Family of Asia Bibi appeal for help over blasphemy charge

Aasia Bibi“Asia Bibi, a poor, illiterate woman from Pakistan’s rural Punjab, has been on death row for almost five years after being accused of insulting the Prophet Muhammad, a charge she vehemently denies. In a rare interview, her husband has appealed for help from the international community…”

– Report from BBC News. (Photo: Barnabas Fund.)

Advancing Your Preaching workshop

Archbishop Peter JensenComing up on Thursday February 19, the Advancing Your Preaching workshop is a joint venture of Cornhill Sydney and Moore College. Dr Peter Jensen is speaking on Preaching Christian Doctrine.

RSVP February 12. Details and registration form here.

‘How euthanasia advocates will never stop at the terminally ill’

Tom Mortier“Tom Mortier never paid much attention to the discussion about voluntary death in his country.

‘I was like just about anyone else here in Belgium: I didn’t care at all,’ he said. ‘If people want to die, it’s probably their choice. It didn’t concern me.’

But in April, 2012, ten years after the law changed to allow euthanasia, Mortier, a university lecturer, received a message at work…”

Anglican Mainstream links to this article in The Telegraph. (Photo: HOPE.)

Kanishka Raffel — Do not lose heart

Kanishka RaffelIn the latest Preaching Matters video, Kanishka Raffel, who has been visiting St. Helen’s in London, speaks about why we should not lose heart as we preach the gospel.

Be encouraged.

New Dean of Armidale announced

Chris Brennan and family“Chris Brennan is to be the next Dean of St Peter’s Cathedral in Armidale.

In every sense of the word Chris’ appointment is a local one having grown up at Enmore and Yarrowyck, being educated in his high school years at The Armidale School (TAS) and only ever having left the north west to study at the University of Southern Queensland, where he obtained a science degree, and later at Moore Theological College in Sydney. …

Chris will be installed as Dean in a special service at St Peter’s Cathedral on 2 March.”

– Read the full announcement from the Diocese of Armidale. (Photo: Glen Innes Anglican.)

Can we talk about Islam?

Centre for Christian Living“One thing that most Australian Christians and Muslims share is a frustration with the standard media-driven categories in which nearly all religious claims or subjects are discussed in our society. Clichés, misunderstandings and misrepresentations are common. Even simply talking publicly and clearly about religious teachings and practices is often seen as undesirable, inappropriate and divisive.

Why is that? And could things be different?…”

An interesting evening coming up at Moore College’s Centre for Christian Living.

Lent 2015 Studies from John Harrower

Bishop John HarrowerBishop of Tasmania John Harrower has written a series of studies for Lent 2015.

Called The God of Life, you can read the details here.

Archbishop of Brisbane ‘blesses statues’

Archbishop Dr Phillip Aspinall blesses the statues“Three stunning hand-crafted sandstone statues were hoisted into the niches of St John’s Cathedral in Brisbane on Wednesday, January 28, 2015. … The statues cost about $45,000 each … The Most Reverend Dr Phillip Aspinall, Archbishop of Brisbane, blessed the statues before they were raised by crane.”

– from the Diocese of Brisbane.

The Bishop of Bathurst’s journey to Dubbo

walk-to-dubbo“From Sunday February 1 to Saturday February 7, Bishop Ian and Liz Palmer will be making a Pilgrimage Walk from Bathurst to Dubbo.

Bishop Ian has said that the walk will serve several important purposes:

It highlights the decision for the Bishop of Bathurst to move out of Bishopscourt in Bathurst, and to take up residence in the Rectory at Holy Trinity Dubbo. Bishop Ian will also be commissioned as Rector of Dubbo on Saturday evening, February 7;

It symbolises Bishop Ian’s and Liz’ commitment to walk with the people of the diocese on the difficult journey ahead;

It provides an opportunity to walk and talk with people from the parishes along the way;

It gives opportunity to reflect on the changing nature of ministry and mission in the Diocese of Bathurst.

While he is not expecting anyone else to walk the 200-plus kilometres, he will welcome anyone wanting to walk part of the pilgrimage with him…”

– See the itinerary from the Diocese of Bathurst.

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