Why evangelistic courses are like a good joke

Stephen LigginsStephen Liggins writes to encourage you to continue to run evangelistic courses.

Here’s why he reckons it’s worth it – at GoThereFor.

The future of liberalism

Church Society“Does Liberalism have a future? Or is it only parasitic on the real life of the church? What are the respective fruits of Liberalism and Evangelicalism?

Whilst we might instinctively feel we know the answers to such questions it is highly insightful to see if history corresponds to theory. And it does!

In this highly interesting and informative article, Barry Shucksmith traces the historical development of Liberalism in the Church and the decline of Church life that resulted from it alongside the story of Victorian Evangelicalism with a particular focus on the 1857-1860 revival in Great Britain.…”

Rob Brewis writes on Church Society’s blog.

Same-sex marriage activist returns to Wangaratta Diocese church

albury-noticeboard-2015“In yet another move in the Diocese of Wangaratta to push forward the Same-Sex Marriage agenda … the outspoken Archdeacon Peter Macleod-Miller has invited prominent campaigner Rodney Croome to speak at St Matthew’s Albury as part of their Easter and Lent 2016 lecture series. Last year’s lecture was part of the 9am Eucharist service…”

– David Ould has the story.

The Revolution eats one of its own Midwives

Dr Carl Trueman“I do not often find myself in sympathy with gay rights campaigner Peter Tatchell. Indeed, I still remember as a teenager being delighted and relieved at his defeat in the 1983 Bermondsey by-election. It symbolized so well how the new Left, with its preoccupation with gay rights, was of marginal interest to the poor and the working class. Still, it is hard not to have some sneaking admiration for a man who has tried to arrest Robert Mugabe not once but twice.

Yet this veteran human rights campaigner now finds himself on the receiving end of the latest campus malice and silliness …”

– At First Things, Dr Carl Trueman comments on one of last week’s big stories in the UK.

Special Synod session called to decide on proposed ARV — Anglicare merger

Sydney Synod“A special session of [Sydney] Synod has been called for late March to decide on the proposed merger of Anglicare and Anglican Retirement Villages. … an extra session will now be held on the evening of Thursday 31 March 2016, solely to consider the merger.”

– Story at SydneyAnglicans.net.

Earlier: Merger proposal for Anglicare and ARV.

Archbishops’ response to LGBTI activist is a ‘missed opportunity’

canterbury-york-climate“The Church of England has published a reply, dated 12 February, to a letter from Jayne Ozanne, Director of LGBTI campaign group Accepting Evangelicals, and co-signatories.

The letter, which was written by the Archbishop of York on behalf of himself and the Archbishop of Canterbury, responds to Ms Ozanne’s claim that the Church of England has failed its ‘duty of care’ to LGBTI members of the Anglican Church.

Andrea Williams, chief executive of Christian Concern and a member of the General Synod, has issued the following response …

‘This letter was another opportunity for the Archbishops to demonstrate appropriate leadership by reaffirming and promoting God’s clear vision for marriage. Instead the letter suggests that the fundamental issue is an ‘ongoing conversation’ as yet unresolved, implicitly suggesting that God has been unclear.

The role of the Archbishops is not to facilitate conversation but to teach the truth, refute error and discipline those who depart from God’s pattern in either teaching or lifestyle.’…”

– Read the full statement here. Read the Letter from the Archbishop of York here (450kb OCR PDF, originally from the Archbishop of York’s website).

Related: (Canadian) Primate listens to concerns of LGBTQ Anglicans

“‘All of us belong to God,’ said Canon Douglas Graydon to Archbishop Fred Hiltz, primate of the Anglican Church of Canada, at a gathering held to discuss same-sex marriage in the Canadian church. ‘The question is whether we belong to the church.’

It was a question many LGBTQ Anglicans brought forward in a question and answer session that took place after a talk Hiltz gave following the ‘queer Eucharist’ service hosted monthly at the Anglican Church of St. John’s West Toronto”

TEC will go to the ACC meeting in Lusaka and they will vote, ACC chairman says

anglican-communion“The Episcopal Church “cannot be kicked out of the Anglican Communion and will never be kicked out of the Anglican Communion,” the chairman of the Anglican Consultative Council told a seminary audience last week…”

– Report from Anglican Ink via GAFCON.

GAFCON Chairman’s Pastoral Letter February 2016

Archbishop Eliud Wabukala“Some of you are asking what GAFCON’s approach will be during the three years that TEC are subject to sanctions and what will happen at the end of that time, given that TEC appear to have moved well beyond the possibility of changing course.

