GAFCON Chairman’s Pastoral Letter October 2015

Archbishop Eliud WabukalaSpeaking of the meeting of Primates called by the Archbishop of Canterbury for January 2016, GAFCON Chairman Eliud Wabukala writes:

“I believe this will be an historic meeting unlike anything that has gone before. There is now a shared realisation that the time for dialogue is over and there must be a decision that will settle the future direction of the Communion and free us from being dragged down by controversy and confusion.”

– Read his full October 2015 Pastoral Letter here.

Reformation Sunday 2015

Reformation Sunday 2015It’s Reformation Sunday this weekend, and the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals has some free (and some paid) downloadable resources for your edification.

Hearing 1 Corinthians — as a letter

Andy NaselliAndy Naselli recited the full text of 1 Corinthians as the sermon at Bethlehem Baptist Church back in August.

In “Why and How to Memorize an Entire Book of the Bible”, he provides a link to the video, and also addresses the Why and How of memorising a book of the Bible.

He’s got the whole world in His hands

earth-from-deep-space-climate-observatory_19_oct_2015Use these daily images of Earth to prompt your praises of our great God.

(Background story.) Image: GSFC/NASA.

Kara Hartley — encouragement for women in ministry

Archdeacon Kara HartleyKara Hartley, Archdeacon for Women in the Diocese of Sydney, spoke at the Priscilla & Aquila Centre Refresh Conference in August.

The theme was ‘Stress & Ministry’. The first talk – by Kara Hartley – on Psalm 100 – and the second – by Dr Helen Rienits – are now on Vimeo.

Centre for Ministry Development to focus on Clergy needs

Centre for Ministry Development, Moore College“Moore College’s Centre for Ministry Development (CMD) has been assisting in the development of clergy for the past three years.

The Centre has recognised the need to more deeply research the development needs of clergy and has released its founding Director, Archie Poulos, from the Directorship in order to undertake this research…”

– Read the story at the Moore College website.

Herman Who?

David Cook“Much of the debate in the media about fundamentalism and radicalisation would be solved if all involved developed a commitment to responsible hermeneutics.

Hermeneutics is the science of interpretation.

When a solicitor reads a legal deed, words are to be understood literally. When I read the newspaper, I adopt different hermeneutical principles in reading the news items, the comment, the editorial and the comic strip.

All of the Bible is to be taken seriously and that means that not all will be taken literally…”

– David Cook writes about the importance of hermeneutics.
(Image: St. Helen’s London.)

More Packer

J I Packer videosCrossway has released more short videos filmed as part of their forthcoming documentary entitled, J. I. Packer: In His Own Words.

“We’re also giving away a free e-book by J. I. Packer to everyone who signs up to receive the videos via email at”

Released so far:

What is Repentance?
What is Faith?
What is the Church?
What is Doctrine?
What is Christian Unity?
Who is the Holy Spirit?

The full video will be released on Tuesday, November 3rd.

Ka-Ching! Designed for addiction

pokiesTonight (Tuesday 20th October 2015, at 9:29pm) ABC TV is screening a documentary on the inner workings behind the all-pervasive poker machines in Australian clubs and pubs.

They have come a long way since the mechanical machine pictured!

You can see a trailer for the programme at The Pokies Play You.

Global South Primates — Cairo Communiqué

global-south-primates-cairoThe Global South Primates have released a Communiqué after their meeting in Cairo, October 14–16.

“While we were disappointed that the general Global South Conference in Tunisia was cancelled at the last minute due to security reasons, we are immensely grateful to God who blessed this rescheduled Primates Meeting in Cairo.”

– Read their full Communiqué via the Anglican Communion News Service.

George Conger at Anglican Ink also has the Communiqué with some commentary.

Stories you might have missed — Monday 19th October 2015

strengthtostrengthHere are a few stories you might have missed from the last week –

Positive complementarianism

The Colgans“Always defending means that often our churches are so concerned with what women are not allowed to do, that we do not take the time to think hard about what women should be encouraged to do to build up the body of Christ. This conference gives us just that opportunity…”

– At Equal But Different, Phil and Vic Colgan are thankful for conferences which move beyond the theological ‘battle ground’ into positive encouragement. And they suggest one you can attend.

Bathurst Synod reflects on a year of change

Bishop Ian Palmer“Bishop Ian Palmer’s Presidential Address to the annual Synod of Bathurst Diocese recalled a year of significant changes in many areas of diocesan life.

The first session of the 48th Synod of the Diocese met in Bathurst on the weekend of September 18-20…”

It’s been another difficult year for the Bathurst Diocese, with the sale of the Bathurst Goldfields property on Mount Panorama, retrenchments in the diocesan office and the move of the Bishop to Dubbo – as well as the matters still before the Supreme Court of NSW.

Please pray that Christ would be known and loved across the Central West, through the preaching of his saving gospel.

Bishopscourt Sydney on the market again

Bishopscourt, Sydney“Sportsbet has weighed into conjecture surrounding the sale [of Bishopscourt Sydney] with $2.75 odds-on chance of the landmark residence selling between $20 million and $22,499,000…”

– More than you wanted to know, from Domain.

Sydney Synod “grieved” by actions of Bishops of Gippsland and Wangaratta

Bishop John Parkes, The Rev. David Head and Bishop Kay Goldsworthy“Wednesday night’s [Sydney] synod ended with the passing of a robust motion responding to the actions of Bishop Kay Goldsworthy and Bishop John Parkes in undermining the Biblical doctrine of marriage and human sexuality.

The final motion, which was passed overwhelmingly, reads as follows…”

– Read the full text as posted by David Ould.

See also page 5 of the September 2015 edition of The Gippsland Anglican (PDF file).

(Image credits – Photo of Bishop John Parkes: Diocese of Wangaratta. Photo of the Rev. David Head and Bishop Kay Goldsworthy: Diocese of Gippsland.)

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