church split’.

This is a grass-roots initiative by local congregations which is representative of the views of many across the country, and is in line with the concerns of Anglicans from the GAFCON movement worldwide…

A statement from the GAFCON UK Task Force – via AMiE. (Photo: Dr. Peter Sanlon, St Mark’s, Tunbridge Wells.)

And here is the online version of the article by John Bingham in The Telegraph.

The Rev Dr Peter Sanlon, Vicar of St Mark’s Church in Tunbridge Wells, who is hosting this week’s meeting, said: “If senior leaders of the Church of England water down the teaching of the Church of England on key issues like homosexuality, then this synod could easily evolve in to a new Anglican jurisdiction in England.

“The Archbishop of Canterbury has signalled that he is aware of the possibility that a significant proportion of the church will not accept a change in the church’s teaching.

“This could be the beginning of that playing out.”

Archbishop preaches at Moore College Chapel

glenn-davies-mtc-chapelArchbishop of Sydney, Dr. Glenn Davies, was the guest preacher this morning at the Moore College Chapel.

He spoke on Hebrews 12, godly disciple, and the reality of suffering in the Christian life.

Listen to the 22 minute sermon (11MB mp3 file) here.

Canberra Rector asks Bill Shorten for ‘a civil and tolerant discussion’ on Same Sex Marriage

powell-shorten2“Federal Opposition Leader Bill Shorten has been accused of intolerance and ‘brutal’ language towards people opposed to same-sex marriage, in a confrontation with a rector outside a church service this morning.

Mr Shorten was among politicians attending the service to mark the start of the parliamentary year.

The Labor leader is a vocal advocate of same-sex marriage, but has raised concerns a plebiscite would be divisive and encourage the vilification of same-sex couples.

Rector Ian Powell, from a Canberra Anglican church, took the opportunity to raise concerns about Labor’s approach. …”

– Report and image from ABC News. (Watch to the end.)

Related: on 2GB today, Ben Fordham spoke with Michael Jensen.

Can we talk about Same-Sex Marriage?

can-we-talk-about-same-sex-marriage“Can we talk about Same-Sex Marriage?” is the topic for the next Centre for Christian Living event at Moore College.

“There is a time to keep silence, and a time to speak, says the Bible (Eccl 3:7). What time is it, then, when the subject of same-sex marriage comes up around the watercooler? Should Christians speak up on the topic—in our personal conversations, and in the public square? And if we do, how can we talk in a way that is loving, gracious and truthful?”

When: 7:30pm — 9:30pm, Wednesday 19th October.

Where: Moore College, 15 King Street, Newtown.

Speakers: Michael Kellahan and Tony Payne.

Book through the Centre for Christian Living.

‘Jesus & the Ten Gospels’ – New College Lectures with Dr Simon Gathercole

Dr Simon GathercoleDr Simon Gathercole is giving this year’s New College Lectures on September 20 and 22.

Some of the most widely published challenges to the Christian faith today have come in the publicity surrounding the “apocryphal” Gospels not included in the Christian Bible.

The idea that there is nothing particularly special about the four New Testament Gospels has appeared in both the popular media and in Biblical scholarship, from references to the Gospel of Philip in the Da Vinci Code, to the publication by the Harvard Theological Review of the so-called “Gospel of Jesus’s Wife” fragment.

These lectures will discuss the relevance of these Gospels outside of the Bible, comparing them with Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.”

– Free entry, but RSVP essential. Details from New College.

Alec Motyer (1924–2016)

alec-motyer-5Renowned Old Testament pastor-scholar Alec Motyer has gone home to be with the Lord, at the age of 91.

Justin Taylor has this appreciation at The Gospel Coalition.

Church Society Director Lee Gatiss has posted another:

Alec was a pillar of the evangelical Anglican establishment in the second half of the twentieth century, and a terrific example of a Reformed evangelical Bible commentator.

As the ‘church militant here on earth’ becomes increasingly bereft of those in that great generation, we must pray fervently for the continuation of their legacy — especially for the production of more Bible-loving, theologically-rigorous resources which feed warm-hearted, Christ-exalting preaching, but also for more Anglicans with his love for the word and for Reformation truths.”

Update: Terry Johnson has also posted this Personal Remembrance at Reformation 21:

Each weekday the entire college gathered for lunch. The food typically was English-bland, and 30 years after Victory in Europe Day, in war rationing quantities. The fellowship was wonderful, but the highlight (besides the tea) was Mr. Motyer’s closing prayer following a review of the college’s life.

