
In their latest Chat Room video, Phillip Jensen chats with Kel Richards about idolatry. How might you fall into idolatry? Check out the video here.

Paul and Mission in a Pluralistic World

“Religious pluralism, which has become new to us in western culture in recent times, was not new in the broader historical background of the New Testament era. It was, in fact and in particular, a distinguishing mark of the Graeco-Roman culture of the world in which the heralds of Jesus went forth to proclaim him as the unique Lord and Christ…”

– Bishop Paul Barnett looks at the world in which Paul preached the gospel.

Reform urges C of E General Synod to avoid ‘brinkmanship’ on women bishops

Here’s a Media Statement from Reform:

“Do Synod members wish to see the ministry of those who are opposed to women bishops on theological grounds progressively removed from the Church of England, or can we, even at this late stage, encourage a more generous and inclusive approach?”

Reform chairman Rev’d Rod Thomas today called on fellow General Synod members to take a “generous approach” to those opposed to women bishops or risk seeing the legislation being voted down.

“When we come to vote on the Manchester Diocese Motion on Wednesday 8th, we will each have to choose. Do Synod members wish to see the ministry of those who are opposed to women bishops on theological grounds progressively removed from the Church of England, or can we, even at this late stage, encourage a more generous and inclusive approach?” he said.

“If the draft legislation comes back to General Synod for final approval next July unchanged, then we will have the unsavoury dilemma of either having to vote for a Measure which will lead to disunity and division, or of voting against it and thus prolonging the debate for another five years. Yet there is still an opportunity, through the amendments previously put forward by the Archbishops, to reach an agreed way forward.”

The Manchester Diocese Motion, which will be debated next Wednesday, recognises that the only body which now has legal authority to amend the draft legislation is the House of Bishops. The motion asks the House of Bishops to use their power to amend the draft legislation in line with the amendment put forward by the Archbishops of Canterbury and York in 2010. That amendment provided that where arrangements are made for another bishop to exercise oversight over parishes which cannot accept the ministry of women bishops, such bishops could do so by exercising ‘co-ordinate’ rather than ‘delegated’ jurisdiction.

— Ends. (Also posted here.)

Related: “Anglicans to march in support of women bishops” – BBC News.

New Atheism — Sound and fury, signifying nothing

“Over the next several posts I’m going to outline some of my thoughts about the relative strengths and weaknesses of New Atheism, and things I think people should keep in mind as they think about addressing its claims and its criticisms of God’s self-revelation in Jesus Christ. This series is aimed primarily at Christians who have some sort of public evangelistic or teaching role…”

– Over at The Briefing’s website, Mark Baddeley has begun what looks to be a very helpful series.

Stories you may have missed

Here are some recent stories / commentary from around the web you may have missed –

Bishop accused of incitement to hatred in homily

“A homily delivered at Knock shrine by the Bishop of Raphoe, Philip Boyce, is being investigated by the Director of Public Prosecutions following a formal complaint by a leading humanist who claims the sermon was an incitement to hatred…”

Bath Christian group’s ‘God can heal’ adverts banned

“A Christian group has been banned from claiming that God can heal illnesses on its website and in leaflets…”

Bishop takes up Catholic Church’s fight with White House over health insurance

“Roman Catholic Diocese of Syracuse… [Robert] Cunningham said the Syracuse Diocese would defy the federal government — refusing to comply with a mandate that all employers, including church-affiliated organizations, include coverage for birth control in their health insurance plans…”

The President, the Pill, and Religious Liberty in Peril – Albert Mohler

“In actuality, the Obama Administration trampled religious liberty under the feet of the leviathan state, forcing religious employers to do what conscience will not allow. Religious organizations such as schools, colleges, and hospitals will be required to pay for services that they believe to be immoral and disobedient to God…”

The Liberal Enforcers – Mark Steyn

“Modern “liberalism” is strikingly illiberal; the high priests of “tolerance” are increasingly intolerant of even the mildest dissent; and those who profess to “celebrate diversity” coerce ever more ruthlessly a narrow homogeneity. Thus, the Obama administration’s insistence that Catholic institutions must be compelled to provide free contraception, sterilization, and abortifacients…”

Qld Civil partnerships to start next month

“Deputy Premier Andrew Fraser announced yesterday the Governor had approved the state’s Civil Partnership Act to start from February 23. With a 10-day waiting period, the first ceremonies could take place on March 5.”

Ordination reflects “New Sydney”

“In one of the most diverse groups in many years, candidates from IT specialists to a concert pianist, have been ordained for ministry in the Diocese of Sydney. 36 candidates were presented at St Andrew’s Cathedral on Saturday, 4th February, to be ordained as deacons by the Archbishop of Sydney, Dr Peter Jensen…”


‘More new women priests than men for first time’ in C of E

“Official figures show that 290 women were ordained in 2010, the most recent year for which figures are available. By contrast, just 273 men entered the priesthood.

The watershed moment comes less than 20 years since the Church first allowed women to be priests…” – from The Telegraph.

The ‘must read’ Christian book of the year?

Mark Thompson gives notice of what he thinks will be the ‘must read’ Christian book of the year:

“Graeme’s convictions about the authority of Scripture, its dual authorship, its profound and textured unity, its Christological centre, and its vital relevance for all who want to know God and to live as his forgiven people are not only expressed but explained with all the care and skill of this master teacher.”

“All over the world Moore College is known for its approach to biblical theology. Biblical theology in this sense is attention to the unfolding unity of Scripture with its focus on the fulfilment of God’s promises in Jesus Christ. It has proven to be not only a productive way to see how the parts are related in an overarching whole, but also an aid to responsible application of individual narratives. Before jumping straight from the story of, say, David and Goliath, to our situation today, that story is located in the unfolding purposes of God. We see God’s anointed deliverer winning the battle against the enemies of his people while the beneficiaries enjoy the victory without achieving it themselves. Seen in this light, the story of David and Goliath anticipates the victory of Christ on the cross, a victory won for us rather than by us.  Read more

Trusting God by Jerry Bridges — free Audiobook

The free audiobook from Christian Audio for February 2012 is Jerry Bridges’ “Trusting God”.

Here’s the link.

Presbyterian Pulse

You don’t have to be Presbyterian to appreciate some of the articles in the latest issue of The Pulse, the bi-monthly magazine of The Presbyterian Church in NSW and the ACT. Includes a story and testimony about ‘same sex marriage’ on pages 8 & 9, and the latest on the Timothy Partnership on page 7.

Download the 7.7MB PDF file here.

Brian Rosner named as new Principal of Ridley

From Ridley College in Melbourne –

“The Board of Ridley Melbourne is delighted to announce the appointment of New Testament scholar and author, Dr Brian Rosner to the position of Principal. Dr Rosner will take up the role at the beginning of second semester, July 2012. …

Dr Rosner is currently Senior Lecturer in New Testament and Ethics and Faculty Research Coordinator at Moore Theological College.”

Read it all here.

Prayer reminder from North West Australia

Members of the Diocese of North West Australia seek prayer for “humility, faithfulness and wisdom” for the DNWA Election Synod later this month.

They will meet in Geraldton to elect a new Bishop on 10th-12th February.

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