Whither Evangelicalism?

Phil Johnson“… I’d be inclined to say that the singular characteristic that stands out most among contemporary evangelicals is their distaste for drawing any clear lines between truth and error. They don’t like to handle doctrine in a polemical fashion. They especially don’t want to be thought “negative” when it comes to declaring their doctrinal convictions. …

D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones saw this trend coming and warned against it. In 1971, during a visit to Australia, he gave a series of lectures that were compiled and published as a booklet, ‘What Is an Evangelical?’ If you haven’t read it, you should. …”

Phil Johnson writes of evangelicalism in North America. Is Australia far behind?

Church would defy loss of exemptions

Presbyterian Church of Australia logoThe Presbyterian Church in Victoria will defy the law and take the consequences if Parliament removes religious exemptions to the Equal Opportunity Act, a spokesman said yesterday.

The Reverend David Palmer, head of the church’s ethics committee, warned a parliamentary inquiry into the exemptions that changes would create significant conflict between church and state. …

– from Thursday’s The Age. See also Jeremy Halcrow’s post at SydneyAnglicans.net.

The Narcissism Epidemic

The White Horse InnIn last weekend’s edition (August 2nd 2009) of the White Horse Inn, Michael Horton spoke with Dr. Jean Twenge, author of Generation Me, and co-author of The Narcissism Epidemic: Living in the Age of Entitlement.

It’s worth hearing – at the White Horse Inn website.

Tong: Defending my take on Schori

Robert TongMy last blog remarked on Presiding Bishop Schori’s breathtaking rejection of the gospel of salvation, “the great Western heresy – that we can be saved as individuals, that any of us alone can be in right relationship with God”.

The blog drew some debate about my use of Scripture but I take comfort from the report of Bishop David Bena’s sermon at an ordination where he attacked Schori by saying…

– Read Robert Tong’s post at SydneyAnglicans.net.

Societas 2009

Societas 2009The Moore College students’ magazine, Societas, is now available for 2009.

Details from Moore College.

The Wrighteousness of God

Professor Gerald Bray“Bishop Wright’s views on Paul, Israel and justification have been known for many years, and have often been debated in scholarly circles.

As this latest book makes clear, those views have not been widely accepted—indeed, they have been openly opposed by almost everyone engaged in the field, from the most conservative Evangelicals to the most ardent liberals. …”

– In his editorial to the June 2009 issue of Churchman, Gerald Bray gives a helpful summary of Bishop Tom Wright’s teaching, and the response of John Piper and others. It’s available from Church Society as a PDF download and is worth reading.

New Christian newspaper planned

EternityTwo well-known Christian media men, John Sandeman and David Maegraith, have teamed to produce a mass market monthly Christian newspaper — Eternity.

They say, “Eternity will produce news with a Christian worldview, drawing on the resources of Christians and churches around Australia. The paper is independent of denominations and is privately operated.”

The first issue is planned for October 2009 – see details at their website.

A House Divided?

Archbishop Rowan Williams“Rowan Williams’ proposal for a ‘two-track’ Anglican Communion is a theological disaster. Beyond this, it is almost certainly unworkable.

The reason for this is simple — both sides in this controversy see the question of homosexuality as both unavoidable and fundamental. Both sides see the question as far too important to remain unsettled. Neither side can accept the permanent disagreement of the other. …”

Albert Mohler writes at his blog.

See also, “Are we about to go to war?” by Peter Ould and some comments by John Richardson. (Photo: ACNS.)

God the Peacemaker: Graham Cole on the Atonement

Graham ColeGraham Cole’s most recent book is a biblical theology of the Atonement – God the Peacemaker: How Atonement Brings Shalom.

It gets a mention at Between Two Worlds – and there’s an interview with Graham.

What does inerrancy mean? Is it essential to Christian belief?

Don CarsonIn this video clip from The Gospel Coalition, Don Carson speaks about what Christians believe about the reliability of the Bible. (h/t Andy Naselli.)

What Men need in a church

men“Most of all men need another man. If a man builds a real friendship within your church body, good things happen. A man with a ‘brother’ will be a better man at home and at work. …”

David Moore reflects on what is helpful for men in church.

Insights from B.B. Warfield

Carl TruemanCarl Trueman is giving the annual Eliza Ferrie public lecture at the Presbyterian Theological Centre in Burwood on Wednesday 12th August. His topic? “The Essence of Christianity and the Cross of Christ: Insights from B.B. Warfield.”

Details of this and the Confess or Die Conference (7-8 August) at the PTC website.

More of the same from TEC

Jon BrunoAs reported by The Los Angeles Times, six candidates have been nominated for the upcoming election of two bishops suffragan in the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles. Of these, two are in same-sex relationships.

At Stand Firm, Greg Griffith wonders what happened to an online posting from one of the candidates. (Picture: Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles Bishop Jon Bruno.)

Cuts at Anglican Media

Mark HadleyAt SydneyAnglicans.net, Jeremy Halcrow reports on the changes at Anglican Media Sydney –

“Anglican Media has been forced to retrench Mr Hadley and two other senior staff, while three full-time positions will be made part-time, in the latest round of job cuts caused by the Diocese’s financial losses.”

– and Mark Hadley reflects on the personal implications of “seeking first the kingdom”.

Please continue to pray for all affected by the global financial crisis.

Do not rejoice in this

John PiperJohn Piper writes:

“On vacation I was meditating on Luke 10:17-20 where Jesus tells us not to be overly excited about our ability to do feats of triumph in defeating the devil. Rather he says, fix the root of your joy in this: Your names are written in heaven. Amazing.

Most of us are moved more by the fireworks of miracles than by the mere assurance of salvation. Something is amiss. So I lingered long enough here to put my heart right. And in the process wrote a poem…”

Read it at Desiring God.

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