Support palliative care not euthanasia — NSW Council of Churches

NSW Council of ChurchesMedia release from the NSW Council of Churches:

“8 May 2013. Support palliative care not euthanasia.

The NSW Council of Churches today called on all members of the NSW Legislative Council to vote against a private member’s bill that would legalise euthanasia and assisted suicide in NSW. Read more

Going without in a time of plenty

Anglicare“Joint research launched 8 May by ANGLICARE Sydney, the Samaritans Foundation and Anglicare NSW South, NSW West and ACT has revealed the extent of hardship for low income households accessing their Emergency Relief (ER) services.

Of the people surveyed who accessed these ER services, 98% were found to be food insecure and 82.2% were severely food insecure. This means that they were not sure where their next meal was coming from or they were unable to provide food for their family on a regular basis. …”

– Read it all at Anglicare Sydney.

Church Record editorial May 2013

ACR editorial“The Ordinal in our Prayer Book provides the job description. It is time to read it again. There is nothing the Archbishop will be required to do that he is not already doing as a gospel minister. …”

– The editorial in the latest Australian Church Record, “Preparing for an Election without mystery”, touches on the coming Archbishop’s election Synod.

The Lifeguard

John Richardson“The day had seemed to start quite well,
The ‘sea of life’ a gentle swell.
When all at once I felt a change,
The world around was growing strange. …”

– Take the time to read “The Lifeguard”, by John Richardson.

On the elimination of the suffering

Dr Megan Best“Why is it, as soon as we see someone suffering, that we so quickly think of eliminating the sufferer?

Is it that we think that their suffering is so bad that they would be better off dead than to continue as they are?

Or is it that we are fearful that their suffering would only increase if they were to continue to live in a society which is unwilling to change so that their needs will be met? Or are we concerned that we would suffer because of them?…”

– Dr Megan Best asks some challenging questions in this article at (Photo: Matthias Media.)

Euthanasia lives again

Dr Megan Best“On Thursday 2nd May 2013, the NSW Greens MLC, Cate Faehrmann, introduced to the NSW Parliament’s upper house a bill to make assisted suicide legal in this State, under certain conditions. It is a private members’ bill, which she has given a speech to commend. MLCs will likely debate it again next Thursday 9th May.

The Bill will make it lawful for persons with a terminal illness who are resident in NSW to receive assistance in certain circumstances if they wish to end their life. That is, it will legalise a form of euthanasia in NSW. …”

– Andrew Cameron from the Social Issues Executive of the Diocese of Sydney draws attention to what’s happening in NSW State Parliament (PDF file).

On the same PDF file, there’s also an excellent resource – Notes on the Rights of the Terminally Ill Bill 2013 – from Dr. Megan Best (pictured).

See further material relating to Euthanasia, on the SIE website – and we have links to more here.

Your church is too small

crowd“I decided to go along to the week-long convention to get a feel for where Hillsong was up to. I went expecting a fairly different experience to my normal church life—and sure enough, it was an astonishing few days.”

The Briefing Editor Sam Freney shares his reflections from the most recent Hillsong Conference in Sydney. (Image: The Briefing.)

Persecution in 1 Peter — Preaching Matters

Andrew SachAndrew Sach talks about the meaning of ‘fiery trials’ in 1 Peter in the latest Preach Matters video from St. Helen’s Bishopsgate in London.

Great for thinking about applying 1 Peter today.


Archbishop Peter JensenArchbishop Peter Jensen on GAFCON 2013 –

‘God is establishing new churches creating new believers and transforming lives. Our hope for the future is in him. Our aim is to move forward confidently, to plan and experience in fellowship a future for Anglicans in which his Word is honoured and our witness is clear. We are looking forward with great expectation to seeing God at work as we meet in Nairobi.’

– from the latest news release on GAFCON 2013, which is coming up in October.

Latest Church Record (May 2013) online

Australian Church RecordThe latest issue of The Australian Church Record is out – and includes discussion of the coming Archbishop’s Election Synod. From the ACR website.

‘Why Expository Preaching is a bad idea’

BibleAlbert Mohler, at a 9 Marks conference at Southern Seminary, traces the history of the loss of confidence in preaching the text of the Bible. Well worth listening.

(h/t Colin Adams.)

Opposing Euthanasia

Culture of death“Euthanasia is being pushed again in NSW. There’s a lot more that could be said, but here’s what I’m sending to my local MPs…”

–Sandy Grant writes at The Briefing.

This is after news that the Rights of the Terminally Ill Bill 2013 may be introduced into the Legislative Council of the NSW Parliament as a private members bill tomorrow – Thursday, 2 May 2013 – by the NSW Greens MLC, Cate Faehrmann.

(Image: Feggy Art on Flickr.)

The Stewardship of Words

Albert Mohler“Truth, life, and health are found in the right words. Lies, disaster, and death are found in the wrong words. …

Theological education is a deadly serious business. The stakes are so high. A theological seminary that serves faithfully will be a source of health and life for the church, but an unfaithful seminary will set loose a torrent of trouble, untruth, and unhealth upon Christ’s people…”

– In this excerpt from an address at the inauguration of a Seminary President, Albert Mohler speaks of the key task of theological education.

It’s also a good reminder to pray for Moore College, and for Mark Thompson as he becomes Principal later this month. His Installation is on Thursday 6th June.

The Once and Future Scriptures

The Once and Future Scriptures“Over the past decade or so some really very fine books on the nature and use of Scripture have been produced. My mind immediately runs to Tim Ward’s Words of Life: Scripture as the Living and Active Word of God (Nottingham: IVP, 2009), John Webster’s Holy Scripture: A Dogmatic Sketch (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004), and Graeme Goldsworthy’s Gospel-centred Hermeneutics (Nottingham: IVP, 2006).

Perhaps surprisingly, these have all been written by Anglicans (and other Anglicans could have been added to the list). Even more surprisingly, none of these have been referenced in the collection of essays recently produced by a group of Brisbane Anglicans entitled The Once and Future Scriptures: Exploring the Role of the Bible in the Contemporary Church (Salem: Polebridge, 2013). In fact, a lot of recent serious scholarship on the doctrine of Scripture and its place in the Christian life and the life of the churches is missing from the book…”

– Dr Mark Thompson’s review of a new book gives an insight into what some Australian Anglicans are being taught about the Bible.

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