UN Media Advisory

Posted on September 24, 2008 
Filed under News

Walk of Witness, Lambeth 2008From the Anglican Communion Office, London

“Date of Event: September 25, 2008
St John the Divine Cathedral, Amsterdam Avenue at 112th Street, New York USA

Anglican Act of Witness in support of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals

Senior Anglican Officials to be present in New York
Archbishop of York, John Sentamu to preach in Cathedral service
Presiding Bishop and Primate Katharine Jefferts Schori to officiate at the service

This act of witness follows on the successful show of witness in London in July during the Anglican Communion Lambeth Conference when some 700 marched in witness from Parliament to Lambeth Palace, home of the Archbishop of Canterbury…”

– Media release from the Anglican Communion Office. (But, for perspective, see this.) Photo: Tumilty/ACNS.