GAFCON: A moment and a movement — report on Belfast meeting

Archbishop Peter Jensen“A meeting of church leaders from across Ireland has been challenged to remain biblically faithful but to ‘dare to do new things’ in the face of a ‘new spiritual darkness’ in the west.

The General Secretary of the Global Anglican Future Conference, Dr Peter Jensen, who addressed the event at Belfast’s Willowfield Church, told the story of GAFCON’s beginnings in the landmark conference of Bishops, clergy and lay leaders in Jerusalem in 2008, through to the Nairobi meeting in 2013 and the movement’s unifying work today across the Anglican world…”

report from GAFCON.


Here’s a report from The Belfast News Letter.

and a correction to that report, from Philip Robinson GAFCON Operations Manager.

Welcome to Upsy Down Town

steve-rockwell“Fifty years ago the Christian world view was accepted as the norm by most of the western world. Twenty years ago it was tolerated as the view of some.

Today, in Upsy Down Town, if you want to stand for the Christian way of thinking on almost any ethical issue, expect to be swimming against the tide…”

– Stephen Rockwell, who teaches at George Whitefield College in Cape Town, writes about how to live in Upsy Down Town.

Evangelicals call for the Church of England to uphold the Gospel of Jesus Christ

Church of EnglandHere’s a Joint Press Release from Reform and Oxford Diocesan Evangelical Fellowship:

“This week began with Katherine Jefferts Schori, the Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church (TEC) of the USA, preaching in Westminster Abbey; it will end, we are told with Canon Michael Smith of York Minster blessing the York Gay Pride March. In between we have seen the Bishop of Buckingham describe doctrine that he swore to teach and pass on as ‘lousy’.

Nowhere in any of this has there been the clear message of the Gospel that despite our rejection of his ways we are all loved by God and can find forgiveness through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is not surprising, then, that the majority of the world’s Anglicans now look to the Primates of Global Anglican Future Conference (GAFCON) for Leadership – the only question is whether after weeks like this one, those in the Church of England who wish to proclaim this Gospel will be forced to follow the same path…”

Read the whole thing here (PDF). via Anglican Mainstream.


Presiding Bishop Jefferts Schori preaches at Westminister Abbey. – Abbey website.

York Minster Joins in with Gay Pride – Minster FM.

‘Archbishop Welby joins faith leaders calling for action on climate change’

canterbury-york-climate“The Archbishop of Canterbury has joined faith leaders in Britain pledging to fast and pray for the success of key international negotiations over climate change, in a new declaration warning of the ‘huge challenge’ facing the world over global warming…

In the Lambeth Declaration, which will be launched tomorrow, signatories call on faith communities to recognise the pressing need to make the transition to a low carbon economy.”

–  When you have a theological vacuum, something will fill it. Photo: Lambeth Palace.


“My guess is that the secular press will make much of the Pope’s statements on climate change and very little of his affirmation of historic Catholic teachings that run contrary to the modern secular worldview.”

Pray through Ramadan

pray-through-ramadanAs the month of Ramadan begins, Christians around the world are being urged to pray for their Muslim friends and neighbours, that they may hear the saving news of Jesus Christ and to put their trust in him.

Open Doors is one of several organisations providing prayer resources. Another is 30 Days Australia.

Matt Brain consecrated Assistant Bishop in Canberra & Goulburn

Dr Matt Brain consecration“Although the winter chill had settled on Goulburn, the congregation in St Saviour’s Cathedral received Dr Matt Brain warmly as bishop following his consecration on Saturday 13 June 2015.

Dr Brain was consecrated as the new Assistant Bishop in the Diocese of Canberra and Goulburn with responsibilities for training and development, making him of the nation’s most youthful bishops…

The Archbishop of Sydney, the Most Revd Dr Glenn Davies, led the consecration service while Dr Brain’s father, the Rt Revd Peter Brain and former Bishop of Armidale, delivered the sermon.”

– Report from the Diocese of Canberra & Goulburn.

Who counts as an extremist?

Dr Mike Ovey“Shortly after the last general election, prime minister David Cameron said that the UK had been a ‘passively tolerant society’ for too long. ‘Passively tolerant’, he says, is a society in which people were told ‘as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone’.

This is rather odd…”

Oak Hill Principal Mike Ovey considers some ominous proposals in the UK.

Anglican church failed abuse victims: Bishop of Newcastle

Bishop of Newcastle Greg Thompson“In an emotional media conference at Lambton on Wednesday, Bishop Greg Thompson conceded that the church had failed abuse victims…”

– Report from The Newcastle Herald.

See also:

Did you forget the Cross?

