Two holes in our Theological leadership

“With the announcement of Dr John Woodhouse’s retirement, two of the most significant positions in Sydney Diocese will now need to be filled in 2013.

The new Archbishop of Sydney will have the responsibility to maintain the character of the Diocese, especially through his power to make appointments. Since Moore College provides the people appointed, the Principal steers an institution that creates the Diocese.

Both positions require theological acuity and a determination to ensure that Sydney’s long and strong evangelical heritage continues on into the future…”

– The Editorial from the just-released issue 1905 of The Australian Church Record, June, 2012. Read the editorial here. Download the current issue here.

Anglican and Catholic Dioceses of Bathurst to enter into Covenant

A report from Bathurst Diocese’s Anglican News

“Clergy from across the Anglican Diocese of Bathurst and their counterparts from the Roman Catholic Diocese of Bathurst will gather in Bathurst on Thursday May 24 to witness the signing of a covenant between the two denominational groups.  Read more

Bishop of Bathurst to retire in November

From the Diocese of Bathurst Anglican News, May 2012 –

“Bishop Richard Hurford has formally announced his intention to retire on November 10, when he will lay up the Diocesan Pastoral Staff in a service of Pastoral Leave-Taking in All Saints’ Cathedral, Bathurst, commencing at 10.30am.  Read more

Moore Matters — Winter 2012

The latest issue of Moore Matters (Winter 2012) is available from the Moore College website.

It’s a 4MB PDF file. Well worth downloading – and passing on to your friends. Grab your copy here.

2,200 Anglican women say ‘No Thanks!’ to having a woman bishop

“A petition signed by more than 2,200 Anglican women who oppose women bishops will be presented today to the House of Bishops at the start of their meeting in York…”

– Media statement from Reform.

Credo Magazine — May 2012

The latest issue of Credo Magazine is available online. Executive Editor Matthew Barrett writes:

“the title of this May’s issue of Credo Magazine is ‘Chosen by Grace’.

Timothy George starts us off by taking us into the mind of the colossal reformer Martin Luther, exploring how he understood the doctrine of predestination, particularly in light of his famous debate on the bondage of the will with Erasmus.

Then, Paul Helm navigates new territory, investigating the contours of Calvin’s first controversy on predestination with Bolsec.

Next, I look at three Pauline passages that support the unconditional nature of election, demonstrating that God’s choice is not made on the basis of anything within the sinner, including faith.

Bruce Ware follows with a piercing article on the relationship between election and suffering, showing that suffering is a means ordained by God to spread the gospel for the salvation of his elect.

And finally, Fred Zaspel concludes by introducing us to B. B. Warfield’s understanding of predestination and providence, and the relationship between the two.”

The 75 page issue is  20MB PDF download from this page.

Papers from the FCA leaders conference available

More papers from the FCA leaders conference in London have been uploaded to the GAFCON website.

See this page for the complete listing of resources from the GAFCON website.

The newly available papers are –

What is the Gospel? – from a seminar led by Drs Ngozi Okeke & Mark Thompson


A Summary of Anglican Ecclesiology – Ashley Null
16th Century Anglican Ecclesiology – Ashley Null
The Anglican Mind in Caroline and Tractarian Thought – Arthur Middleton

Faithful and Effective – Evangelism and Church Planting.

Bishop Coadjutor of New Hampshire elected

“The Rev. A. Robert (Rob) Hirschfeld was elected bishop coadjutor of the Episcopal Diocese of New Hampshire today at St. Paul’s Church, on the first ballot. In January 2013 he will succeed Bishop Gene Robinson as the Xth Bishop of New Hampshire. …

Rev. Hirschfeld is married to Polly Ingraham… and has two sons and a daughter.”

New Hampshire elects a bishop coadjutor. (Photo credit: Reynolds Winslow.)

Queen’s Birthday Convention 2012

Coming up at St. Andrew’s Cathedral on Monday June 11. Early bird before June 01.

Details here.

J I Packer interviewed by Carl Trueman

Carl Trueman recently interviewed Dr J I Packer. He writes, “the testimony to God’s grace in his own life, his reflections on the Puritans and on Lloyd-Jones and his advice to young ministers is invaluable”.

Wonderful interview – watch it here (16 minutes).

BCP’s 350th!

“I love my historical anniversaries. (Regular readers will know this, as do members of my church!) Anyway, 350 years ago today, on 19 May 1662, The Act of Uniformity received the royal assent in England. This enforced use of the Book of Common Prayer. … Today I want to share a little about the famous 1662 BCP, as it’s often called for short.”

– Sandy Grant gives thanks for the BCP – at The Briefing.

1662 and all that

A talk given by John Richardson

“1662 and all that: How the Prayer Book changed the Church of England, and how the Church of England Changed the Prayer Book

An address given in our Benefice to mark the 350th anniversary of the 1662 Book of Common Prayer

On March 21st 1556, Archbishop Thomas Cranmer was burned at the stake in Broad Street, Oxford. A metal X still marks the spot where you can, if you’re very careful, briefly pause in the middle of the traffic. The charges against him of treason and heresy both merited the death penalty…”

Read it all here.

‘A table of the Lord’

Dr Barry Newman has been blogging on the meaning of the expression in 1 Corinthians 10: 21 –

“Focussing on the phrase, ‘a table of the Lord’, the aim of this blog series is to present a case that suggests that this phrase has nothing to do with any practice associated with a sacrament…”

– Barry has now posted the full series as a single PDF file on this page. You can follow his arguments and see what you think.

How will Anglicans react if New Hampshire Episcopalians elect another Gay Bishop?

Time asks the question, and includes mention of FCA and quotes a response from Archbishop Peter Jensen –

“‘Having once made an appointment which defies both orthodox Christian teaching and the commitment of the majority of their fellow Anglicans, it would not be surprising that the Episcopal Church would continue its intransigent path,’ he wrote…”

Story at Time. (Photo credit: Forester Photography, Concord NH via Dioc NH.)

Nehemiah Found!

“Among the Dead Sea Scrolls, scholars found fragments (and, in some cases, fuller scrolls) of every biblical book except for Esther and Nehemiah. Until now…”

– George Athas at Moore College has news of an interesting find.

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