Place Sensational Headline Here
“Lindsay Tanner’s book “Sideshow” argues how the media has undermined the capacity for proper policy debate in our society. The media’s recent presentation of our Archbishop’s statement on the redefinition of marriage is a classic illustration of the point.
The homosexual community has called society into a debate about the nature of marriage. Through the influence of the Greens, the members of parliament are to inquire of the electorate about changing the law to allow same sex marriage. The Labor party is going to debate its policy on this issue at its national conference.
It would seem right and proper therefore, for any person to present a view on this matter, especially leaders of community groups who have a particular interest or concern to express their views.
As one such community within society, Christians have every right to hold a particular interest in the nature of marriage. We have had a long-term interest in marriage – our ministers are registered by the Government as authorised celebrants and about a third of the community turn to the church for their weddings. Furthermore, rightly or wrongly, we believe that our view is for the good of society as a whole. …’
– Phillip Jensen, Dean of St. Andrew’s Cathedral, Sydney, writes at (Also at Related: Real Marriage, by Archbishop Peter Jensen.
Lessons to be learned from the Canadian Church experience
In June 2008, Dr J I Packer spoke at Holy Trinity, Eastbourne on “Lessons to be learned from the Canadian church experience” – and stated that the issues which prompted GAFCON are the most serious since the Reformation.
His talk is a very helpful reminder of why St. John’s Shaughnessy, and three other churches in Vancouver, have taken the costly stand they have.
Hear his talk (55 min / 9.5MB) and the question time (32 min / 5.6MB) on the Holy Trinity website.
As well as being a member of the team at St. John’s Shaughnessy, Dr Packer is an Honorary Canon of St. Andrew’s Cathedral in Sydney. (Photo: Ed Hird.)
Army Chaplain on Open House
Tim Booker, Army Chaplain and Rector of the parish of Guildford, was interviewed by Leigh Hatcher on Open House last weekend. Good to hear, to inform your prayers for the chaplains.
(h/t Defence Anglicans.)
Supreme Court of Canada dismisses appeal, congregations to be evicted
David Short, Rector of St. John’s Shaughnessy:
“the way we respond is a God-given opportunity to bear witness to Christ. As those who are disciples of Jesus Christ, this is not just about ‘what’ we do but also ‘how’ we do it. In some ways nothing will change with the decision on Thursday. We are still God’s family, and he has placed us in Vancouver to spread his glory.”
News release from the Anglican Network in Canada:
“The trustees of four Vancouver-area Anglican Network in Canada (ANiC) parishes are preparing to vacate their church buildings after the Supreme Court of Canada dismissed their case and awarded legal costs to the Anglican Church of Canada Diocese of New Westminster. The four churches are: St John’s (Shaughnessy), St Matthews (Abbotsford), Good Shepherd (Vancouver), and St Matthias & St Luke’s (Vancouver).
The parishes had appealed to the Supreme Court of Canada requesting the court to overturn the decision of the BC courts in awarding their church properties to the Diocese.
‘Obviously, this decision is extremely disappointing and should be of great concern to all Christian denominations. While these congregations have remained steadfast in their faith, and have not changed the traditional teaching of the Christian church, they have now been called to sacrifice all their assets, including their church properties, for the sake of their faith’, said Cheryl Chang, a former Trustee of St. John’s (Shaughnessy) and Special Counsel to the Anglican Network in Canada.‘Clearly, we were hoping for a better result when we sought help from the courts. However, we always said that given a choice, we would choose our faith over our properties, and we have been willing to make that sacrifice if called upon by the courts to do so.’
The Supreme Court of Canada gave no reasons for their decision.”
Before the decision was announced, David Short, Rector of St. John’s Shaughnessy (and Canon of St. Andrew’s Cathedral Sydney), released a pastoral letter to the congregation at St. John’s. The congregation at St. John’s is being called to prayer this afternoon, Sydney time.
I am writing to let you know that this Thursday we will receive the Supreme Court of Canada’s decision on our Leave to Appeal Application. We have been in this unprecedented process for nearly 10 years, and this is the next step toward clarity about our future. I thank God for you and for our unity together in the gospel, and ask you to pray that God would bring glory to his own name through the unfolding events.
If the Supreme Court of Canada does not grant us Leave to Appeal, we will meet at the Church at 7:30 PM Thursday evening to pray together. This will mark the end of the Legal process for us.
From a practical point of view, a number of parallel processes will then be initiated.
- We will have further discussions with the Diocese of New Westminster to secure an orderly transition.
- We will continue to develop our ‘Plan B’ options. Currently we are exploring and pursuing two different opportunities.
- We will begin preparing to move our ministries and with all the practical and physical tasks that requires. We have been working on this for a number of months and are prepared, but it will require some ‘extra hands’ to make the work light.
- We will continue to glorify God with all our hearts, to preach his gospel, to love one another and to pray, because nothing has changed concerning the mission or Lordship of Christ.
If we are granted Leave to Appeal, our Lawyers will begin working on the documents for the Trial. Currently the Supreme Court of Canada is scheduling hearings in the first quarter of 2012. It will then be another 6-8 months before we have a decision, likely late 2012 or early 2013.