At our Primates Council in April, we will take counsel together on these matters, but I can say that all of us in the GAFCON movement need to set our faces to go to Jerusalem. While we honour Canterbury as the mother See of the Anglican Communion, it was at Jerusalem that we placed our hope for the future in Jesus and the truth of the Bible…”

– Read all of Archbishop Eliud Wabukala’s letter here.

Protecting free speech in the Same Sex Marriage Plebiscite debate

Assoc Prof Neil Foster“An article in the The Guardian today, ‘Override hate speech laws to allow marriage equality debate, urges Christian lobby’ reports that Lyle Shelton, managing director of the Australian Christian Lobby, has made proposals urging greater protection of free speech for those opposed to the introduction of same sex marriage in the forthcoming Australian plebiscite on the topic.

Of course, the reader will see that the Guardian headline and my summary of the proposals seem quite different. In its support for same sex marriage, the Guardian and those it quotes describe the ACL proposals as follows: the ACL wants to ‘permanently override anti-discrimination laws’ …

I think the Guardian has slanted the ACL views unfairly. (Even more unfairly, the Sydney Morning Herald report on the story features a cartoon of an ACL representative complaining that they can’t be expected to make their case ‘without expressing hatred and bigotry’.) Let me suggest reasons why the ACL proposal, so far as can be ascertained from these press reports, sounds limited, moderate and sensible. …”

– Neil Foster, Associate Professor on Law at Newcastle, adds some clarity to reporting on those opposed to the introduction of same-sex marriage in Australia.

Update: See Part 2 here.

Malcolm in the Middle

David Cook“On Friday 12 February, at the invitation of the Australian Christian Lobby, I joined a delegation to meet Prime Minister, Malcolm Turnbull, in his Sydney office. It was agreed that we confine our remarks to the issue of the plebiscite regarding single gender marriage which will be held, in the event of a coalition victory, soon after the next Federal election. …

When the PM was asked about freedom of conscience for those in the marriage industry, florists, caterers, etc, he said that he was sure that common sense would prevail…”

– Presbyterian Moderator-General David Cook reports that he was ‘profoundly disappointed’ after a meeting with the Prime Minister last week. Read it all here.

Preaching Christ in the Old Testament — Kevin DeYoung at Preaching Matters

kevin-deyoung-st-helens-2016Kevin DeYoung has been preaching at St. Helen’s Bishopsgate in London, and took time out to address ‘Preaching Christ in the Old Testament’ for Preaching Matters.

Watch it here.

Archbishop Davies’ term extended

Dr Glenn Davies“Standing Committee has voted overwhelmingly to extend the term of Archbishop Glenn Davies until 2020.

Without the vote, Dr Davies would have been due to retire on attaining the age of 68 years on 26 September 2018.

Dr Robert Tong moved a motion in Standing Committee on Monday, 15th February, 2016 that the Archbishop’s term be extended for another two years.

Dr Davies was elected in August, 2013.

Dr Tong told Standing Committee that the Archbishop has shown leadership in three key areas.

‘Clearly by his preaching and modelling servant leadership, he has demonstrated spiritual leadership’ he said.

Dr Tong also cited the Archbishop’s leadership in Anglican organisations within and outside of the Diocese and his leadership in the ‘public square’.

‘He is across the issues, he makes a contribution and offers leadership from his own experience and learning’ Dr Tong said.

The motion, seconded by the Principal of Moore College, Dr Mark Thompson, passed overwhelmingly and was announced to the applause of Standing Committee.”

– Report by Russell Powell at SydneyAnglicans.net.

Archbishop of Canterbury gives his take on the Primates’ meeting

Archbishop Justin Welby, General SynodFrom the Anglican Communion News Service:

“The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, has used his presidential address to the Church of England’s General Synod to update members on last month’s Primates Meeting and Gathering in Canterbury. He also gave his impression about the current state of the Anglican Communion.”

– This is Archbishop Welby’s fullest account of his understanding of what took place in Canterbury last month. Worth reading in full. Photo: ACNS.

Word-Filled Women’s Ministry

jane-tooher-2“I think the greatest strength of Word-filled Women’s Ministry is that it takes the word of God seriously, and it takes the importance of women understanding and sharing God’s word with others seriously…”

Jane Tooher writes at Equal But Different about the new book Word-filled Women’s Ministry from The Gospel Coalition.

27 new Deacons for Sydney

deacons-02-2016“27 candidates from a variety of backgrounds were ordained deacons on Saturday, 13th February, at St Andrew’s Cathedral.

Led into the Cathedral by the director of Ministry, Training and Development, the Rev Gary O’Brien, he told the group, ‘You are entrusted with a wonderful message.’…”

– A good news story from SydneyAnglicans.net.

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