Russell Moore on the Planned Parenthood videos

Russell MooreLast week, Russell Moore spoke of what he hopes will be the end result of the release of the Planned Parenthood expose videos.

And today the seventh video has been released – Justin Taylor has the link and related material – however, please be warned that the subject matter is distressing and sickening.

See also:

NSW Summer School 2016 registration open

unstoppable-gospelRegistration is now open for CMS NSW Summer School – coming up in January 2016.

GAFCON primates lead in corruption fight

apb-wabukala-acna“GAFCON’s most senior leaders are taking a prominent role in the fight against corruption in Africa.

The Chairman of the Primate’s Council, Archbishop Eliud Wabukala, was appointed late last year to chair Kenya’s Anti-Corruption Campaign Steering Committee.

Among other measures, the committee will run nationwide public education campaign aimed at changing Kenyans’ attitude towards corruption.…”

– from GAFCON.

Two new faculty appointments at Moore

two-new-members-of-faculty“At its meeting on 18 August, the Governing Board of the College has approved the Principal’s nomination of two new members of the Moore College faculty.”

They are Dr Chase Kuhn and Dr Chris Thomson. Details here.

When ‘discernment’ leads to disaster

Albert Mohler“The historic First Baptist Church of Greenville, South Carolina, announced in May that it would declare itself be ‘open and welcoming’ to all people and that it would allow same-sex marriage and ordain openly homosexual ministers.

The move came after the church had undergone a ‘discernment’ process under the leadership of a ‘LGBT Discernment Team.’ That team brought a report to the church’s deacons, who then forwarded it to the congregation. The church then approved the statement by standing vote…

The lesson – once a church or denomination is untethered from the inerrancy of the Bible, there is no brake on the relativizing effects of cultural pressure.”

Albert Mohler writes an important essay on the slide into liberalism of a historic US church.

Bible Society Australia ‘acquires’ Koorong

greg-clarke-paul-bootes-2Here’s an interesting development:

“Bible Society Australia – whose core cross denominational mission is to translate, distribute and engage people with the Bible – has acquired leading Christian retailer Koorong…”

– Real the media release (PDF), or watch the announcement video from Bible Society Australia CEO, Greg Clarke and Koorong Managing Director Paul Bootes.

And some more info here from Bible Society Australia.

Catching up on the Annual Moore College Lectures

mtc-lectures-2015If you missed the 38th Annual Moore College Lecture series by Professor Kevin Vanhoozer, you can catch up here.

How did we get to Now? — NSW Presbyterians challenged to remember

Kevin Murray. Photo by Peter Merrick“Before I belonged to the Presbyterian Church I was a member of another Australian denomination that has now completely lost its way theologically.

I used to attend the Katoomba Convention and the CMS Summer School for my annual Bible teaching. I know what it’s like to go to church week after week and hear minister after minister have nothing to say from the Bible. Some of you can’t imagine a situation like that. Some of you have lived through it. We can’t afford to forget those days. We must make sure that we don’t become complacent.

That’s one reason why we need to play our part in meetings like Assembly and Presbytery. Where does theological liberalism begin to take its hold? It’s often in the decisions of Assemblies and Presbyteries. Carl Truman says that liberalism enters a church when evangelicals don’t bother turning up to the decision making meetings while the moderates and liberals slowly change the theological temperature. We must each play our part in making sure that we are a denomination that sticks to the Bible…”

– In his address to the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in NSW recently, Moderator Kevin Murray challenged his hearers against complacency.

Read it on pages 8 and 9 of the August–September 2015 edition of The Pulse (PDF).

The illustration given above is also why the ACL is committed to its task. If you share our commitment, consider joining. Photo credit: Peter Merrick.

Moore Theological College insights with a fairy-tale commute

study-at-homeCheck out this neat video from Moore College.

And here’s where to find info on the courses on offer.

Archbishop of Sydney backs plebiscite plan

Dr Glenn DaviesHere’s a media release from the Diocese of Sydney, Friday 14th August 2015:

Anglican Church Diocese of Sydney
Media Statement August 14th, 2015

The Archbishop of Sydney, Dr Glenn Davies, has congratulated the Prime Minister and the Coalition for backing a plebiscite on same-sex marriage.

“I believe that marriage is a foundational concept to our society and indeed to human civilisation as a whole, in accordance with God’s own plan for all people, and it is intrinsic to the continuation of the human race as the bedrock of the family from which succeeding generations are born.”

“Despite the relentless campaign by some sections of the community, it is only now that other views are starting to be heard in the media, not only from the churches. The discussion must include the implications for children and the family unit, not just sloganeering.”

“Mr Abbott has been consistent and forthright on this issue, and it is clear he recognises the national importance of a debate about the definition of marriage as well as the strength of feeling on both sides. Yet the debate has been unhelpfully politicised, which is why it should be decided by the people directly. If the majority of Australians desire a change to the time-honoured understanding of marriage, then so be it. The Prime Minister is graciously offering this option so that we, the people, may have our say on the future of marriage in Australia.”


Related: Church and religious leaders send letter on Same-Sex Marriage to Prime Minister Abbott.

Read “Knowing God” with Tim Challies

Knowing God“One week from today I am going to begin a very public reading of a very good book. I would love for you to join me. Why don’t you read on to see if it would be beneficial to you?

For the past few years I have been running an ongoing program called ‘Reading Classics Together.’ This is the way I force myself to read those classic Christian books that I somehow otherwise neglect. I do it by inviting others to join me so we can read those books together.

Next week I will begin reading J.I. Packer’s modern-day classic Knowing God

All you need to do is obtain a copy of the book and read chapters 1 and 2 prior to August 20.”

– An excellent idea from Tim Challies in Toronto.

Katy Faust: daughter of lesbian parents cautions against gay marriage

katy-faust“American Katy Faust was raised by her lesbian mother and her partner and she now runs a blog called asktheBigot, which is fiercely opposed to gay marriage.”

– She was interviewed on ABC TV’s Lateline.

A Biblical Doctrine of Humanity

Tim Keller EMA 2015Tim Keller spoke at this year’s Evangelical Ministry Assembly in London – on a doctrine of humanity.

You can watch it here, thanks to the Proclamation Trust. Very relevant to many contemporary situations.

(The theme of this year’s EMA: “Identity Crisis: Preaching to a Confused World”. The audio files are already available.)

Reading the Newspaper

David Cook“At Theological College it was suggested that we students read the newspaper, standing up, giving it a cursory reading. I have never followed that advice, I enjoy the daily paper in a comfortable chair, newsprint and all, no online version for me!

Last week, I was asked to speak to a group of men about ‘how Christians read the newspaper’.

The news is usually confronting: ISIS, travel entitlements, single gender marriage, human trafficking as well as the natural disasters of fire and drought.

The starting point for the believer is the sovereign rule of God over all things…”

– a very helpful comment from Presbyterian Moderator-General David Cook.
(Image: St. Helen’s Bishopsgate.)

Don’t let it fall off the table!

Stephen Liggins“A couple of years ago, I attended some seminars run by an American church growth expert named Dr Paul Borden.

From all the wisdom that he passed on, one thing I remember was that, unless we are very deliberate and diligent, evangelism will almost always ‘fall of the table’ when push comes to shove in church (or Christian group) practice. He is not an expert for no reason!…”

– at, Stephen Liggins writes to encourage churches to keep focussed.

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