The prayer before the meal was very brief. “For these and all thy mercies we give Thee thanks, O Lord, in our Saviour’s name, amen.” Motyer was devout but not sanctimonious. It was time to eat; no sense delaying the hungry.

The prayer following the meal was long, and worth the price of admission. He was no Prayer Book cripple. He prayed as he preached, with an Irishman’s passion and filled with Scripture. I never missed lunch, despite the food, because I didn’t want to miss the prayer.”

Additional note: His recently-published “Psalms by the Day — a New Devotional Translation”, published by Christian Focus, is a wonderful example of Motyer’s warm-hearted, Christ-honouring approach to Scripture.


Homesick for heaven?

d-a-carson-next-level-conf-aug-2016At The Next Level conference in Sydney, two weeks ago, Professor D A Carson spoke on Revelation 7:9-17 and the need to be ‘homesick for heaven’.

Sober, Christ-honouring, and very encouraging.

Watch the video here.

Abp of Canterbury and the Pope to celebrate 50th anniversary of Anglican Centre in Rome

Pope Francis and Archbishop Welby June 2014Coming up in October –

“The Archbishop of Canterbury will join Pope Francis for a joint service of Evening Prayer in the church of San Gregorio al Celio. Both men will preach and a Joint Declaration will be read out.

The service will combine elements of Anglican Evensong and Catholic Vespers, and will see the Sistine Chapel Choir joined by the choir of Canterbury Cathedral as they join together in common worship.

The central piece of the service will be the blessing and sending-out of pairs of IARCCUM bishops. The International Anglican and Roman Catholic Commission on Unity and Mission is made-up of pairs of bishops from around the world, who work together in their own countries, to follow Pope Francis’ call that we should walk together as if we were one.

– from The Anglican Centre in Rome.


Why the Reformation is Definitely Not Over


Is the Pope a Catholic? Understanding the Catholic Church.

Former GAFCON Chairman urges South Sudanese leaders to preserve life

apb-wabukala-acnaThe retired Archbishop of the Anglican Church of Kenya and former GAFCON Chairman, together with leaders of All Africa Conference of Churches to South Sudan has urged the political leaders of South Sudan to preserve lives of citizens instead of struggling for power and wealth in the country. ”

Report via GAFCON.

David Cook interviewed on the Same-Sex Marriage Plebiscite and Safe Schools

David CookPresbyterian Moderator-General David Cook was interviewed last night (24 August 2016) on Sky News’ The Bolt Report.

While video of the show is not available, the audio can be heard at this link. The segment begins at 5:00 and runs for almost 8 minutes.

David is asked how ministers in the Presbyterian Church might respond to a plebiscite result supporting same-sex marriage, and why Christians believe the issues are so important.

Update: David Cook writes,

On Wednesday, 24th August, I agreed to appear and be interviewed on the Bolt Report on the Sky news channel, regarding same sex marriage.

The interview was about 10 minutes of which Andrew Bolt took half that time in introducing the issue. I had much more to say, but the constraints of national media, made it impossible for me to say more than I did. I appreciated the opportunity to speak on behalf of the church and for Andrew Bolt’s interest; and here is ‘the more’ of what I had to say, the precis of which I delivered on air…”

Topics included —

Read ‘the more’ here.

The C of E: Limits to diversity and the inevitability of separation?

The Rev Andrew Symes, Anglican MainstreamIs the Church of England basically orthodox in its beliefs, and if so, is this a good thing for the Church’s mission to the nation and in fact its very survival? …”

– At Anglican Mainstream, Andrew Symes asks what is the future of the Church of England if so many in its leadership see orthodox belief as a stumbling-block to connecting with the nation.

Reformation History Tour

reformFrom Moore College:

“In 2017, the Reverend Dr Michael Jensen, Rector of Darling Point Anglican Church, will be leading a tour of the key Reformation sites of Europe. The tour will run from 26 April to 12 May and is being organised by 316 Tours Faith Travel. The group will travel from Prague, through Germany and Switzerland, finishing in England.

Moore College MA (Theol) students can participate in this study tour as a component of the Reformation History Tour unit, lectured by Dr Ed Loane (Lecturer, Theology and Church History).”

– Interested? Details here.

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