A reminder to pray for those in authority

“For our devotions before our meeting this morning we read 1 Timothy 2.

‘First of all then, I urge that supplications, prayers intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and for all who are in high positions, that we may lead a quiet and peaceful life, godly and dignified in every way.’

Does God answer such prayers?…”

– a report from East Timor at Mission Partners.

New Principal for George Whitfield College

“The directors of George Whitfield College, which trains leaders for ministry across Africa, have unanimously elected Rev Mark Dickson to succeed Dr David Seccombe as principal.

Dr Seccombe has been Principal of the South African theological college since 1993. He is also an Affiliate Professor of New Testament at North-West University at Potchefstroom. He was formerly rector of St Matthew’s Anglican Church, Shenton Park, in Perth.

Mark Dickson (pictured) is currently Vice-Principal of GWC and holds the C.S. Lewis Lectureship in Christian Thought.

He has been engaged in Phd studies and has special expertise in the area of science and Christianity, also holding a Bachelor of Science.

He previously served as the senior minister of St Matthews Church in Table View, (Cape Town) for 17 years. The appointment will take effect from 1 January 2013.”

– Report by Russell Powell at SydneyAnglicans.net. (Dr D B Knox was the founding Principal of George Whitfield College.)

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