The False Teachers: Charles Taze Russell

Tim ChalliesTim Challies has been writing a series on false teachers.

This week he turns to Charles Taze Russell (1852-1916), founder of the Jehovah’s Witnesses.

Advance your Preaching — Moore to host hands-on preaching day

David Peterson“On April 8 Moore College will host the first of a regular series of hands-on days to help improve our skills in proclaiming the Word. Moore Emeritus Faculty member Dr David Peterson, author of the Pillar Commentary on Acts, will give us input on issues involved in preaching the Book of Acts. …”

– Read the details at the Moore College website – and book in to “Advancing your Preaching” here.

Fred Phelps and the Anti-Gospel of Hate

Albert Mohler“Fred Phelps became infamous due to one central fact — he was a world-class hater. He brought great discredit to the Gospel of Christ because his message was undiluted hatred packaged as the beliefs of a church.”

– Albert Mohler writes on the tragic legacy of the founder of ‘Westboro Baptist Church’.

How real is ‘Heaven Is for Real’?

John PiperJohn Piper was asked about the “Heaven is for real” genre of books written by people who claim to have been to heaven.

Here his reply – 6 minutes here. (h/t Tim Challies.)

Why Holidays are More Christian than Holy Days

Phillip Jensen“There are Holy Days and there are holidays and Christians support both, though they prefer holidays.

The word ‘holiday’ comes from Holy Day, but has been secularised. The Holy Day celebrates something of eternal, supernatural or religious significance. The holiday is just taking time off work. Holy Days are not always celebrated by taking time off – sometimes they are marked by fasting or feasting or wearing special clothing. However, some Holy Day celebrations do involve taking time off from work. …”

– Dean of Sydney Phillip Jensen writes in his weekly column.

The New Calvinism: A Triumph of the Old

Rick Phillips“Theologically, the New Calvinism is mainly an extension of the broader rim of Old Calvinism that was expressed in Charles Spurgeon and populist Presbyterians like James Boice. In fact, Boice’s main target was the very evangelical audience that largely comprises the New Calvinism, and I often heard him predict and rejoice in the Reformed resurgence that blossomed shortly after his death. Instead of a theological shift, the New Calvinism represents a major sociological and ecclesiastical extension of Calvinism in general…”

– Rick Phillips at Reformation 21 begins a series of observations on the phenomenon known as ‘New Calvinism’.

The Dry behind the Fence

The Dry“For those with water on tap and a weekly pay cheque it is worth considering the food on our plates, the fresh produce of a morning breakfast and the meat and three vegetables to which we are accustomed. All of this while dressed in cotton, looking forward to the heat of summer giving way to winter’s woollen warmth.

While many of us enjoy the privilege of another evening meal, the food bowl of our nation and region is struggling. While we drink freely, the farmer is on the verge of buying drinking water. While we eat, people on the land are spending what they often don’t have to buy fodder for the stock they may be unable to keep…”

– It’s very tough on the land, and Rick Lewers, Bishop of Armidale, encourages us to pray for rain and to be mindful of the farmers.

Mohler on Spurgeon

Albert MohlerAlbert Mohler delivered the annual Spurgeon Lecture at the Reformed Theological Seminary in Florida last week. He looks at Spurgeon in his intellectual and cultural context.

See it here via the Gospel Coalition.

(From 23:20, there’s mention of Bishop Colenso, whose actions precipitated the first Lambeth Conference.)

New BCA Regional Officer to be Commissioned

The Rev Peter Adkins, BCAThe new BCA Regional Officer for NSW and the ACT, the Rev. Peter Adkins, will be commissioned tomorrow afternoon, at 5:30pm 19th March 2014, in Sydney.

The Service is at St. Philip’s York Street, and Archbishop Glenn Davies will preach and conduct the commissioning. Please pray for Peter in his new role.

One 2 One part 2

one-2-one-2In part 2 of her 3-part video series from St Helen’s Bishopsgate, Amy Wicks talks about the where, when and how of One2One Bible reading.

Diocese of South Carolina ‘joins Fellowship of Confessing Anglicans’

Bishop Mark Lawrence, South Carolina.“The Diocese of South Carolina has been formally recognized as a member in good standing of the Global Anglican Communion.

On Saturday, March 15, the Diocese’s 223rd Annual Convention unanimously accepted an invitation to join the Global Fellowship of Confessing Anglicans (GFCA) and temporarily enter into a formal ecclesiastical relationship known as provisional primatial oversight from bishops in the Global South.  Read more

Remembering Leon Morris on the Centenary of his birth

Leon MorrisAustralian theologian Leon Morris was born one hundred years ago this weekend – on March 15th 1914.

The current Principal of Ridley College Melbourne, Dr, Brian Rosner, has a tribute. (Photo: Ridley College.)

If you are not familiar with the writings of Leon Morris, you can read three articles on the Church Society website:

The Person of Christ (1960).

The Authority of the Bible Today (1961, PDF file).

Christian Worship (1962, PDF file).

The Apostolic Preaching of The CrossAnd if you can obtain a copy (and especially if you have some Greek), take the time to read his The Apostolic Preaching of The Cross – The Tyndale Press, London, 1955) – an enormously important book still today.

That book “is an attempt to understand certain key words, words which are crucial to the New Testament picture of the atonement, by seeing them against the background of the Greek Old Testament, the papyri, and the Rabbinic writings. Armed with our discoveries, we then proceed to examine them in their New Testament setting…” – from the Preface to the First Edition.

Update: Sandy Grant has just published this at The Briefing.

Calvin on ‘testing all things’

Dr Mark Thompson“I have long known that 1 Thessalonians 5.21 was one of Luther’s favourite verses. At least it is one which he keeps quoting again and again – ‘Test everything; hold on to what is good’. It is an encouragement to avoid both credulity (accepting without testing) and  censoriousness (in the sense of always criticising and never settling on and delighting in the truth).

Luther’s words have often stiffened my resolve to avoid the censorship of ideas just because they are different from my own or seem to clash with my present convictions. …”

– Dr. Mark Thompson, Principal of Moore Theological College, writes at Theological Theology.

Moore College Graduation 2014 — into all the world

Moore Theological College“This evening 99 graduates received their awards from the college. City Recital Hall, Angel Place was packed with over 600 guests…”

– Moore’s Mark Fairfull has this report on the College’s 2014 Graduation ceremony.

An Evangelistic Leaflet from Phillip Jensen — for St. Patrick’s Day

Phillip JensenHow can you use St. Patrick’s Day to share the good news of the One whom St. Patrick proclaimed?

Phillip Jensen has written a leaflet for members of the Cathedral congregation to hand out, or to give to friends. You may wish to use it too.

Please pray that this leaflet may be a blessing in pointing many to the Lord Jesus. There’s a PDF download link as well as some material you may find useful at

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