Diocese of Huron Synod: Same-sex blessings and native spirituality

Bp Bruce Howe – HuronThe Synod of the Canadian Diocese of Huron “has overwhelmingly voted to grant permission to clergy ‘whose conscience permits, to bless… civil marriages between same-sex couples’.”

Additionally, in his Synod Charge, Bishop Bruce Howe spoke of his vision for the diocese – to “deepen our transition and reformation to be the Church of today and tomorrow”. He said, “As the Church embraces native or First Nations spirituality it strengthens all of us on our journey.” One wonders where the journey will lead.

Read the Bishop’s charge (pdf) at the Diocese of Huron website.

(Photo: Bishop Bruce Howe – Diocese of Huron.)

ANiC Conference video now online

David Short at the ANiC 2008 ConferenceThe Anglican Network in Canada’s ‘Compelled by Christ’s Love’ Conference in Vancouver last month featured addresses from David Short, Ken Moser, Archbishop Greg Venables, Dr Jim Packer and others.

Video of key sessions is now available at the ANiC website. (Photo: David Short speaks on 1 Corinthians 15.)

US Presiding Bishop wants it all

Katharine Jefferts SchoriAnglican bishops exercise universal jurisdiction over the geographical territories that lie within their dioceses, US Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori, has argued.

This proprietary ecclesial oversight covers all parts of the geographic territory of a diocese, Bishop Schori said, and extends to entities outside of the Episcopal Church …

– Report by George Conger on Religious Intelligence.
(Photo: Mary Cox / Episcopal Life Online.)

When human life isn’t just cheap, it’s on special offer

Daily Mail online“Let’s have no more of this footling about over abortion. The issue isn’t how old a baby has to be before you cannot kill it. It is whether you think it’s right to do away with another human to suit your convenience.

Those who wonder what they would have done if they had lived at the time of some terrible injustice now know the answer. We do live in such a time. And we do nothing. …”

UK Commentator Peter Hitchens speaks out in Mail Online. (Hat tip to Anglican Mainstream.)

Anglican Church of Canada sets stage for same sex marriage

Anglican Church of Canada“Anglican Church of Canada Council of General Synod – Highlights from May 24

Revision of the marriage canon

…the following resolution was adopted: the Council of General Synod –

from the Anglican Church of Canada’s Council of General Synod meeting in Mississauga, Ontario. Emphasis added.

C of E General Synod to debate evangelism

Church of England web logo‘A traditionalist Anglican has said he will continue with a campaign for the Church of England to work explicitly to convert Muslims to Christianity. …’ – BBC News.

See also “Church is not doing enough to convert UK Muslims, says bishop” from Mail Online.

The primate, women’s ordination and homosexuality

Archbishop Phillip AspinallIn a report on the consecration of Kay Goldsworthy in Perth, Ninemsn has this –

…the Australian Anglican primate, Archbishop Phillip Aspinall … said he believed the homosexual issue would need to be dealt with in “the same kind of way” as the ordination of women.

“It is a set of issues that will need to be dealt with in the same kind of way as the ordination of women questions has,” he said.

– From ninemsn. Emphasis added.

(Photo of Archbishop Phillip Aspinall: Diocese of Brisbane.)

‘Undiluted heresy’

Tim Challies reviews The Shack“This book includes undiluted heresy,” is how Al Mohler describes the novel The Shack by William P. Young.

The book has not really hit Australian shores in a big way – and perhaps it will not have a great influence here – but it may. It is a best-seller in the US and is available in some Australian Christian bookshops (but apparently not at others).

There are many glowing reviews of the book. On the cover, Eugene Peterson is quoted as claiming: “This book has the potential to do for our generation what John Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress did for his. It’s that good!”

Tim Challies comes to a very different conclusion. Download Challies’ review as an 830kb PDF file. Al Mohler spoke about the book on his US radio show last month (starting 11 minutes 20 seconds into the programme).

Anglican Church effectively outlawed in Zimbabwe

Province of Central AfricaReports are coming out of Zimbabwe that the Government has effectively shut down the Anglican Church there.

The move comes following an uprising in the Church against the former Bishop of Harare, Nolbert Kunonga, a close ally of President Robert Mugabe. …

– report from Religious Intelligence.

GAFCON explains their new logo

GAFCON new logoAhead of the Global Anglican Future Pilgrimage and Conference next month, the organisers have adopted a new logo – Read more

Denominations back Virginia Diocese

Truro ChurchA half-dozen national Protestant denominations are supporting the Episcopal Church in a multimillion-dollar Virginia property dispute, saying a state law at the heart of the case could threaten them, too. …

– See the full story from The Washington Post.
(Truro Church is the largest of the churches involved.)

Adrian Warnock interviews John Piper

John Piper speaks with Adrian WarnockIf you enjoyed watching Adrian Warnock’s interview with Don Carson at the New Word Alive conference in Wales, take the time to watch his interview with John Piper.

Among other things, Piper speaks on passion in preaching, humility – and whose sermons he listens to on his iPod.

The interview is presented in four parts (on YouTube) –

1.) John Piper on New Word Alive and Spring Harvest

2.) John Piper on Passionate Preaching

3.) John Piper and Prayer and Bible Study

4.) John Piper on the Preachers he listens to – and how he became a Pastor.

Each segment runs for 7 – 10 minutes. Worth watching.

Waiting for Christ’s return

Bishop J C Ryle“The true Scriptural source of consolation, in the face of all that troubles us, is to keep steadily before our eyes the second coming of Christ.

We must grasp and realise the blessed fact that the rightful King of the world is returning soon, and shall have His own again; that He shall put down that old usurper, the devil, and take away the curse from off the earth.

Let us cultivate the habit of daily looking forward to the resurrection of the dead, the gathering together of the saints, the restitution of all things, the banishment of sorrow and sin, and the re-establishment of a new kingdom, of which the rule shall be righteousness.”

– J.C. Ryle, “Looking Unto Jesus”. With thanks to First Importance.

Mike Ovey to deliver 2008 MTC Lectures

Mike OveyAnnual Moore College Lectures 2008
5 –14 August 2008

The Rev Dr Michael Ovey, Principal, Oak Hill College London, will be speaking on the topic of Repentance.

To learn more, see the Moore College website. PDF brochure here.

First Australian woman bishop consecrated

Kay GoldsworthyAustralia’s first woman bishop was consecrated in Perth tonight amid lingering controversy over her appointment.

Archdeacon Kay Goldsworthy, 51, became Bishop Kaye Goldsworthy at a ceremony conducted by the Australian Anglican primate, Archbishop Phillip Aspinall, in Perth’s St George’s Cathedral. …

– report from The West Australian. (Photo: Diocese of Perth.)

When the appointment was first announced, ACL President Dr. Mark Thompson released this statement.

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