New devotional book on the Letters of John

walking-in-truth-and-loveDavid Mulready’s new series of devotions for Lent is available from CEP. It’s on 1, 2 and 3 John. (Lent begins in 2016 on February 10th.)

See a sample here.

Merger proposal for Anglicare and ARV

dorothy-mowll“The Council of Anglicare Sydney and the Board of Anglican Retirement Villages (ARV) have decided to pursue a merger of the two organisations. …

A recommendation will be made to the Standing Committee of the Diocese at its March meeting and if approved, a merger of the two organisations would take effect from 1 July, 2016…”

– News from

(Picture: Mrs Dorothy Mowll, wife of Archbishop Howard Mowll. It was her vision which led to the founding of Mowll Village – the beginning of ARV – in 1959.)

From the Vault: Win, Build, Send

From the Vault 3

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