Helpful Sermons

Faith by Hearing‘Faith by Hearing’ is a very useful index of online audio content from solid expository preachers. There is a great treasure of material compiled by Todd Shaffer in Montreal.

Currently featuring links to talks by Don Carson and many others.

See Faith by Hearing.

Australia Day Convention at the Cathedral

Australia Day Convention 2008On Monday January 28th, St. Andrew’s Cathedral in Sydney is host to the first Australia Day Convention.

The Dean, Phillip Jensen, is speaking on Mark chapters 1-8.

Details are available from

Lambeth 2008: Lift-off or fizzle?

John RichardsonWas Rowan Williams’s speech launching the 2008 Lambeth Conference written by him or by someone else? That is the question I am asking having just read it online. …

What does one make of this, for example?

“In spite of the painful controversies which have clouded the life of the Communion for the last few years, there remains, as many people have repeatedly said, a very strong loyalty to each other and a desire to stay together. The fact that about 70% of bishops worldwide have already formally registered for the Conference, with a number of others who have signalled that they will attend, shows something of this desire.” …

John Richardson, the “Vicar of Ugley” writes on last night’s media event to launch the upcoming Lambeth Conference 2008. See also the Anglican Communion website.

Service celebrates 2 beliefs – Hinduism & ?

St. John’s Episcopal Cathedral Los Angeles“Hindu nun Pravrajika Saradeshaprana, dressed in a saffron robe, blew into a conch shell three times, calling to worship Hindu and Episcopal religious leaders who joined Saturday to celebrate an Indian Rite Mass at St. John’s Cathedral near downtown [Los Angeles]. …

During the service, the Rt. Rev. J. Jon Bruno, bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles, issued a statement of apology to the Hindu religious community for centuries-old acts of religious discrimination by Christians, including attempts to convert them. …”

Story from The Los Angeles Times. (May require free registration).

Anglican clergy asked to declare allegiances

Bishop Cyrus Pittman“An Anglican diocese in Newfoundland will take the rare step Monday of requiring all of its clergy to declare their allegiances to the Church, or ‘do the honourable thing and resign’ if they support a breakaway movement that opposes same-sex unions. …

[Bishop] Cyrus Pitman issued the ad clerum in part as a response to the departure of his predecessor, Donald Harvey, who left the Anglican Church of Canada several years ago over the issue of blessing same-sex unions and is now affiliated with the more conservative Anglican Network in Canada. …”

Full story from The Canadian Press. See also this earlier story from The Western Star.

J I Packer – A History of the English Puritans

J I Packer – A History of the English PuritansReformed Theological Seminary in Jackson Mississippi is placing online a great deal of free sermon and lecture audio through iTunes U. Recently added are their recordings of J. I. Packer’s 1988 lectures on the English Puritans.

What did the much-maligned Puritans believe and what can we learn from them about ministry? These lectures provide a valuable insight into the Puritans and are well worth hearing.

To access the material, go to the RTS website (it has a link to download iTunes if you need it) and then select the ‘Click to Launch iTunes’ button. Once there, click on ‘Courses in Church History’. On the next screen, go to ‘History and Theology of the Puritans’ – and you will be able to download all 16 lectures and the syllabus.

New Bishop of Nevada blessed by interfaith leaders

photo: Richard Schori “Episcopal bishops, local interfaith leaders, native American ‘smudgers’ and drummers, choirs and church people from throughout the state gathered Saturday, January 5 to participate in the consecration of The Rev. Dan Thomas Edwards as the 10th bishop of Nevada. …”

Read the full report from the Episcopal Diocese of Nevada.

See also this report from The American Chronicle

“In a marvelous gesture, the new tenth Episcopal Bishop of Nevada, Right Reverend Dan Thomas Edwards, was blessed by a Catholic Bishop, Hindu chaplain, Muslim Imam, Jewish Rabbi, Bahai leader, Baptist minister, and a Native American faith leader …”

Website upgrade in progress

upgradeFriends, we are currently making some changes to the ACL website. Images and other details may be missing for a short while as we move things around. Thanks for your patience.

If you are looking for material on the old website, that is still available here.

Bishop Iker receives another letter threatening discipline

Bishop Jack Iker“Bishop Jack Leo Iker of Fort Worth informed The Living Church on Jan. 15 that he has received a second letter from Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori threatening him with new disciplinary action.

“Unlike her November letter, it did not imply a charge of ‘abandonment of the communion of this church’, but it said that I would be liable for charges of violation of my ordination vows if I continue ‘any encouragement of such a belief’ (i.e. that parishes and dioceses can leave The Episcopal Church),” Bishop Iker said.”

Full report from The Living Church.

See also this Message from Bishop Iker to all Clergy and Convention Delegates in his Diocese.

Bid to depose Duncan Bishop backfires

Bishop Robert Duncan“US Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori’s bid to depose Bishop Robert Duncan before the opening of the 2008 Lambeth Conference has misfired, leaving the Pittsburgh Bishop in office pending a trial at the autumn meeting of the House of Bishops.

On Jan 15, Bishop Schori wrote to the conservative leader saying that although a secret review panel on Dec 17 had found that he had ‘abandoned the communion’ of the Episcopal Church, after four weeks of deliberations the Church’s three senior bishops were not able to agree upon suspending him from office. …”

Report by George Conger on Religious Intelligence.

Your Kingdom Come

Archbishop Peter has made available, courtesy of the Church Missionary Society, the talk given by Archbishop Peter Jensen at the CMS Summer School at Katoomba on January 6th.

Peter spoke on 1 Corinthians 1:18-25.

Listen and pass on to your Christian friends.

Bishop Schofield of San Joaquin ‘inhibited’

Bishop John-David SchofieldIn a move which will surprise few, Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop Kathering Jefferts Schori has inhibited Bishop John-David Schofield –

“I hereby inhibit the said Bishop Schofield and order that from and after 5:00 p.m. PST, Friday, January 11, 2008, he cease from exercising the gifts of ordination in the ordained ministry of this Church…”

He has been given two months to ‘recant’. The inhibition will have little effect since Bishop Schofield and his Diocesan Convention have formally left the Episcopal Church and aligned with the Province of the Southern Cone, although the inhibition is seen as a precursor to legal action by Bishop Jefferts Schori.

Read a report from Episcopal Life.

See also this story – “Episcopal Church bans bishop for 2 mos. after he pushed secession” – from the San Jose Mercury.

Don Carson in Sydney this March

Don Carson flyerA reminder that Professor Don Carson will be speaking at Moore College in Sydney on Wednesday 26th March.

Details are available in this PDF file from the Moore College website.

Preliminary Report from Fort Worth on the Invitation to Join the Southern Cone

Bishop Jack Iker“Based on our review, we have concluded that the structure and polity of the Province of the Southern Cone would afford our diocese greater self-determination than we currently have under the General Convention of The Episcopal Church. This autonomy would be evident most specifically in the areas of property ownership, liturgy, holy orders, and missionary focus. …”

Read the full Preliminary Report from the Bishop of Fort Worth and his Standing Committee – on the Fort Worth website.

Church Society analysis of the C of E response to Draft Covenant

Church Society logo“The Church of England has issued its response to the Anglican Covenant first mooted by the Windsor Group and then put out by the Covenant Design Group. The General Synod unwisely gave the Archbishops authority to respond on their behalf and the fears of some in doing so have been realised. In effect the response completely re-writes the original CDG version.”

Read the Church Society’s analysis by David Phillips, Church Society General Secretary.

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