Regardless of the decision on Thursday, the way we respond is a God-given opportunity to bear witness to Christ. As those who are disciples of Jesus Christ, this is not just about ‘what’ we do but also ‘how’ we do it. In some ways nothing will change with the decision on Thursday. We are still God’s family, and he has placed us in Vancouver to spread his glory. We are in an uncomfortable place and the words of Romans 12 encourage us to “rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.”
I thank God for sustaining and guiding us this far as a family, in partnership with our extended family of St. Matthews Abbotsford, the Church of the Good Shepherd, and St. Mathias & St. Luke. I do not know of many churches that have had the privilege of being so purposefully shaped and transformed by the Holy Spirit in such unusual circumstances; and I am constantly grateful to be a member of St. John’s, praying and expecting to see how God will use this for his own glory.
David Short
Rector St. John’s Vancouver
(from the St. John’s website – PDF.)
Related news note from The Globe and Mail. (Photo: Joy Gwaltney, GAFCON.)
New BCA videos
The Bush Church Aid Society has released a short promotional video. It runs for 3 minutes and can be seen here.
There’s also an interview with Mike & Chantalle Keith, with BCA at Lightning Ridge. Food for thanksgiving and prayer.
New Garage Hymnal album coming
Garage Hymnal’s forthcoming album, Unity, recorded live at St Stephen’s Newtown last month, is now available for pre-order. Details on the Garage Hymnal website.
(This week, Bob Kauflin introduced his US readers to the song We Belong to the Day.)
Peter Brain at Latimer Fellowship NZ
Bishop of Armidale, Peter Brain, will be speaking at the Latimer Fellowship NZ’s Retreat in August 2011.
Details and info on other events in NZ here.
(Photo: Russell Powell.)
New bishop for Ballarat
Garry Weatherill, currently Bishop of Willochra in South Australia, has been appointed the 10th Anglican Bishop of Ballarat.
Report from Anglican Media Melbourne.
Bishop rejects claim of hardline attitude
“Anglican Bishop of Canberra and Goulburn Stuart Robinson has emphatically rejected his diocese is becoming a clone of the hardline, evangelical Diocese of Sydney. …”
– Story from The Canberra Times.
Tasmanian Synod ‘No’ to Euthanasia
The Synod of the Diocese of Tasmania –
* affirms that all human life is made in the image of God and precious in his sight
* affirms that a just society will seek to protect the weak and vulnerable.
* affirms its opposition to voluntary euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide
* calls on the Premier and Prime Minister to oppose any initiative to legislate for voluntary euthanasia or physician-assisted suicide
* calls on State and Federal Governments to provide adequate funding for palliative care services across Tasmania
* calls on all Tasmanian Anglicans to raise these issues with their local members of Parliament
* requests the Bishop to make the substance of this resolution known to the relevant parties.
– from Bishop John Harrower. The Synod met in Launceston on 4 June 2011.
The Power of the Original: Beyond the King James Bible
“When Scripture is translated into any language, it has the power of incarnation. Often it proceeds to shape the language of its host culture. The danger is that we can then treat the Bible as though it were a product of our own history and culture and forget that its origin and world is distant. The KJV was English, but it was not quite my English. …”
– Archbishop Peter Jensen writes on the 400th anniversary of the King James Version of the Bible, on the ABC’s Religion & Ethics pages of its website.
Real Marriage — Dr Peter Jensen
Archbishop of Sydney, Dr Peter Jensen, has spoken about the pressures to redefine marriage, and how Christians should respond.
“Should the Marriage Act allow two people of the same sex to be married?
Over the years, I’ve said little about same?sex relationships. My opposition is known but I hope I put my views with respect. I have supported legislation to register relationships and to extend economic rights. I condemn violence against homosexual people. Like most Australians, I prefer to live and let live. Furthermore, I am all too aware how close to home this is for a number of us, either personally or through family members and I appreciate that this discussion can be painful.
Nonetheless, since change is being actively advocated we need to be clear that what is at stake is not simply an extension of marriage ‘rights’ but a change to the definition of marriage itself. …”
First published in the June 2011 Southern Cross magazine, the article, “Real Marriage”, is available here as a PDF file, and deserves wide distribution.
Queen’s Birthday Convention IV
The Queen’s Birthday Convention is on at St. Andrew’s Cathedral on Monday (June 13) – with Phillip Jensen and Greg Clarke speaking.
Watch the stirring video promo here.
Prayers for Defence Chaplains
Recent deaths and injuries among Australian military serving overseas are a reminder to pray for the defence chaplains and those to whom they minister.
Recent posts on the Defence Anglicans website include a poem reflecting the sadness of loss, by Army Chaplain Jim Cosgrove, and also a reflection on “Is it right for a Christian to serve in the military?” by Archdeacon Kevin Russell.
It’s official: Australia is unfair
“The debate about processing asylum seekers in Malaysia has distracted Australians from an even more concerning injustice brewing in our own backyard – the Federal Government’s proposed changes to the ‘character test’ in the Migration Act are politically expedient and fly in the face of measured, compassionate governance. …”
– Andrew Cameron, Chair of the Social Issues Executive of the Diocese of Sydney, has his say on The Drum today.