Understanding the Parable of the Tenants

Dr Barry NewmanBarry Newman’s latest project has been to blog his way through the Parable of the Tenants.

You can now read his completed series here. (PDF)

Sydney Ordinations 2013

ordination-2013Thirty four candidates have been ordained to various ministries at a service at St. Andrew’s Cathedral. Russell Powell has the encouraging story at SydneyAnglicans.net.

Prizes and Consumables

Matthew VosCarl Trueman draws attention to a very thoughtful piece by Matthew Vos. Prizes and Consumables: The Super Bowl as a Theology of Women.

The American Super Bowl might not be big in Australia, and there are differences in our cultures, though perhaps the differences aren’t as great as we might think.

225 years on — will we be faithful?

Richard Johnson monumentTwo hundred and twenty five years ago, on Sunday February 3rd 1788, the Rev. Richard Johnson, Chaplain to the First Fleet and first Chaplain to the Colony of New South Wales, preached at the first Christian church service in Australia.

Craig Schwarze has some resources here – and there’s our own page on Richard Johnson here.

And it’s also worth taking the time to read Johnson’s Address to The Inhabitants of The Colonies Established in New South Wales and Norfolk Island (PDF file) published in 1792.


“This will be my daily prayer to God for you. I shall pray for your eternal salvation, for your present welfare, for the preservation, peace, and prosperity of this colony: and especially for the more abundant and manifest success of the Redeemer’s cause and kingdom, and for the effusion and out-pouring of his Holy Spirit, not only here, but in every part of the habitable globe.”

As the spiritual beneficiaries of men like Richard Johnson and John Newton (who recruited Johnson and who edited his ‘Address to the Inhabitants of the Colonies…’), the question remains: Will we remain faithful to the gospel of the Lord Jesus, and will we be as concerned as these men were for those without Christ?

Related: Lord hast thou not a time for these poor benighted souls? – John Newton’s diary entry as he considered the needs of those without Christ in far-off lands.

(Archbishop Peter Jensen will be preaching at a service to mark the anniversary – 10:15am at St. Philip’s York Street.)

God’s Smuggler

God’s SmugglerGod’s Smuggler is the free audiobook from Christian Audio for February 2013.

New Creation Ministry ‘completes its work’

Geoff BinghamNew Creation Teaching Ministry in South Australia – founded by Geoffrey Bingham (pictured) in 1974 – is closing down. Eternity Newspaper has the story.

(See also the New Creation newsletter.)

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