Nothing but the blood of Jesus

Page CXVIThere are a number of bands seeking to make hymns known to a contemporary audience. Page CXVI, apparently in Boulder, Colorado, is one – check out their website and hear (or buy) their album – at

Death or life in Vancouver

Vancouver multifaith workshopThe Ecumenical and Multifaith Unit (EMU) of the Anglican Diocese of New Westminster, Canada is co-hosting a workshop “Challenges for the church in a post-religious culture”. Bishop Michael Ingham will be one of the panelists.

From the EMU website: “Currently the [EMU] committee is advocating the use of Prayers for Peace from other faith traditions (see Multifaith Prayers for Peace), both in regular services and in personal meditations, as an affirmation of our common spiritual goal for peace on earth.”

By contrast, hear this sermon by Canon (of St. Andrew’s Cathedral Sydney) David Short at St. John’s Shaughnessy in Vancouver, preached back in June –

“The point of the resurrection is that God has made Jesus LORD over everything.”

from the St. John’s website.

Please continue in prayer for all who labour in the teaching of God’s word, that they always may be faithful.

(Logo: Ecumenical and Multifaith Unit of the Diocese of New Westminster.)

“Inspiring People”: Connect09 initiative

Inspiring PeopleConnect09 Executive Director Andrew Nixon writes:

I want to tell you about some important events planned for September and October, as part of the strategy to reach the Central Business districts of our cities. These events will be unlike any we have ever staged.

1. They are designed to attract outsiders, even those who don’t know a Christian – hence we will advertise extensively in the CBD.
2. They will feature high profile Christians in prominent positions, who will tell their life stories, including their testimony, during panel discussions.
3. These discussions will be integrated with an offer to explore the Christian faith through the “Life of Jesus” course using “The Essential Jesus”.

Events will be held over five weeks, either before, during or after work in the CBD, North Sydney and Parramatta, starting Tuesday 15 September.

The”Inspiring People” website is now live.

41 Questions to ask a potential Church

Colin AdamsColin Adams at Unashamed Workman has posted questions he asked of the elders at his new church prior to him being called.

There are a lot of sensible questions there.

Australian Christian Books of the Year 2009

Preach or PerishSPCK Australia has announced its 2009 Australian Christian Literature Awards. Here’s the list –  Read more

Freedom, Biblical Baptism and Christ Centred Communion

Barry NewmanBarry Newman, well known to many in Sydney Diocese, and one of the ACL’s vice-presidents, has recently started his own blog. He begins by looking at the sacraments.

(h/t David Ould.)

UK Christian arts festival draws criticism

Gene Robinson“Traditional Anglicans have criticised the UK’s major Christian arts festival for inviting a gay American Bishop to speak. Among those addressing the Greenbelt festival this year is the Bishop of New Hampshire, Gene Robinson…

Changing Attitude, a leading pro-gay Church movement, will be laying out their ideas at the festival. Its director, the Rev Colin Coward, says he is happy to have a debate on homosexuality, but that it is not appropriate to invite the ‘Ex-Gay’ movement.”

Report from BBC News on a story which has been building for the last month or so. Another controversial speaker, Rob Bell, has been overlooked in much of the discussion. (Related.)

The Greenbelt Festival is held this weekend. (Photo: TEC.)

Do we have free will?

Andy NaselliAndy Naselli writes:

“This summer my church… hosted a “Difficult Issues Series” on Wednesday nights, and on June 10 I addressed this topic: “Do We Have a Free Will?”

MP3 (1 hour and 45 minutes including Q&A)
Handout (7-page PDF), Condensed Essay (4-page PDF).”

thoughtful resources from Andy Naselli’s theology blog. (Andy serves as research assistant to Don Carson at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School.) h/t Justin Taylor.

Friday August 28: Prayer day for Connect09

Peter JensenIn a letter to Rectors and Curates-in-Charge, Archbishop Peter Jensen has called for another day of prayer –

“Dear Friends,
We received very positive feed back after the prayer day which was held on Friday May 22, and this has prompted me to hold another. I am pleased to announce a special Day of Prayer will be held on Friday August 28 commencing at 10am in the Chapter House, St Andrew’s Cathedral, concluding at 2.30pm.
The first and most vital aspect of Connect09 is prayer. I invite you to be present on that day. You might like to encourage at least two people to represent your parish. Let’s make this a priority as we pray for our diocese in this year of great opportunity for the gospel.”

Here’s an outline of the day as planned –

1000-1030    Bible Study
1030-1100    Jesus All About Life (JAAL)
1100-1130    Inspiring People (CBD events)
1130-1200    Georges River Region
1200-1230    Northern Region
1230-1300    Western Region
1300-1330    Wollongong Region
1330-1400    South Sydney Region

Graham Wade 1931–2009

Graham reports that Graham Wade, pioneering Christian cartoonist, filmmaker and illustrator of the Jungle Doctor books, has died at the age of 78.

“Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on.” (Revelation 14:13).

See also these entries at Christian Cartoonists International and OzComics (which also tells of Graham’s involvement in the founding of Pilgrim International).

(Photo: Christian Cartoonists International.)

Davies and Spong agree

Bishop Glenn Davies“It is not often that I find myself in agreement with Bishop Jack Spong.

According to the Church of England Newspaper report of 21 August, the former Bishop of Newark has rejected Presiding Bishop Katharine Schori’s contention that nothing had changed as a result of the 76th General Convention’s votes on gay bishops and blessings…”

– Bishop of North Sydney, Glenn Davies, writes at

Mark Dever interviews Phillip Jensen

Mark DeverWhile in Sydney, Mark Dever conducted an interview for 9Marks with Phillip Jensen. Both Phillip and Mark speak about bringing change in a church.

Video of the interview, which runs for 16 minutes, is posted at

Preach on Alienation — to Reconcile

Chad Brand“Of course, there are great temptations not to preach on sin(!) Brian McLaren tells us that this is not the way to reach Gen-Xers. Robert Schuller told us this was not the way to reach Boomers. Harry Fosdick told us this was not the way to reach Moderns. I am sure we could find such sentiments all through history, and the reason is that we do not like to be told that we are sinners…”

Chad Brand. (h/t Unashamed Workman)

Study theology?

studyWant to be better equipped to live for Christ? Interested in studying theology? Here are some opportunities to investigate further –

The Presbyterian Theological Centre in Burwood has an Open Night this Wednesday 26th August from 7:00pm.

Sydney Missionary and Bible College has an Open Evening on Monday 7 September, 2009, 6:45pm for 7:00pm.

Moore College is holding an Open Day and Spring Carnival on Saturday, 26 September, 9:30am – 2:30pm in the College grounds. Families welcome.  (Photo: PTC.)

Ryle on Sin

Bishop J C Ryle“Men will never come to Jesus, and stay with Jesus, and live for Jesus, unless they really know why they are to come, and what is their need. Those whom the Spirit draws to Jesus are those whom the Spirit has convinced of sin.

Without a thorough conviction of sin, men may seem to come to Jesus and follow Him for a season, but they will soon fall away and return to the world.”

Bishop J.C. Ryle, Faithfulness and Holiness: The Witness of J.C. Ryle, p. 114, 115. (Thanks to Erik Kowalker at J.C. Ryle Quotes.)

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