Chris BragaAt the recent NEXUS Conference, Chris Braga gave a very helpful 18 minute exhortation.

Does your church or Christian organisation explicitly speak of the Cross of Christ and what it means?

Or is it assumed?

Encouragement: It’s not too long – watch the video in your Parish Council meetings, committee meetings, home groups, staff meetings – at

Related: Mission Minded.

Two Ways Ministries launch (updated with video)

Phillip Jensen Two Ways MinistriesWhen Phillip Jensen resigned as Dean of St. Andrew’s Cathedral at the end of 2014, it wasn’t so that he could retire.

His new venture, Two Ways Ministries, was launched at Moore College on Saturday 30th May, with the help of a large group of friends.

The tag line of Two Ways Ministries is “Preaching the gospel by teaching the Bible”. Phillip explains that his aim is to promote the strong connection between faithful exposition of the Bible and preaching the gospel. He, and a few consultants, aim to model evangelistic preaching from the Bible. As well, he plans to continue recruiting and training young preachers, and writing.

Watch or listen:

Richard Chin asks Phillip Jensen about the new ministry. (video)

Two Ways Ministry and book launch – Phil Colgan. (video)

Phillip spoke on 2 Timothy 4:5, “Do the Work of an Evangelist” (video) or audio only.

twm-prayer_smThe ministry was launched with prayer.

As well, a book of 20 essays in honour of Phillip – Let the Word do the Work – was also launched by The Australian Church Record.

The offices of Two Ways Ministries are inside Moore Theological College and can be contacted here.

Please do pray for this new ministry, at the same time giving thanks for tools such as Two Ways to Live – which has been such a blessing to so many over the years.

The Battle of Waterloo and Moore College??

Peter Bolt“To mark the bicentenary of the famous Battle of Waterloo on 18 June, Peter Bolt, Head of Moore College Department of New Testament and Greek, has organised a free event ‘The Battle of Waterloo and Moore College’.”

– Read on to see the unexpected link.

The Pulse June–July 2015

The PulseThe latest issue of The Pulse, the magazine of the Presbyterian Church in NSW, is up on their website. (PDF file.)

It includes a profile of Kevin Murray, incoming state Moderator and Moore College graduate. (h/t Gary Ware.)

Let the Word do the Work

Phillip JensenAt the launch of Two Ways Ministries on May 30, Phil Colgan also launched a new book of twenty essays by friends and colleagues of Phillip Jensen.

Entitled Let the Word do the Work, Essays in honour of Phillip D. Jensen, it’s published by The Australian Church Record.

Contributors to the volume:

Peter Blowes, Peter Bolt, D.A. Carson, Chris and Mona Chia, Richard Chin, Paul House, R. Kent Hughes, Matthew D. Jensen, Peter Jensen, Paul and Sandra King, Simon Manchester, Colin Marshall, Joshua Ng, Tony Payne, Carmelina Read, Rob Smith, William Taylor, Mark Thompson, Tim Thorburn, Jane Tooher.

Here’s the Preface, by ACR Editor Peter Bolt:

Let the Word do the Work“When Phillip Jensen announced his resignation from St. Andrew’s Cathedral, Sydney, the Directors of the Australian Church Record immediately requested me to commission a volume of essays in his honour.

It is no exaggeration to say that Phillip, with his focus on clear Bible teaching and gospel proclamation, has been an enormous influence in maintaining and shaping Sydney’s evangelicalism. It is equally clear that his ministry has influenced good, evangelical change throughout Australia and in significant places across the globe.

Of course, the thanks and praise must go to the Lord Jesus Christ, who called Phillip to himself in order to thrust him out as yet another labourer into his harvest field. But because his ministry has brought so many benefits to so many people and also to the evangelical cause, it would be an act of ingratitude to Christ if we did not also thank Phillip himself for his faithfulness to the Saviour. Rejoicing in the Lord’s work, and in the work of his servants ought to go hand in hand.

These essays are offered in this double thankfulness, and with the hope of more good things to come as Phillip enters the next phase of his service of the Lord Jesus.”

You can order Let the Word do the Work from Matthias Media.

Elisabeth Elliot 1926-2015

Elisabeth Elliot“Elisabeth Elliot (née Howard; born December 21, 1926) died this morning (June 15, 2015) at the age of 88. She was a beautiful woman of whom the world was not worthy…”

– Justin Taylor passes on the news.

Praying for those who serve those who serve

Defence Anglicans Prayer DiaryThe 2015 Defence Anglicans Prayer Diary is now up on their website.

Use it to help you uphold in prayer those who minister to members of the Australian Defence Force.

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