Free PDF: The Lord’s Supper in Human Hands – Epilogue

Posted on March 16, 2011 
Filed under Theology

The Australian Church Record and the Anglican Church League published ‘The Lord’s Supper in Human Hands – Epilogue’ just before last year’s meeting of Sydney Synod.

“Sydney’s discussion of lay and diaconal administration of the Lord’s Supper has occurred for some forty years. After a related legal question was referred to it, the Appellate Tribunal handed down its opinion in August 2010. This legal opinion needs to be set within its proper context, and the biblical-theological discussion about the issue needs to continue.

This booklet is an epilogue to The Lord’s Supper in Human Hands (2008), updating the discussion on the eve of Sydney Synod, October 2010.”

Chapters are:

The Minority Report – Peter Bolt

Diaconal Administration of the Lord’s Supper and The 2010 Opinion of the Appellate Tribunal – Glenn N. Davies

The Constitution, the Appellate Tribunal and other things – Robert Tong

The theological necessity of lay administration – Mark Thompson.

The ACR is making the Epilogue available as a free download. It’s a 2.4MB PDF file.

(Printed copies of the Epilogue and the original ‘Lord’s Supper in Human Hands’ from 2008 are still available from the ACR.)